The play "The Royal Gift": reviews, actors, director

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The play "The Royal Gift": reviews, actors, director
The play "The Royal Gift": reviews, actors, director

Video: The play "The Royal Gift": reviews, actors, director

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The play "The Tsar's Gift", reviews of which will be presented in this article, is based on the play of a modern playwright. It is vital and tells the story of two lovers, which can happen to each of us. This happens all the time in our lives.

About the play

This is a play about love. About a man and a woman who, in their youth, loved each other and thought that nothing in the world could separate them. But fate decreed that they had to part. Twenty years later they meet again. She's throwing a party in his honor. How will this meeting end?

performance royalt reviews
performance royalt reviews

The play "The Tsar's Gift" was staged based on the play by Alena Vaimer. The actors who are involved in the production are known for their numerous roles in films and TV shows. This is Nikolai Dobrynin. We often see him on our TV screens. His most striking work is the role of Mityai in the series "Matchmakers". His partner is the equally famous Ekaterina Volkova. Their wonderful game will give the audience great pleasure and giveunforgettable experience.

The director of the play is Nina Chusova. She is famous for finding original and non-standard solutions. And the production of "The Royal Gift" was no exception. The performance turned out to be modern, wise, fascinating, sincere, funny and not vulgar.


The comedy "The Royal Gift" is a love story. The heroes of the play are adults, mature individuals who had to go through a lot in their lives. He and she had not seen each other for many years. It seemed to them that their feelings for each other had long since faded. But one fine day, she recalls that romantic acquaintance that happened in her life twenty years ago. And in honor of this memorable meeting, the woman decides to organize a gala dinner. She wants the man with whom she is going to celebrate a romantic acquaintance to be present at this celebration. What prompted her to do so? Or maybe feelings haven't died at all?

He appears at the party, but does not even suspect why and how he ended up there. This meeting can change the future lives of two people. It will be a real royal gift for them. But how will this venture end? The date will be the impetus for the development of their feelings, and will they be together or will they part forever? The denouement of the plot will not be clear until the very end. How this story will end, it will be clear only before the closing of the curtain. The production is filled with curiosities and unexpected plot twists.

Ekaterina Volkova
Ekaterina Volkova

The performance lasts an hour and a half. It is intended forviewers aged 16 and over.

For the actors, this production is difficult because there are only two of them and it is necessary in such a small number to be able to keep the attention of the audience for an hour and a half. It is necessary to work with full dedication, not a drop of fake. Any miss will be noticeable, since there is no one to hide behind. There are only two actors, and only they are riveted all the attention of the public.


Nina Chusova is a famous director in our country. She was born in Voronezh in 1972. In her hometown, she received an acting education at the Institute of Arts. After graduation, she worked as a theater artist in Samara. In 2001 she graduated from GITIS with a degree in director. A student of the famous Leonid Kheifets. In 2009, she opened her own theater. In 2012 she worked as a director in Samara. Then she became artistic director and chief director of the Moscow theater of fairy tales "Aquamarine".

nina chusova
nina chusova

The most famous performances staged by Nina Chusova in different cities:

  • "Catherine the Great".
  • "Viy".
  • "Pit".
  • "Little Tsakhes".
  • "Hedda Gabler".
  • "Mamapapasondog".
  • "A bad night's dream".
  • "Annie".

Nikolai Dobrynin

This acclaimed actor plays the male lead in the play. Nikolai Dobrynin was born in Taganrog in 1963. His mother was a trade worker, his father was a policeman. From the 6th grade, Nikolai began to work, first he made mailboxes, and then he was a loader. In his student years he served in the subway. He received his acting education at GITIS. Since 1985, he worked for K. Raikin in the Satyricon. After 4 years, he moved to the independent studio of A. Sigalova and the theater of R. Viktyuk.

performance royalt actors
performance royalt actors

In 2002 Nikolai Dobrynin was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of Russia". Movie and TV roles that made him famous all over the country are listed below:

  • Sasha ("Nina").
  • Private Stryapuhin ("Battle of local importance").
  • Leonid Utyosov ("Orlova and Aleksandrov").
  • Secretary of the City Committee Shulgin ("House with Lilies").
  • Boris Eder ("Margarita Nazarova").
  • Archimandrite Benjamin ("Scout").

Ekaterina Volkova

This is a well-known theater and film actress in our country. She is a native of the Siberian city of Tomsk. First, Ekaterina Volkova graduated from a music school in the class of choral conducting. Then she studied for three years at the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. The artist arrived in Moscow in 1997. In the capital, she entered GITIS, where she was immediately accepted into the third year, in the workshop of Mark Zakharov. Ekaterina played her first role in Moscow in the performance of her classmate Sergei Aldonin. She was entrusted with playing the main character in the production of The Master and Margarita. For Catherine, it was a dream role. Margarita E. Volkova played for the next ten years.

nikolai dobrynin roles
nikolai dobrynin roles

Ekaterina Volkova is known to a wide audience fortheir roles in the following films and series:

  • "Oriental novel".
  • "Collector".
  • Next.
  • "KGB in Tuxedo"
  • "The Captain's Children".
  • Clinch.
  • Retribution.
  • "A short course in a happy life."
  • Women in Love.
  • “Still alive.”
  • "fartsa".

Reviews about the play

The play "The Royal Gift", reviews from the audience receives a variety of. Most of them are positive. Among the advantages of the production are a wise plot, deep meaning and interesting directing. Most viewers do not find shortcomings in the performance. Director Nina Chusova is a fairly well-known person. She once again delighted the audience with her talented work. The play tells a love story that changed the lives of the main characters. This story is very instructive, and you can learn a lot of wisdom from it for yourself. The production, according to the audience, will not leave anyone indifferent. And laugh, and grieve, and think will make the play "The Royal Gift." Reviews about it make it possible to conclude that it should definitely be visited. This production is not to be missed.

comedy royalt
comedy royalt

Reviews about actors

About the work of the artists, the performance "The Royal Gift" deserved the most positive reviews. The audience writes that, despite the fact that there are only two actors, there is no impression that there are few characters on the stage. The artists are so talented that it’s not at all boring for an hour and a half to watch onlyfor two heroes. Ekaterina Volkova, according to the public, is charming and sweet. She is ideal in appearance and character for the embodiment of her heroine. Nikolai Dobrynin is talented and charismatic. He vividly reveals the image of his character. This acting tandem looks incredibly organic and works to rupture the aorta.
