Personal life and biography of Maxim Vitorgan

Personal life and biography of Maxim Vitorgan
Personal life and biography of Maxim Vitorgan

In February 2013, Russian show business was shocked by the news of the wedding of the popular scandalous show diva Ksenia Sobchak. Her chosen one was none other than Maxim Vitorgan. Photos, biography of each of the spouses graced the front pages of glossy magazines. But if we know a lot about Ksyusha, then this imposing man is somewhat lost in the spotlights of the glory of a socialite.

biography of Maxim Vitorgan
biography of Maxim Vitorgan

Childhood and adolescence

When Emmanuil Vitorgan, the actor known to us from the film "Magicians", and actress Alla B alter tied the knot by marriage, the stars ordered to give the couple an heir. It turned out to be a little boy who was born on September 10, 1972. It was then that the story began, which can be called "The Biography of Maxim Vitorgan." Brought up in an atmosphere of reverence for the theater, already at a young age the boy knew who he would be in the future.

At school, Maxim did not have enough stars from the sky and did not particularly please with success. However, what was the surprise of the relatives when, after entering the RATI-GITIS, the young man plunged headlong into his studies. The biography of Maxim Vitorgan is filled with kilometerspages read and hundreds of plays and performances watched. He attended all theatrical premieres and film screenings.

Theater like life and a bit of cinema

The stage of the Moscow Youth Theater was the first place of work of the eminent artist. The young man came there in 1993. In the same year he graduated from the institute. As part of the troupe, he participated in the following performances: based on the play by Nikolai Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", where he played Boris, as well as in "The Execution of the Decembrists" - his character was Nikolai I.

Maxim Vitorgan photo biography
Maxim Vitorgan photo biography

The film debut was the role of Gesha in the film "Prohindiada 2". It is worth noting that the biography of Maxim Vitorgan as a movie actor is not very eventful. There were small episodic roles that almost no one appreciated. At that time (the 90s of the 20th century), it was difficult for a person with good taste in the field of cinema, which was Maxim, to fall in love with the roles offered by the directors. Having stopped looking, Vitorgan missed the moment when successful projects began to appear on the screens: “Streets of Broken Lights” and the like.

In the last year of the second millennium, the artist moves to the Lenkom Theatre. Here he plays superbly in the performances of "The Wise Man" and "Cruel Intentions". Without looking up from work in Lenkom, Maxim simultaneously performs with Oleg Tabakov. The performance with his participation is called "Sex, Lies and Video". In 2001, the artist changes the troupe and is part of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Maxim Vitorgan biography
Maxim Vitorgan biography

The biography of Maxim Vitorgan is replenished with new acting jobs after the release of the films “Dayelections” and “Radio Day”. These two pictures were released by the Quartet I company, with which the artist has collaborated since the early 90s. After some time, two more tapes appear on the screens: “What men talk about” and “What else men talk about”. In the first part, Vitorgan got a small role of Romeo, in the second - a DJ.

"Masha Kolosova's Herbarium", "Doctor Zaitseva's Diary - 2", "Santa Claus always rings three times" - Maxim Vitorgan starred in each of these films. The actor's biography, although it included pages called "Film Industry", but the theater still remains in the main place. The artist himself admits this.

Private life

At the moment, Maxim Vitorgan has a third marriage. The first chosen one of a talented artist was actress Victoria Verberg, who played with him in the Youth Theater. The couple had a boy and a girl: Daniel and Polina. The second wife of Maxim was the beauty Natalya, far from the theatrical sphere. By profession a marketer. And his third wife was Ksenia Sobchak, a socialite and TV presenter.
