Successful artist, entrepreneur and his unusual biography. Valery Ryzhakov - the path to God

Successful artist, entrepreneur and his unusual biography. Valery Ryzhakov - the path to God
Successful artist, entrepreneur and his unusual biography. Valery Ryzhakov - the path to God

In December 1945, the future actor Valery Ryzhakov was born. His acting biography began at the age of 15. It was at this age that he starred in such films as "My friend, Kolka!" and "The Tale of Fiery Years". In them, he played episodic roles of schoolchildren, and his name was not even indicated in the credits. But in the film for children "Mishka, Seryoga and I" Valery got the main role of the cowardly excellent student Garik Varezin.

Acting biography: Valery Ryzhakov on the road to success

Valery after graduating from school enters the workshop of Vladimir Belokurov at VGIK and is released in 1967. Then for two years (1968-1970) he worked in the theater of the Soviet Army. Since 1970, the actor has been fully focused on working in the cinema: he becomes an actor in the Gorky film studio and works there until 1992.

biography Valery Ryzhakov
biography Valery Ryzhakov

All this time he has been actively filming: he has about 50 films with roles of a very different plan. Among his memorable roles can be called the image of Sergei Ryazantsev from the action-packed film "The Return of St. Northern Lights". In 1974, with the participation of Valery, the film “Yurkin Dawns” was released, after which his biography changed. Valery Ryzhakov becomes very popular and receives audience love.

Then, well-known and beloved films with his participation are still released. This includes "The Casket of Mary Medici", where Valery plays a police captain. Films "Capture", "Before Dawn", "Skydivers", "Order to Cross the Border", "Ahead of the Ocean" and so on. The actor also works a lot on scoring films. Basically, these are B altic paintings. So, for example, in "Long Road in the Dunes" Richard Lozberg, played by the famous actor Romualdas Ramanauskas, speaks in his voice.

Entrepreneurial biography: Valery Ryzhakov in publishing

In the mid-80s, changes followed in Russia. The whole country began to learn to live in a new way, this also applied to the actors. Valery and several of his colleagues create an actors' guild. They are involved in the drafting of charters, the conclusion of contracts. According to the memoirs of the actor himself, the time was difficult, but interesting. When there is an urgent need for money, he starts a completely new business for himself. An entrepreneurial biography will tell about the next stage of his life. Valery Ryzhakov and his friends are mastering publishing.

Valery Ryzhakov biography
Valery Ryzhakov biography

They publish pamphlets and books for the Orthodox reader. Moreover, they manage to resume the production of so-called penny books and brochures. Such publications were very popular in Russia even before the revolution, they wereuncut sheets with prayers and akathists. And their main advantage was accessibility for the poor part of the population. The publishing business was going so well that Valery Ryzhakov could be called one of the most successful Russian entrepreneurs. However, this does not last so long - the era of the 90s is coming. There is another political crisis in the country, followed by an economic crisis. Then all entrepreneurs received a blow, but someone remained afloat, and someone went to the bottom. Valery himself admits that he could have resisted then, but at that moment he met a man who turned his whole mind upside down.

Valery Ryzhakov. Biography: family prevented him from becoming a monk

Even as a child, his grandmother constantly took him to church - and not just to light a candle, but to take communion. Therefore, Valery always treated church life with great respect.

valery ryzhakov biography family
valery ryzhakov biography family

And one day he was brought to one of the monks so that he confessed Valery. The confession took an hour and a half, and after it he no longer saw himself in a simple worldly life. After that, he was twice offered to cut his hair as a monk, but both times something prevented him from taking this step. Then the work piled up incessantly, but, probably, fear for mother Elena Ivanovna kept most of all. He was very afraid that she would not understand him, and simply could not leave her alone. And when my mother was no longer there, an ancient temple was opened in Troitsky-Golenishchevo. Since then, all Valery's thoughts were only about working in it. He began to ask the rector of the church, Archpriest Sergius Pravdolyubov, to accept the brethren. The request was granted. Since then, Valery Ryzhakov has been a minister at the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, where he still works and lives in absolute harmony with himself.
