2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The name of the Russian poet and publicist Nekrasov is closely connected with the concept of civil folk lyrics. Nikolai Alekseevich, a nobleman by birth, lived in the interests of the most numerous class of contemporary Russia - the peasantry. The poet was disgusted by the hypocritical position of the landowners, who, despite their education and liberal sentiments, continued to be feudal lords, in fact, slave owners. That is why Nekrasov deliberately dedicated his lyre to the people, hoping that the burning poetic word would find a response and be able to change something. This idea is also heard in the work "Elegy". Nekrasov's verse still looks modern today.

How the poem "Elegy" appeared
The people and the motherland are the central theme of all Nekrasov's works. However, not all contemporaries sympathized with the mood of the poet. Making an analysis of the poem "Elegy" by Nekrasov, it is impossible not to mention that the lyrical work became an answer-refutation to those critics who reproached the poet for "writing out" intheme of the suffering of the people and is not able to say something new. The dedication that precedes the lines of the "Elegy" is addressed to the poet's friend A. Erakov, a deeply sympathetic and intelligent person. The work was presented to him on his name day and was accompanied by a letter in which the poet said that these were his “most sincere and beloved” poems.
The historical background against which Nekrasov worked
"Elegy", the analysis of which will be presented in the article, was written in 1874, thirteen years after the abolition of serfdom. The problem that worries Nekrasov's heart is expressed in the question: is the people freed from the fetters of serfdom happy? No, the expected prosperity did not happen, ordinary people are just as destitute and oppressed. Nekrasov was a supporter of the so-called "American" way of developing capitalism in Russia, in his opinion, the peasant will only live happily and freely when he runs his own household. The practice of exploitation was sharply and uncompromisingly condemned by the poet and citizen Nekrasov.

"Elegy". Analysis of the content of the poem
In the first part, the author refers to fashion trends that have no place for social sentiment, and laments that the time when poetry can sing beauty has not yet come. The muse should loudly appeal to the conscience of the “powerful ones of the world” while “the peoples languish in poverty” and dutifully endure their physical and moral slavery. Further, the poet claims that he himself “dedicated the lyre” to the people and expresses his credo: even if the result is not immediately visible, and efforts seem hopeless,nevertheless, "everyone go to battle!" In the second part of the poem, Nekrasov presents idyllic pictures of peasant life to the reader. "Elegy" (we will later supplement the analysis of the work with a study of the poetic techniques used by the author) very gently and at the same time sublimely conveys the poet's love and respect for the working people. In the third part, Nekrasov appeals to nature, personifying the universe, and contrasts her lively and passionate response with the impassive silence of the people, to which the passionate appeals of the poet are dedicated.

Artistic features of the poem
When Nekrasov proclaimed that a poet must be a citizen, he was blamed, they say, civic motives replaced poetry in his works. Is it so? An analysis of the verse "Elegy" by Nekrasov confirms that the poet was not at all alien to spectacular poetic devices. Written in iambic six-foot with pyrrhias, the poem immediately takes on an excitedly solemn intonation and recalls high examples of classicism. This is also evidenced by the words of high style: “heeds”, “virgins”, “rock”, “dragging”, “repeating”, “lyre”. Examining the poem, we are convinced of how skillfully Nekrasov uses the personification. "Elegy", the analysis of which, of course, is not limited to listing the means of expression, represents the fields and valleys attentively listening to the lyrical hero, and the forest - responding to him. The epithets are very expressive: “red day”, “sweet tears”, “naive passion”, “slow old man”, “excited by dreams”. The people under oppression are expressively compared with the "skinny herds" on"mowed meadows". Lira is metaphorically interpreted as a warrior serving for the benefit of people.

Nikolai Nekrasov, "Elegy". Genre form analysis
The genre of elegy originated in ancient times, the word is translated into Russian as "the mournful motif of the flute." This is a sad, thoughtful and even dull lyrics, the purpose of which is to describe and create in the listener sad thoughts about the transience of time, about separation from lovely people and places, about the vicissitudes of love. Why did Nekrasov choose this particular genre for his social in content poem? His love for the people was not rhetorical in nature, it was sharp, tragic and inescapable. The elegiac genre, prepared to express very personal feelings, emphasizes how carefully, intimately and painfully the poet's attitude to the people's lot. At the same time, Nekrasov, as it were, crosses out the tradition of dedicating lyrical creations to individual experiences and polemically proclaims another “fashion” - the lyre should reflect public interests as purely personal.
In closing
Perhaps, in the works of the poet, the lyrics were inferior to citizenship, and his poems do not enchant with the elusive breath of harmony. However, who will argue with the fact that Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is wise, eminently compassionate, and the future of his country is dear to him? It is for this that we are grateful to this great Russian poet.
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