Literature 2024, October

Alexander Blok, "About Valor, About Feats, About Glory". History and analysis of the poem

Alexander Blok, "About Valor, About Feats, About Glory". History and analysis of the poem

About the creative path of Blok, about his famous poem "About valor, about exploits, about glory" and about his poems about the motherland

Pratchett Terry. Discworld reading order - discussions and opinions

Pratchett Terry. Discworld reading order - discussions and opinions

In what order to read Terry Pratchett's books, can they be read in free order. How many books were written by the author when he started writing

Which writer has written the most books? Who wrote the most words?

Which writer has written the most books? Who wrote the most words?

Rating of writers by the number of books and works written. And also the most prolific author on Earth, who is not a writer in the usual sense

Interesting facts from the life of S altykov-Shchedrin. Brief biography and works

Interesting facts from the life of S altykov-Shchedrin. Brief biography and works

What was S altykov-Shchedrin like? What is the value of his literary works? What was unusual for that time in his life and work?

What is a prose work

What is a prose work

What is a prose work, what is its history. Types and examples of prose works, their classification

Who wrote The Master and Margarita? History of the novel "The Master and Margarita"

Who wrote The Master and Margarita? History of the novel "The Master and Margarita"

Who and when wrote the great novel "The Master and Margarita"? What is the history of the work, and what do eminent literary critics think about it?

Biography of Paul Verlaine, the great and unfortunate poet

Biography of Paul Verlaine, the great and unfortunate poet

Who was Verlaine for French poetry, what mark did he leave in it and why did he die in complete poverty at the peak of his fame

The kind of literature. From poetry to epic

The kind of literature. From poetry to epic

The works that make up the cultural baggage of mankind are very diverse in content, form of presentation, composition. Each author chooses his own means of expression and puts his unique individuality into the work. However, the whole variety of works of small and large genres is divided into only three literary genres - lyrics, drama and epic. Each type of literature unites a group of genres that are similar in structure

Alan Marshall: lessons in courage

Alan Marshall: lessons in courage

Alan Marshall is a third-generation Australian native. He fell ill in early childhood and spent his whole life without parting with crutches. He saw life as consisting of peaks and plains, and the writer's task was to show that peaks are achievable

Literature and cinema - an inextricable union of two types of art

Literature and cinema - an inextricable union of two types of art

Cinema and literature are art forms that are inextricably linked with each other. One of them originated in ancient times. The other is at the end of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, literature and cinema have a close relationship that does not weaken even in the age of computer technology. What is the strength of this union?

Dan Abnett, "Horus Rising" summary

Dan Abnett, "Horus Rising" summary

Description of the work of the cult author Dan Abnett "The Rise of Horus". A summary of the saga and an introduction to the world of Warhammer 40,000

Heroism in war: an essay on courage and self-sacrifice

Heroism in war: an essay on courage and self-sacrifice

War changes people's lives. Turns it inside out. Rebukes the vile, rewards the brave. At the same time, he ruthlessly cripple fates, destroy cities, families, separate loved ones, kill the innocent - he does not spare anyone! And opens up endless possibilities for the manifestation of true courage and heroism

The book "To yourself", Marcus Aurelius: content and reasoning

The book "To yourself", Marcus Aurelius: content and reasoning

Marc Aurelius and his philosophical writings. The results of the reign of the emperor, as well as the results of his life, biographical facts about Marcus Aurelius, the books "Reflections" and "To Himself", how the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius influenced his life, the golden period of the Roman Empire - about this in the article

N. A. Nekrasov "Blessed is the gentle poet." Analysis of the poem

N. A. Nekrasov "Blessed is the gentle poet." Analysis of the poem

Nekrasov ends his poem “Blessed is the Gentle Poet” with very beautiful and precise words about such poets. They talk about how as soon as a rebel poet dies, society immediately begins to understand how much this person has done and how much he loved, hating

Expressions about love: catch phrases, eternal phrases about love, sincere and warm words in prose and poetry, the most beautiful ways to say about love

Expressions about love: catch phrases, eternal phrases about love, sincere and warm words in prose and poetry, the most beautiful ways to say about love

Love expressions attract the attention of many people. They are loved by those who seek to find harmony in the soul, to become a truly happy person. A sense of self-sufficiency comes to people when they are fully able to express their emotions. Feeling satisfaction from life is possible only when there is a close person with whom you can share your joys and sorrows

Writer James White: creativity

Writer James White: creativity

James White is a Northern Irish writer who became famous for his cycle of novels and short stories about a space hospital. He is the founder of the genre of medical science fiction. Eurocon Literary Prize Winner (1972)

Aphorisms, sayings, quotes Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich

Aphorisms, sayings, quotes Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich

Many of our contemporaries remember such a bright politician as Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin. This man was the prime minister of our country in the very difficult 90s of the last century. However, today many people remember not so much the personality of Viktor Stepanovich himself as Chernomyrdin's quotes. It is the study of these quotes that this article is devoted to

Gertrude Stein: biography, quotes, books

Gertrude Stein: biography, quotes, books

The name of Gertrude Stein went down in history as an innovator and literary revolutionary. This woman carried the idea of freedom from social norms throughout her life, creating her own. Contemporaries openly slandered her and scolded her for her rebellious disposition. But today Gertrude Stein is a model of progressive thought and a pioneer of modernism. Who is she and what role did she play in the history of contemporary art?

Scott Fitzgerald: biography and creativity

Scott Fitzgerald: biography and creativity

How did Francis Scott Fitzgerald live and work? The writer's books have much in common with his biography, and the brilliant flourishing and tragic ending really make him look like the hero of one of the novels of the "Jazz Age"

How many people, so many opinions: who said, where did the expression come from and the history of the statement

How many people, so many opinions: who said, where did the expression come from and the history of the statement

This article is about Publius Terence, the man behind the popular phrase "How many people, so many opinions". You will learn his biography, difficult life path, as well as the details of his work

Isaac Asimov: Three Laws of Robotics

Isaac Asimov: Three Laws of Robotics

If someone follows the Laws of Robotics, he is either a robot or a very good person. What then is the difference between a robot and a human? “A huge difference. First of all, robots are deeply decent.”

"Mother's Love" - a work that turns the world around

"Mother's Love" - a work that turns the world around

You can talk endlessly about motherly love. But hardly anyone will ever describe this phenomenon more exhaustively than Anatoly Nekrasov. His work "Mother's Love" has many admirers and opponents. But leaves no one indifferent

Serapion brothers: history and photos

Serapion brothers: history and photos

Despite its short history, the Serapion Brothers group was of great importance for Russian literature of the 20th century. From her midst came a number of remarkable writers such as Mikhail Zoshchenko, Veniamin Kaverin, Lev Lunts, Vsevolod Ivanov, Mikhail Slonimsky

François Mauriac: biography, quotes, aphorisms, phrases

François Mauriac: biography, quotes, aphorisms, phrases

Francois Mauriac himself admitted that his work seemed to be glued to the past. The action of almost all the works is placed at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the modern world, it seemed, did not interest the writer at all. Nevertheless, François Mauriac is a Nobel Prize winner, a member of the French Academy and one of the most important writers of the last century

The story-tale "The Golden Pot", Hoffmann: summary, plot, characters

The story-tale "The Golden Pot", Hoffmann: summary, plot, characters

The story "The Golden Pot" is one of the pinnacles of German literature and a real encyclopedia of romanticism. In it, Hoffmann so closely intertwines the fictional world with the real one that the line between them is almost completely erased

Palahniuk Chuck: biography, works, quotes, reviews

Palahniuk Chuck: biography, works, quotes, reviews

Chuck Palahniuk is one of today's controversial writers. He became widely known for the 1999 film Fight Club, based on the novel of the same name. The journalists themselves were nicknamed "the king of the counterculture" for his frank, sometimes cruel and very naturalistic works

Literary and artistic style: characteristics, main style features, examples

Literary and artistic style: characteristics, main style features, examples

Very few people remember the school program by heart after many years after graduation from school. In literature lessons, we all listened to speech styles, but how many former schoolchildren can boast that they remember what it is? We recall together the literary and artistic style of speech and where it can be found

Which quotes from Genghis Khan speak the most about his personality

Which quotes from Genghis Khan speak the most about his personality

Genghis Khan was the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire at the dawn of the 13th century. He created an empire where there was nothing but scattered and eternally warring tribes. Let's try to look at him as a person who has achieved unprecedented success, which hardly anyone has had or will ever repeat. What qualities did he possess?

Top interesting fiction books about Peter the Great

Top interesting fiction books about Peter the Great

The reign of Peter 1 is full of events and reforms like no other in Russian history. Therefore, books about Peter 1 are especially interesting to study. It is doubly interesting if the book is not of an educational nature, but an artistic one, where you can plunge into the atmosphere of the beginning of the 18th century and go along with the heroes the difficult path of fateful events for the whole country. We offer you to get acquainted with some fascinating works dedicated to various fields of activity of an outstanding person

"Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail": where does the expression and its meaning come from

"Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail": where does the expression and its meaning come from

The expression "as you call a ship, so it will sail" belongs to the famous captain Vrungel, the hero of the popular Soviet animated series, which was filmed in the 1970s. It was a film adaptation of the famous children's story by A. Nekrasov about the adventures of this character

Works about the Great Patriotic War. Books about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Works about the Great Patriotic War. Books about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

War is the heaviest and most terrible word of all known to mankind. How good it is when a child does not know what an airstrike is, how a machine gun sounds, why people hide in bomb shelters. However, Soviet people have come across this terrible concept and know about it firsthand. And it is not surprising that many books, songs, poems and stories have been written about it. In this article we want to talk about what works about the Great Patriotic War the whole world is still reading

Modern love stories. The Best Modern Romance Novels

Modern love stories. The Best Modern Romance Novels

What is love? Nobody knows the answer to this question. But we keep asking it, looking for answers in books, reading romance novels. Every day there are more and more authors writing stories about this mysterious feeling. How to choose among a huge number of books the one that will touch the heart, captivate the plot and surprise with the ending?

Literary quiz for kids. Literary quiz with answers

Literary quiz for kids. Literary quiz with answers

Literary quiz is repeatedly used by teachers in secondary schools. This is a kind of control of acquired knowledge on the topics covered. It depends on the careful preparation of the teacher how exciting and high-quality the result will be

Japanese writers: Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Haruki Murakami and Murakami Ryu

Japanese writers: Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Haruki Murakami and Murakami Ryu

Now such Japanese writers as Haruki Murakami and Ryu Murakami are very popular, but the modern reader probably does not know that the history of the new Japanese prose in Russia did not begin with them. Its origins were the works of Akutagawa Ryunosuke

Chronometer is what kind of mechanism, or Accuracy is the courtesy of kings

Chronometer is what kind of mechanism, or Accuracy is the courtesy of kings

Every person lacks something. Money to one, attention and love to another, he alth to the third. But what everyone definitely lacks is time. That is why people have always dreamed of inventing a device with which they can accurately calculate time in order to manage it rationally. However, most early watches were very unreliable. But one day an ultra-precise device for measuring time was invented - a chronometer

What does the expression "prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter" mean?

What does the expression "prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter" mean?

What does the expression "prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter" mean, what is its meaning and how do people interpret it? All this is covered in this article

Melik-Pashayev Publishing House: books, sources, description and reviews

Melik-Pashayev Publishing House: books, sources, description and reviews

Why are preschoolers' favorite books from this publishing house? It's just that the Melik-Pashayev team is ready to invest as much work and time into each of their offspring as it takes to call it a work of art

What is a plot and what does it consist of

What is a plot and what does it consist of

You must have heard about the concept of "plot" more than once. This article will discuss what it consists of and on what principle it is built

What is romance and how does it happen?

What is romance and how does it happen?

This article will focus on such a literary genre as a novel. We will talk about what it is characterized by, and list its main directions

Mikhail Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Summary and plot

Mikhail Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Summary and plot

It is well known that in the first Russian psychological novel "A Hero of Our Time" the author deviates from the chronological order of events and rearranges them in accordance with his goals. Let's try to understand what this achieves