2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The philosopher on the throne is one of the nicknames given to Marcus Aurelius in scientific circles. He is also called the last of the Stoics, because his scientific work was created based on the beliefs of Stoicism. The Stoic school subsequently merged with the Neoplatonists.
One of the most famous works of philosophy was a collection of thoughts "Alone with myself" or "To myself" by Marcus Aurelius. Photos of the monument to the emperor, which still stands on the territory of Rome, are presented in our article. The ideas of this thinker are still popular today.

Who is Marcus Aurelius
This is a Roman emperor who, in addition to governing the state (he shared this function with his named brother Verus Lucius), was engaged in philosophy. The emperor at one time received an excellent education, successfully engaged in government activities, and in between campaigns he kept a diary, which he called "Reflections" without the intention of publication. However, the thoughts expressed in it are of great philosophical value and in many respectsinfluenced further philosophical theories.
He was greatly influenced by his adoptive father Antoninus Pius.
Reign of Marcus Aurelius
The reign of the emperor was accompanied by numerous wars and skirmishes. For example, in 162 an uprising broke out in Britain, which was successfully suppressed. In the same year, there were many fights with the Hutts.
Also, in 162, the war with the Parthians began, after which, in 166, Armenia became subject to Rome. After 166, a protracted, exhausting war began with the Marcomanni and the Quads. The Marcomannic War dragged on until 175, leading first to the seizure of Roman lands by Germanic tribes, and then to the reconquest of their own possessions by the Romans. At this time, the co-ruler of Marcus Aurelius Lucius Ver died. Mark made his son Commodus his co-ruler.

In December 176, one of the stages of the war was completed, the outcome of which Mark described as a relative victory.
And in 177 the barbarians went on the offensive again. However, this one was less successful for them. The Romans completely defeated the barbarians, and then went on the offensive behind the banks of the Danube.
The reign of Marcus Aurelius was accompanied not only by wars, but also by a plague epidemic that claimed many Roman lives, including the life of the emperor himself.
Childhood and youth of Marcus Aurelius
Mark was born on April 26, 121. His parents were Annius Ver and Domitia Lucilla. After the death of his father, Mark was adopted by his grandfather Annius Ver.
Mark got a good education at home,various scientists and philosophers de alt with it. From an early age, Mark participated in the public life of Rome, carrying out the instructions of Emperor Hadrian. And at the age of six he was able to receive the title of Roman horseman, two years later he joined the Salli college.
Since adolescence, Marcus Aurelius has been organizing feasts and orgies.

Emperor Adrian, seeing the success of his organizational and other activities, wanted to make him his heir. However, Mark's young age prevented this. Then Hadrian transferred power to Antoninus Pius with the condition that after his reign the title of emperor would be inherited by Mark.
Adult life and government
From the age of 18, Mark lived in the emperor's palace, and from the age of 19 he became a consul.
Mark's education was brilliant. He was excellent at oratory, and also had a deep knowledge of civil law and legal sciences. In his youth, he was engaged in rhetoric, and later philosophy became his interest.
In 145 Mark married Faustina, daughter of Antoninus Pius.
From the year 161, Mark became the official ruler of Rome, making his co-ruler first Lucius Verus, and then (after his death) his son Commodus.
Mark coped both with internal events and problems of the Roman Empire, and with external ones. A significant event during his reign was not only the Marcomannic War, which he waged until victory, not giving up under the onslaught of the barbarians, taking all measures to eliminate the enemy and seize his lands. Also an important event induring the reign of Mark there was a flood that happened during the flood of the Tiber.

As for his undertakings, then, of course, he founded the departments of philosophy in Athens. He also reformed gladiator fights, making them much less brutal, as his goal was to encourage people to be kind and merciful.
Mark, as is known from sources, was distinguished by a calm disposition, in almost any situation he kept his composure and ability to work.

At the same time, in addition to state activities, he wrote a lot and created philosophical works.
During the epidemic, the emperor contracted the plague, the last years of his reign he suffered from this disease. The plague caused him much suffering, but even when he fell ill, he remained true to his principles, conducting military campaigns and participating in campaigns. In 180 he died, leaving his son Commodus as heir.
Personality of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius, despite being brought up in an environment that promotes entertainment and the pursuit of pleasure, was distinguished by a strong spirit and a penchant for asceticism.
However, he was a big fan of Roman traditional rituals and festivals.
Contemporaries spoke of him as a very balanced person, persistent, but not callous, calm, but at the same time quite lively and moderately emotional.
The Emperor was distinguished by an iron will and a desire for unswerving adherence to his principles. His breadth of thinking largely determined the style of his government and the will to win.
What is Stoicism
Marcus Aurelius adhered to the views of Stoicism - a philosophical school, the main theses of which were:
- fidelity to one's principles and ideals;
- fulfillment of duty (and not only duty to others, but to oneself);
- resignation to one's fate;
- accepting the inevitable without resistance or resentment.
The Stoics believed that hedonism does not lead to anything good and promoted something close to asceticism, but without fanaticism. The pursuit of pleasure makes a person weak and subject to various affects, and his passions begin to control him. Freedom in the understanding of the Stoics is not permissiveness and the pursuit of pleasure. Freedom was perceived as awareness, including the awareness of one's duty to society, which created a person the way he is.
The sense of duty becomes the inner core of a person who receives the will to act regardless of the circumstances.
The Stoics did not pay attention to ethnic differences between people, believing that all people belong to one common human race. The Stoics declared themselves citizens of the whole world, in other words, cosmopolitans.
The Stoics put great emphasis on studying the laws of physics in order to know the reality of things and objects. And in order to know the reality of words and concepts, they focused on the study of logic.

Marcus Aurelius is considered one of the last Stoics. The book of Marcus Aurelius "To himself" (according to reviews) is considered a classic examplephilosophy of stoicism.
The Stoics during the reign of Aurelius were very popular with the citizens of Rome.
The book "Alone with myself"
Marcus Aurelius kept a diary during his lifetime. And after the death of the Roman emperor, his notes were found, which amounted to as many as 12 books, united by the common title "Alone with myself." Marcus Aurelius had no intention of publishing his books. It was a personal diary published by his descendants. The most famous work of Marcus Aurelius was also found, it was called "Meditations".
Mark's notes amaze with the idea of the frailty of all things, as well as the monotony and routine of every person's life. After all, he has been given so little time to do something really worthwhile. And everything that everyone does remains meaningless from the point of view of eternity.
Even posthumous fame has no real value in itself, because it is also short-lived. At first, the events are fresh in the memory, then they begin to become like a myth, then they become overgrown with conjectures and soon they are almost completely forgotten or so modified that nothing remains of the original memory.
This could all be called a pessimistic outlook on life, if it were not for the spiritual support of Aurelius - faith in a higher single whole, from which everything originates, everything ends with it. This single entity controls the world and gives meaning to everything that happens, creating and taking back any life.
Key messages
The content of Marcus Aurelius' "To himself" is veryinteresting even for the school of stoicism. Many ideas were new and fresh, contributing to the development of the philosophical thought of antiquity. The contents of the book of Marcus Aurelius "To himself" allows you to think about many things in your own life.
The main theses of this scientific work are as follows:
- Human life is very short and insignificant in terms of time.
- The body is perishable and prone to destruction.
- Fate is mysterious, and no one can read it in advance or predetermine.
- Feelings are vague and do not reflect true reality.
- Posthumous fame does not matter, so memory is short-lived and changeable.
- Don't give in to negative emotions and indulge in excessive annoyance, as everything in this world is short-lived.
- Don't blame anyone for your failures but yourself. And you shouldn't be yourself either.
- Many human problems exist only in his mind. And you can change your mood simply by changing the way you think. It is not the thing or phenomenon itself that brings grief, but the judgment about this thing or phenomenon.
- Nothing in this world is worthy of excessive surprise. Everything that happens does not happen by chance, but naturally.
- Everything in this world is created from a common source and tends to it.
- A sense of duty and justice are those feelings that should govern a person and his activities.
- With all your heart you need to love those people with whom you are destined to live this life.
- You should always look for virtue in those around you.
- You need to accept everything that happens to you, understanding that nothing happens by chance, and everything is fair.
All this allows you to look at life with humility. These beliefs also influenced the life of the ruler himself, giving him the wisdom and willpower necessary to govern the state. Marcus Aurelius' "Discourses about himself" was also distinguished by its boldness and originality.
The main purpose of man
It is the presence of a common single whole, from which everything appeared, that dictates to people the ways of life in this world and moral principles.
It is important for a person to understand what is happening to him. That's what the sciences are for.
It is also important to follow moral values, which are justice, mercy, courage and prudence. One should live and work for the good of society, fulfilling one's moral duty. A person owes not to others, but first of all to himself.

What is moral duty
Moral duty is one of the basic concepts of the philosophy of Aurelius. And it lies in the fact that a person is free to choose between good and evil.
"To Yourself" - Marcus Aurelius' reflections on his own moral duty, as well as on the moral duty of other people.
The main task of every person living on earth is to realize and weigh everything consciously, and not under the influence of external factors, to make their choice in favor of goodness and mercy. Reason (according to Aurelius) is the main tool to help you make the right choice.
Marcus Aurelius highlights the mindas an independent element of the human personality. Prior to this, representatives of the Stoic school noted only the spirit and the body.
Acceptance and Humility
Accepting life as it is, without trying to resent what is happening also, according to Aurelius, comes from the mind. Because it's logical. It is necessary to spend life in accordance with one's own nature, not comparing it with anyone else and not fantasizing about how it could be.
Nothing in this world happens against the nature of things. Both life and death must be taken for granted.
Emperor's Aspirations
Mark was, in a way, an idealist. During his reign, he sought to create an ideal state according to Plato. The state of philosophers and thinkers was his dream. Many scientists and philosophers, whose thoughts were shared by the emperor, became consuls during his reign and occupied various government posts.
Marcus Aurelius didn't just want citizens to obey their ruler. He wanted the consciousness of people in the state, their service to goodness and justice. The book of Marcus Aurelius "Alone with Myself" reflects his aspirations, which he tried to embody in the state subject to him.
Protector of the weak
During the epidemic, Mark did a lot for the sick.
Also, the ruler created many reforms related to providing for citizens who, for some reason, cannot take care of themselves.
The sick and crippled lived at the expense of the taxpayers, who were the able-bodied population of Rome.
In the book of Marcus Aurelius "Alone withyourself" also contains reflections on the theme of justice and duty to society.
Also during the reign of Mark, many orphanages were opened, as well as elementary educational institutions.
Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius: description

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