Pratchett Terry. Discworld reading order - discussions and opinions

Pratchett Terry. Discworld reading order - discussions and opinions
Pratchett Terry. Discworld reading order - discussions and opinions

Sir Terry Pratchett lived to be 66 years old. He left us on March 12 this year. Already at the age of thirteen his first story was published. During his life, the writer managed to write more than 70 books, of which forty novels make up his most popular cycle - "The Flat World".

pratchett terry reading order
pratchett terry reading order

Short biography

The writer's birthday is April 28th. He was born in 1948. In 1965, Terry left school with the consent of his parents and began working as a journalist. Through this work, he met Peter van Daren, a publisher. Pratchett told him about his first novel. And in 1971 his book "Carpet People" was published. Thus began Terry Pratchett's real career as a writer.

Probably Terry Pratchett was destined to become a writer. His parents are from the town of Hay-on-Wye, which is called the "city of books." This city is a dream for all book lovers, as many second-hand bookshops as there are, probably, hardly anywhere else to be found. And, as they say, the love of books was simply passed on to the writer by genes, he had no choice - he was doomed to write. Although at first Terry did not really like to read, but his parents, who loved books themselves, slippedto the child Graham's story "The Wind in the Willows", with which the boy's love for literature began. Terry's second love was astronomy. And, perhaps, he would have become an astronomer, but he did not study mathematics well at school, and this profession was not available to him.

terry pratchett reading order
terry pratchett reading order

In 2007, the writer was overcome by an illness - Alzheimer's disease. And the author was already preparing for voluntary euthanasia, but in March 2015, the disease got ahead of him. The writer worked almost until his last days. When he couldn't write, he spoke lyrics.

Beginning of Discworld

"Flat World" appeared in 1983. The first novel was The Color of Magic. In 1986 and 1987, the next two novels in the cycle were released: Mad Star and Spell Makers.

Since 1987, the writer quits his job and since then has been engaged only in writing. His books are gaining popularity and becoming bestsellers.

terry pratchett reading order 2014
terry pratchett reading order 2014

Terry Pratchett: Flat World - Book Reading Order

The cycle is quite voluminous and unusual. Until now, the writer's fans are arguing about how Pratchett Terry himself would like his books to be read. The reading order is constantly changing. The author's fans make graphs and tables. The easiest way is to read chronological books. That is, in the order in which the books were written by Terry Pratchett. The reading order in this case should not be controversial.

However, experts say that you need to read in a different order. The only point in which they agree with the adherents of chronology is inthat you should start with the Magic Color.

The catch is that, in addition to science fiction novels, the author also wrote stories and scientific novels, also included in the cycle. And some readers prefer to skip them, while others recommend them for mandatory reading. Yes, Pratchett Terry managed to puzzle his readers. The reading order of the first books is divided mainly into two variants. First: "The Color of Magic", then "Mad Star", then "Staff and Hat" and after "Interesting Times". The second option: the first book remains unchanged, followed by Mad Star, followed by the story The Bridge of the Trolls, followed by Interesting Times and the novel The Last Continent. Perhaps one of the most common questions from readers: "Terry Pratchett, what is the reading order?" 2014 was crowned with the last completed book by this writer, and now, by 2017, the Eksmo publishing house plans to release all of Pratchett's books. This is certainly a joy for fans of his work. This writer left behind a great legacy - a science fiction writer with an excellent sense of humor. Many people love him. There are probably no people in Russia who would not hear the name Pratchett Terry. The order of reading books is not so important if you like his works. They are all equally interesting. And every book deserves to be the first.

terry pratchett flat world reading order
terry pratchett flat world reading order

Where to start acquaintance with the writer

Another important dilemma is the question of which book to start getting acquainted with the work of the author, if the reader is not familiar with him yet. Opinions are divided in this case. For every loverThe writer's work has its own subjective point of view. Some suggest reading something outside of the series, such as The Unvarnished Cat, a humorous book written by Pratchett Terry. The reading order in this case does not matter. You can read non-series books in any order. Others advise starting with Discworld, but absolutely with any book, not necessarily the first. Indeed, despite the fact that the books were written in series, Terry Pratchett did not impose any reading order on anyone, and all novels are autonomous. And they can be read in any order.
