Literature 2024, October

Emma Donoghue: biography and career

Emma Donoghue: biography and career

Emma Donoghue is one of the most successful contemporary writers. The film "Room", based on her book, was especially brightly highlighted at the Oscars and brought the victory to the leading actress. But not only this work deserves attention

Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession

Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession

Perhaps everyone who has read Max Fry's books remembers the colorful character Juffin Halley. It seems that Mr. Honorable Chief knows and can do absolutely everything, and he also has answers to all questions in the world. Behind the simple demeanor of a pensioner and constant jokes, he hides true magical power. But about everything in order in the article

Nepomniachtchi Nikolay: short biography, books

Nepomniachtchi Nikolay: short biography, books

There are a lot of inexplicable and incomprehensible in our world, which makes people in whom the research spirit lives, look for explanations, justifications for this and just observe. Nepomniachtchi Nikolai is one of these people, but everything in order in this article

Melamory Blimm: character, appearance, abilities

Melamory Blimm: character, appearance, abilities

Melamory Blimm is one of the main characters in the Echo Labyrinths series written by the literary duo under the pseudonym Max Fry. An unusual character that evokes mixed emotions after meeting him. He has magical abilities, which he improves as he grows up and with the advent of new adventures. Let's take a closer look at the article

Alexander Ivanovich Kolpakidi: biography, books

Alexander Ivanovich Kolpakidi: biography, books

Today, many historians are trying to uncover what really happened in the USSR. After all, like any state, the Union had its own secrets, which are classified as “secret” today. Alexander Ivanovich Kolpakidi - political scientist, Russian historian of special services, and at the moment editor of a publishing house, has long been writing books, covering the last century from different angles

Igor Chuzhin: biography and creativity

Igor Chuzhin: biography and creativity

Modern literary world is very diverse. What topics are not written today! One of the most sought after is hitting. The authors send their characters to parallel worlds, the past, alternate realities, to other planets, even to previously written novels and popular films! One of these writers is Igor Chuzhin

Livadny Andrey: all books in order. Chronology, description and reviews

Livadny Andrey: all books in order. Chronology, description and reviews

Writing books is a very creative process. Many begin to write only because they feel the need for it, namely the need to express what is happening inside. That is why Andrey Livadny began to write. All books in order today amount to more than a hundred pieces (since 1998, when the first work of the author was published). In this article, we will look at the most popular series and books

Marik Lerner, writer: biography, creativity

Marik Lerner, writer: biography, creativity

Maric Lerner is a famous contemporary science fiction writer who has written about twenty books. Of these, several articles and stories for reflection, which were written and posted online on his own website. Basically, his works are written in a hit-and-miss style, when by the will of an unprecedented chance a person finds himself in another world and starts a new life there. There are also several options for the development of an alternative history of our world

Vladimir Korn: biography, books, creativity and reviews. Suicide Squad Book Vladimir Korn

Vladimir Korn: biography, books, creativity and reviews. Suicide Squad Book Vladimir Korn

In this article we will consider the work of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Korn. To date, more than a dozen works have already come out from under his pen, which have found their audience among readers. Vladimir Korn writes his books in a fantastic style. It pleases fans of his work with a variety of plot twists

Sharov Alexander Izrailevich, science fiction writer: biography, creativity

Sharov Alexander Izrailevich, science fiction writer: biography, creativity

Even now, in the age of computer technology, parents buy books for their kids, read fairy tales and poems to them. Nothing can replace colorful pictures and interesting stories. Some of them are remembered and make an indelible impression on the children's mind, some are simply forgotten. The first include works written by Alexander Sharov

Max Fry quotes. Books by Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin

Max Fry quotes. Books by Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin

Modern writers often create fictional worlds, but they are not always interesting. But the author Max Fry wrote his books so talentedly that reading them, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away. They have everything that attracts the reader so much - love, a good ending, reliable friendship, miracles, the right questions and the right answers

Paul Wade: biography, books

Paul Wade: biography, books

Paul Wade is the author of the famous training system, the foundations of which go back to ancient times. This is how our distant ancestors trained, when there were no specially equipped gyms with various types of equipment. Now many prisoners train in this way, who also do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, and often have only improvised equipment and their own weight. This is what will be discussed in the article

Alexander Korol: biography, creativity, best books, reviews

Alexander Korol: biography, creativity, best books, reviews

Alexander Korol is a young man who is called "indigo". During his short life, he has already written several books that have collected multiple reviews, both positive and negative. In them, he conveys his worldview and vision of various situations There is also a personal website with information that Alexander Korol (author) is trying to convey to people.The book (Alexander Korol wrote more than one) is written in the form of questions or thoughts, which allows the reader to speculate independently

Literary type: drama, epic, lyrics

Literary type: drama, epic, lyrics

A literary genre is a set of works of art, united by a common style of presentation, characteristic storylines. The type of literary work is lyric, epic or drama. The most famous examples of each of them are described in this article

Alexander Sviyash: bibliography, rating of books

Alexander Sviyash: bibliography, rating of books

For people who are looking for information on how to change their lives for the better, and are ready to act for this, our article. Alexander Sviyash is exactly the author who helps to walk the path of self-improvement. He has every right to recommend certain techniques, as he has tried them on himself, got the result and knows how it works

Anna Akhmatova: life and work. Akhmatova: the main themes of creativity

Anna Akhmatova: life and work. Akhmatova: the main themes of creativity

Anna Akhmatova, whose work and life we will present to you, is the literary pseudonym with which A. A. Gorenko signed her poems. This poetess was born in 1889, on June 11 (23), near Odessa

An epigram is a lyric poem-miniature

An epigram is a lyric poem-miniature

Epigram is a separate genre of lyrical miniature - a poem in which any person or social phenomenon is ridiculed. The term comes from the Greek epigramma, which literally means "inscription"

Epic poem: definition, genre features and examples

Epic poem: definition, genre features and examples

The epic poem is one of the most popular and oldest genres of world literature. This is a fictional narrative work in verse. Its key difference from an ordinary poem is that some major events in the life of a particular social group, a particular people or all of humanity are necessarily depicted. In this article we will talk about the features of this genre, as well as the most famous examples from world literature

Poetic image in poetry

Poetic image in poetry

Poetic art, like any other, consists of many components. Many people know only the external parameters of the work, "technical characteristics". But no less important is what is called the "poetic image." This is an element of poetry, no longer associated with the form, but with the content of the poem

"The Gulag Archipelago" - the immortal work of A. Solzhenitsyn

"The Gulag Archipelago" - the immortal work of A. Solzhenitsyn

Writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn was one of those who got acquainted with the harsh fifty-eighth article of the Criminal Code. It was he who decided to lift the veil over part of the Stalinist punitive system by writing the immortal "Gulag Archipelago"

Grigory Melikhov - characterization and tragedy of the hero. The image of Grigory Melikhov in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don"

Grigory Melikhov - characterization and tragedy of the hero. The image of Grigory Melikhov in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don"

Don flows calmly and majestically. The fate of Grigory Melikhov is just an episode for him. New people will come to its shores, a new life will come

Ustinova's books in chronological order: list, description, reviews and reviews

Ustinova's books in chronological order: list, description, reviews and reviews

Tatyana Ustinova is a famous Russian writer. Her detectives are widely known in the countries of the former USSR. A huge number of the writer's novels were filmed, the films were very fond of the general public. In this article, we will look at Ustinova's books in chronological order

Summary of Griboedov's "Woe from Wit". Plot, conflict, characters

Summary of Griboedov's "Woe from Wit". Plot, conflict, characters

In this article you will find a summary of Griboedov's work "Woe from Wit" and you can refresh its plot in memory

Summary of "Anna Karenina"

Summary of "Anna Karenina"

For those who have no time to read. In this article you will find a summary of Leo Tolstoy's brilliant novel "Anna Karenina"

Life and work of Tyutchev. Themes of Tyutchev's work

Life and work of Tyutchev. Themes of Tyutchev's work

Tyutchev is one of the outstanding poets of the nineteenth century. His poetry is the embodiment of patriotism and great sincere love for the Motherland. The life and work of Tyutchev is the national treasure of Russia, the pride of the Slavic land and an integral part of the history of the state

Space fantasy - stairway to heaven

Space fantasy - stairway to heaven

Fiction, more than any other genre of literature, is capable of awakening the reader's flight of thoughts, boundlessly expanding the boundaries of thinking, plunging us not only into the unpredictability of the future, but also into the inexplicability of the past. Space fantasy is the most magical section of this genre, conquering space and time, at the same time making you think about solving absolutely earthly, long overdue and most urgent problems

Writer Mikhail Uspensky: biography

Writer Mikhail Uspensky: biography

What topics does science fiction writer Mikhail Uspensky raise in his stories and novels? How can this author be interesting to the younger generation?

French romanticism: features and general characteristics

French romanticism: features and general characteristics

French Romanticism was one of the key trends in European literature of the 19th century. First of all, he was associated with the work of Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Theophile Gauthier, Francois de Chateaubriand. In this article we will give its general characteristics and talk about the features and main works of this direction

Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova: biography, character characteristics and interesting facts

Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova: biography, character characteristics and interesting facts

Everyone who read "The Idiot" knows who Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova is. This is the heroine around whom the main plot knots are tied. Nastasya Filippovna's monologue can be considered the culmination of Dostoevsky's novel. In the words that she addresses either to herself or to Prince Myshkin, one can see incredible despair, disbelief in the happy outcome of her own life. What is the tragedy of Nastasya Filippovna? Does this character have prototypes?

What is a short story and how is it different from other genres?

What is a short story and how is it different from other genres?

So what is the story today? This is a relatively small form of epic work. Most often, the events and characters of the story are grouped around one episode, one event or character

Fable is a storehouse of wisdom

Fable is a storehouse of wisdom

A fable is a storehouse not only in terms of language work, but also in the education of morality in a child, the ability to deeply comprehend the material read, the ability to make generalizations and conclusions, as well as the ability to transfer the content of a fable into reality

Writer Evgeny Petrov: biography, family, creativity

Writer Evgeny Petrov: biography, family, creativity

It is customary to talk about the writers Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov together - they, having worked side by side for many years, seem to be a single entity, someone considered them to be one unit. Nevertheless, each of them individually represents the most interesting material for study. What, for example, was the writer Yevgeny Petrov?

The best modern novels. Modern Russian novels

The best modern novels. Modern Russian novels

For an inexperienced reader, modern novels are a unique opportunity to plunge headlong into the whirlpool of intense events of modern life through literary works of this genre. Due to the fact that this genre of modern prose tries to fully satisfy the needs of all readers, its diversity is impressive

Yaroslav Gashek: biography and photos

Yaroslav Gashek: biography and photos

Yaroslav Gashek wrote more than 1500 works, but his most famous creation was "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik". In this perhaps the most hilarious novel of the century, the author managed to touch upon the most important problems of the century

Comparative characteristics of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. Similarities and differences between the heroes of L. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

Comparative characteristics of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. Similarities and differences between the heroes of L. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky stand before us as the best representatives of the 19th century. Their love for the Motherland is active. In them, Lev Nikolayevich embodied his attitude to life: you need to live fully, naturally and simply, then it will work out honestly. You can and should make mistakes, drop everything and start again. But peace is spiritual death

All answers to the question about the name of the brave boy from Gaidar's work

All answers to the question about the name of the brave boy from Gaidar's work

In vain Arkady Petrovich Gaidar is considered exclusively a children's writer. Yes, his works are intended to be read at a young age, but it is equally important for parents to know them in order to understand the soul of a child and help him become noble, courageous and honest, which is vital for becoming a man

An event in time and space is what storytelling is

An event in time and space is what storytelling is

People don't even notice that during a conversation, depending on the purpose of their statement, they narrate, describe or argue, although most will not be able to define, for example, what a narration is. Each of these types of speech has characteristic features, which are especially necessary to know when writing texts and books

Valery Popov: biography of the writer

Valery Popov: biography of the writer

Outstanding Russian writer Valery Popov from his first works entered the main echelon of the creators of the Soviet Union. His books are distinguished by a combination of the grotesque and realistic detailing of the narrative. The writer is based on his life experience, and elements of autobiography are present in all his works

Litota. Examples will explain: reduction or simplification?

Litota. Examples will explain: reduction or simplification?

Litota is a trope. That is allegory in one form or another. If any thought needs to be conveyed to the interlocutor or reader not in its only meaning, but with an additional shade of meaning, and sometimes not with one, the trope is used

Oblomov's childhood: at the origins of apathy and inertia

Oblomov's childhood: at the origins of apathy and inertia

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" gave rise to many meanings, allusions and reminiscences. Through Oblomov's childhood, the author managed to show the misfortune and attack of a whole generation of apathetic, inert people who cannot get along in a dynamically developing world