Marik Lerner, writer: biography, creativity

Marik Lerner, writer: biography, creativity
Marik Lerner, writer: biography, creativity

Maric Lerner is a famous contemporary science fiction writer who has written about twenty books. Of these, several articles and stories for reflection, which were written and posted online on his own website. Basically, his works describe situations when, by the will of an unprecedented event, a person finds himself in another world and starts a new life there. There are also several options for the alternative development of the history of our world.

Writer's biography

Like many aspiring writers today, especially those who write online, Lerner doesn't talk much about his personal life. All that is known about him is that he was born in 1966 in the former USSR. At one time he served in the army.

After the collapse of the great power, Lerner moved to permanent residence in Israel, where he lives to this day. It is there that he writes his books, and in Russian, focusing on the Russian-speaking reader. Next, we will look at the mostfamous and popular of his works.

Maric Lerner: “The Road of No Return”

Marik Lerner wrote a fantastic cycle "Road of no return", which was published in 2011 by the Alfa-kniga publishing house. It is considered a rather interesting series that came out from the pen of the author. Consider which books are included in it.

  • “The road of no return.”
  • “Road to a new life.”
  • “Road to Earth.”

The first book of the trilogy tells how humanity came into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. However, they did not want to capture the planet at all, but began to trade with its inhabitants. Of course, at the same time, they demonstrated to the earthlings the supernatural abilities of their body and other abilities.

However, there was another aspect, thanks to which the aliens took root on the planet. They could cure absolutely everyone and absolutely from any disease. But there was a price for the service. People who could pay were given a price list, but the poor were treated on special terms. They were offered to conclude a contract from three to ten years and go to work in the unknown. Upon their return, the contractors did not remember anything, but at the same time they returned with a lot of money.

Here on an unknown planet near the protagonist and miracles begin to happen. After another sortie, he acquires unprecedented abilities, then for some time he learns to master them. Also finds his woman and has many adventures.

In the second part of the series, the adventures of the protagonist continue. He's trying to make his new placeresidence - the Clan, as well as to accept its laws and live by them. The clan, and with it the main character, settle down in a new territory, fight against invaders and defend their place under the new sun.

The third and final part of the cycle is the return to Earth and the various misunderstandings and adventures that go with it. And, of course, the discovery of some secrets that lift the veil from everything that happens. In general, I would like to note that, according to the reviews of most readers, the cycle is very interesting and dynamic.

marik lerner road of no return
marik lerner road of no return

A Different Country book series

This series of books in printed form was released in 2009. It deals with an alternative history in which Israel appeared in the 20s of the last century. Consider the books included in the series.

  • “Other Country (Part 1)”
  • “Another Country (Part 2)”
  • “Other Country (Part 3)”

For those who like to read about military operations, as well as about alternative developments in our history, the books will be very interesting. They tell, as it was written above, about Israel, about its development. In principle, the whole work is built around the achievements of this country. The book contains a lot of historical facts that differ from the real ones.

Also, the work is replete with philosophical reflections. The characters talk a lot among themselves, mostly about politics, about opportunities. A very interesting final dialogue, which talks about the multiplicity of worlds that are formed after the next turn of history (human decisionsturn in one direction or another, a key moment).

The Youth of a Warrior book series

An interesting series about a world where there is magic, there are different castes. The protagonist of the cycle is the boy Blore, who, growing up, becomes a warrior. Consider the works included in the series.

  • “The Youth of a Warrior”. The book was written in 2014.
  • “The Land of the Warrior”. This book was also written in 2014.
  • “The Future of the Warrior”. The year this book was written is 2015.
  • “To give life”. The work was written in 2016.

The first part of the cycle tells about the formation and adventures of the protagonist. On his way, he adheres to the code of the warrior, in the first place he has honor and courage. Blore acts in every situation, guided by his life principles.

The following books included in the cycle are written in the same spirit. Blore grows up, becomes a great commander, and after that - the ruler of the country. Overcoming various difficulties, he never changes his principles of a noble warrior, which he really is.

Marik Lerner
Marik Lerner

Series of books “Muslim Russia”

An unusual development of the history of modern Russia. The author refers to the moment of the adoption of Christianity in Russia, and describes an alternative scenario, when Prince Vladimir chose a different religion for his people - Islam. Consider which books are included in the series.

  • “Muslim Russia”. The book was written in 2011.
  • “Muslim Russia. East". Workwas released in 2012.

This series tells about the modern world, but with a return to the historical facts of the past, so that the reader can understand what differences the author awarded to the real story. The main character is a war correspondent, and the time of the action is the events of World War II.

Against this background, the story goes on. Fighting, incredible discoveries, philosophical reflections, love - all this can be found in these two books. The denouement of the story is rather unexpected, but perhaps the author did not want to end it at all?

marik lerner target unknown 3
marik lerner target unknown 3

Book “Target Unknown”

Another series of "hit" literature. The first book that Marik Lerner wrote in it is “Target Unknown”. Spoiled by we alth, yesterday's schoolboy suddenly finds himself out of nowhere, in absolutely incredible conditions. Village, strange relatives, new life…

Already in the first chapter, Marik Lerner reveals his cards. The peasant son, in which the main character was embodied, actually turned out to be the famous Lomonosov. By coincidence, young Mikhail is forced to leave his native village and go on a long journey to Moscow, where he begins a new life.

In the big city, the main character finds a use for himself. Enters the medical department, meets with local science luminaries and begins his own path. At the end of the story, the author hints that the main character is going to get involved in politics. Whether this is true or not, you can find out in the next book.

When Marik Lerner wrote “Goalunknown”, he originally planned a sequel to the novel. Therefore, the rest of the story is logically connected with the first part.

marik lerner target unknown
marik lerner target unknown

Book “Target unknown. Gate of learning”

The second book in this series was named by Marik Lerner "The Gates of Scholarship". Here the main character is already quite firmly on his feet, rotates in high society, communicates with the aristocracy. Of course, he did not forget about medical developments, and not only. Remembering his past life, about everything that he managed to read, Mikhail applies the acquired knowledge in the present.

Interesting author - Marik Lerner. The Gates of Scholarship is a fantasy novel that takes the reader into the past, tells about Tsarist Russia.

Mikhail in this story married Alexandra Menshikova, but she died during childbirth. As a result of all the vicissitudes of fate, the main character goes to war.

marik lerner gate of learning
marik lerner gate of learning

Book “Target unknown. Build the future”

The third book written in this series by Marik Lerner is Building the Future. It is almost entirely devoted to military events in the country, as well as some innovations in army life. The reforms that Michael proposes are sometimes incomprehensible to the people and rulers of that time, but in the end they bring undoubted benefits.

There are a lot of political subtleties in the book written by Marik Lerner (“Target Unknown-3”), which show that the author actually has a good command of this topic. Reading the work is very interesting.

marik lerner build the future
marik lerner build the future

Book “Target unknown. Winners are judged by descendants”

The last book in this series. This is the result of everything that Mikhail has been working on all these years. The country has changed a lot, new lands have joined, its very internal structure has become different. Knowledge of the future made it possible to conduct politics in such a way that in the future it was the Russian Empire that would win. The hero never returned.

The ending tells about Mikhail's life. About the difficulties he overcame. Many descendants who had access to his records were surprised at the notes and some documents left by Michael. Having lived life in the new world, he was able to survive in it, as well as rise to unprecedented heights and help his descendants.

marik lerner peasant son
marik lerner peasant son

Other works by this author

Of course, Marik Lerner also wrote such works that were not included in any cycle, but are independent novels. These include the following books:

  • “Non-standard version” (written in 2009).
  • “Not a progressor at all” (year of writing - 2013).
  • “Chechen” (the book was written in 2010).
  • “Separatists” (novel published in 2014).
  • “Long Distance Run” (published in 2012).


Thus, Marik Lerner is a rather promising writer who has his own vision (sometimes very unexpected) on history and some world events. His works are quite optimistic, almostalways end on a major note, but to appreciate them, you should first read!
