Summary of "Anna Karenina"

Summary of "Anna Karenina"
Summary of "Anna Karenina"

If you are reading this article, then you are interested in the work that Tolstoy wrote - "Anna Karenina". A summary of this novel can be found below. In our busy times, people often do not have enough rest, not to mention reading books, but this time requires us to be comprehensively developed. Since many people don't have time to read long novels, they can read them in short form. In this article we present to your attention a summary of "Anna Karenina". This novel was written by Leo Tolstoy in 1878.

summary of anna karenina
summary of anna karenina

"Anna Karenina" is a book, the summary of which is difficult to convey. But we will try to make it as clear and accessible to the reader as possible.

The Oblonsky house in Moscow is in turmoil - everyone is waiting for the arrival of the owner's sister, Anna Karenina. On the eve of this very owner, Stepan Arkadyevich Oblonsky, was caught by his wife in treason with a governess. He feels sorry for his wife Dolly, but realizes that he no longer loves her, despite the fact that she bore him seven children, of which only five survived. On this day, Stepan is having lunch with his old friend Konstantin Levin, who came to hishouse in order to propose to Oblonsky's sister-in-law, Kitty. But he informs him that he has a rival in the person of Alexei Vronsky. Kitty does not know whom to give preference to - Levin, with whom she is easy and free, or Vronsky, with whom she is passionate, but does not yet know that he is not going to marry her. But still she refuses Levin. Vronsky, on the other hand, meets Anna Karenina at the station and is seriously interested in her. At the ball, Kitty is waiting for him to explain himself to her, but he is completely absorbed in the conversation with Anna. Kitty is in despair. Anna returns to Petersburg, and Vronsky follows her.

tolstoy anna karenina summary
tolstoy anna karenina summary

Summary of "Anna Karenina" is difficult to convey in one article. The whole storyline of the novel is easier to follow, of course, by reading the book in the original.

Levin returns home. A young man is worried about the rejection of his beloved. Anna is disappointed in her everyday life. The company of her husband, who is much older than her and for whom she always had only respect, began to weigh on her. She begins to see only flaws in him. Even her love for Seryozha, their 8-year-old son, does not save her. Vronsky is in love with Anna and seeks her favor in every possible way. Aleksey Karenin, Anna's husband, notices the attraction of his wife and Vronsky to each other, which turns from easy flirting into something more, and sees how negatively high society reacts to this. He expresses his displeasure to his wife, but nothing can hold her back. A year after their first meeting, Vronsky and Anna become lovers. Young manpersuades Anna to leave her husband and link her fate with him. But Anna cannot decide to leave her husband, despite the fact that she is expecting a child from Vronsky. Karenin sets Anna a condition that if she leaves, she will not see her son, and therefore she must maintain the appearance of a happy family life. Anna strives for Vronsky and even the conditions of her husband cannot stop the woman.

anna karenina book summary
anna karenina book summary

During childbirth, Anna almost dies and in a fever asks for forgiveness from her husband. She rejects Vronsky. He, humiliated, tries to shoot himself, but he is saved. Some time after the birth, despite Karenin's reverent attitude towards his daughter, he still annoys Anna. A month after her recovery, Vronsky retires, and she leaves with him and her daughter abroad.

In Moscow, Levin meets with Kitty and realizes that she is in love with him. He proposes to her, they get married.

Anna and Vronsky are in Italy, but they are not doing as well as at first. They get bored. Upon her return, Anna clearly feels that society has rejected her. The same thing happens with Vronsky. They begin to live in the village, on Vronsky's estate, waiting for a decision on a divorce. But there is no agreement between them. Anna feels that she loves Vronsky more and more, therefore she is jealous of everything that he is fond of, even of any activity. Vronsky, on the contrary, is weary of her. In desperation, Anna throws herself under a train and dies. Vronsky is tormented by remorse. He goes to war, leaving his daughter Karenina behind. Levin and Kitty have a son.

Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina

Now,when you know the summary of "Anna Karenina", you may want to read this novel in its entirety or watch one of its adaptations. They make a lasting impression. A summary of "Anna Karenina" will help you understand some aspects of the plot.
