Oblomov's childhood: at the origins of apathy and inertia

Oblomov's childhood: at the origins of apathy and inertia
Oblomov's childhood: at the origins of apathy and inertia

"Oblomov" is one of three extensive novels by Goncharov, written by him with a gap of 10 years. It was first printed in 1859. This is a time of active search for a modern hero, a person who knows how to get along in a new world.

The protagonist of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. His childhood passed in the family estate, he was always surrounded by the care of his mother and nannies. Now the adult Ilya Ilyich is a resident of St. Petersburg. It is in the apartment of the protagonist that the action of the novel begins. The situation in his house immediately declares his inertia. Goncharov creates a special type of character. Moreover, this type is not single, but generalizing, characteristic of the era of that time. The question the author asks is whether such a hero can take root in a new environment or is he doomed?

Childhood Oblomov
Childhood Oblomov

In order to see the origins and root causes of laziness, one should look at Oblomov's childhood. From an early age, little Ilyusha got used to the fact that cooks and servants do everything in the house. He was under the strictest surveillance. His every step was tracked: God forbid he gets hurt, gets cold, hits, etc. Life in the village of Oblomovka flowed serenely, slowly andcalmly. There was no place for stormy activity and fussiness. Oblomov's childhood passed in an earthly paradise, at least this is how he sees his family estate in a dream. Oblomov's dream is the key to unraveling the novel. Goncharov sees Oblomov's problem in his upbringing. Laziness was instilled in him from infancy. By the way, the author himself also had similar character traits. That is why contemporaries sometimes drew the parallel "Goncharov-Oblomov". Childhood (Oblomov and Goncharov spent it in family estates) was similar, love for "home neighborliness", a kind of idleness, lack of entrepreneurial spirit, apathy, unwillingness to change something in life - this is what the author has in common with his hero.

Goncharov Oblomov childhood Oblomov
Goncharov Oblomov childhood Oblomov

In contrast to Ilya Ilyich, his friend Andrey Stolz is shown. He is alive, energetic, mobile. The German name is associated with punctuality and pragmatism. For Goncharov, names were very important. After all, the name of the protagonist is symbolic. Ilya Ilyich - a reference to the national (Ilya Muromets), in the continuity of generations (he bears the same name as his father), "Oblo" - a circle. It is Andrei who introduces Oblomov to Olga, his failed love. Ilya Ilyich does not pass the test of love. He finds peace in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna. They have a son, Andryusha. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Stolz and Olga took him to be raised. researchers see in this the author's hope for the emergence of an ideal hero who combines Oblomov's soulfulness and Stolz's pragmatism.

Oblomov childhood
Oblomov childhood

Contemporaries welcomed the novel wellGoncharova. Childhood Oblomov, Oblomovka became key symbols. And laziness, apathy and inertia began to be called by the common name "Oblomovism". This is the subject of an article by one of the most significant critics of that time, Dobrolyubov. True, the author could not see anything positive in the hero. The revolutionary-minded Dobrolyubov evaluated the hero only from the standpoint of his social guidelines. Despite this, Ilya Ilyich is a pure, spiritually free, sensual nature. Oblomov's childhood proves his closeness to the people and to everything Russian.
