Literature 2024, October

How the theme of responsibility is covered in the novel "The Master and Margarita"

How the theme of responsibility is covered in the novel "The Master and Margarita"

Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is one of the most popular and favorite works of Russians. It touches on many issues. Let's consider one of them

Isaac Asimov, "Steel Caves": description, summary and reviews

Isaac Asimov, "Steel Caves": description, summary and reviews

The novel "Steel Caves" is a cult work of a talented author that will not leave anyone indifferent

George Martin: biography and description of "Game of Thrones"

George Martin: biography and description of "Game of Thrones"

George Martin: a detailed biography of the famous writer. Little-known facts, features of creativity. Description of George's journey from student to world celebrity

Jon Snow: reality and assumptions

Jon Snow: reality and assumptions

The world created by writer George R. R. Martin is distinguished by a considerable number of characters from whose face the events in Westeros are told. One of the narrators was a young man named Jon Snow

Artistic images are the result of reflection of objects of reality

Artistic images are the result of reflection of objects of reality

Literary images are not only a reflection of reality, but also its generalization. The author not only shows how he sees the real reality, he creates his own, new fictional world. With the help of images, the artist depicts his personal idea of real life, the perception of regular events

"Tamara and I go as a couple" - a teaser from Agnia Barto's poems

"Tamara and I go as a couple" - a teaser from Agnia Barto's poems

“Tamara and I go as a couple” - this is how they say about inseparable friends (and even friends) who are always together under any circumstances. Sometimes this phrase is pronounced with a fair amount of malice (something like "Sherochka with Masherochka")

Famous writers. Galaxy of geniuses

Famous writers. Galaxy of geniuses

It is impossible to deny the fact that the nature of the approaching or imminent changes in the life of human civilization was the first to be felt by those who were ahead of their time - famous writers

"The Tale of Bygone Years". The oldest written source of Russia

"The Tale of Bygone Years". The oldest written source of Russia

"The Tale of Bygone Years". She delights and pleases with her patriotism, her sincere love for the motherland and grief because of her troubles. It is full of stories about bright victories and the courage of the people, about their hard work and customs

Gumilyov's biography - the story of the great path of a scientist in the dark

Gumilyov's biography - the story of the great path of a scientist in the dark

Lev Gumilyov, whose biography is an example for all people. This is the struggle of a scientist with the injustice of power. A person who aspired to engage only in science was forced to depend on the denunciations of the gray masses. He survived, went through all the hardships and became a great scientist, and his works - a great cultural and intellectual heritage of Russia

The most popular novels worth reading. List, rating, genre, authors, plot and main characters

The most popular novels worth reading. List, rating, genre, authors, plot and main characters

The list of the most popular novels will always tell you which book to read at the moment. In this article, we will talk about works of various genres that have been loved and popular by many generations of literature fans for many years. There are a large number of various ratings and lists of the best books of all times and peoples, we will try to dwell on the works that fall into most of them

Georges Simenon: biography and work of the writer

Georges Simenon: biography and work of the writer

Georges Simenon is a famous writer who became famous for his works in the detective genre. The writer worked a lot under various pseudonyms

Masters of detectives. Weiner Brothers

Masters of detectives. Weiner Brothers

The Weiner brothers made a significant contribution to Russian literature in the 80s and 90s. XX century. It is characteristic that the plots of the masters of detectives have constantly evolved throughout their lives. So, in the latest novels, the reader is faced with the corruption of power, the war of compromising evidence, the financial crisis

Vladimir Krupin. Biography, creativity of the writer

Vladimir Krupin. Biography, creativity of the writer

Vladimir Krupin is a representative of the so-called rural prose. He is known, first of all, thanks to the collection of stories "Grains" and such works as "Living Water", "Forgive me, goodbye …", "Love me as I love you." There were different periods in his creative path. Among them is the time of complete oblivion. Today, the books of the Russian writer are published regularly. In addition, it was Vladimir Krupin who became the first laureate of the Patriarchal Literary Prize. Biography and work of the Russian prose writer - the topic of the article

Zvyagintsev Alexander Grigorievich: bibliography

Zvyagintsev Alexander Grigorievich: bibliography

This is a person about whom there is practically no information on the network. It is understandable, Zvyagintsev Alexander devoted his whole life to work in the organs. He certainly understands how important it is to protect his personal life

Vladimir Pershanin: biography, creativity, author's books

Vladimir Pershanin: biography, creativity, author's books

Vladimir Pershanin is the author of a huge number of books that have become favorites for a large number of readers, but very little is known about his life. The author himself does not like to talk about himself. The general public knows only the key moments of his life

Grigory Dashevsky: cause of death, family. What did the poet Grigory Dashevsky suffer from?

Grigory Dashevsky: cause of death, family. What did the poet Grigory Dashevsky suffer from?

A unique author, talented translator and literary critic Grigory Dashevsky. The story of his life and the tragic end

Graham Joyce: biography, books, photos

Graham Joyce: biography, books, photos

Biography of Graham Joyce, the main achievements of his work and well-deserved awards. Description of the most famous novels "The Tooth Fairy", "The Truth of Life", "Smoking Poppy"

Epigraphs about love from great works

Epigraphs about love from great works

The epigraph engages the reader, introduces him to the spirit of the work, helps to understand its atmosphere. Quotes from great writers about love are the perfect introduction to future literary masterpieces

Belogorsk fortress: characteristics of the inhabitants

Belogorsk fortress: characteristics of the inhabitants

The article is devoted to the description of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. The review shows the importance of the garrison in the life of the protagonist of the story Pyotr Grinev

"Undergrowth": positive and negative characters. Heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" Fonvizin

"Undergrowth": positive and negative characters. Heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" Fonvizin

In 1782, D. I. Fonvizin finished work on his best work - the comedy "Undergrowth". Written in accordance with the traditions of classicism, it nevertheless became innovative for its time. This manifested itself both in the problem (the author makes you think about the issues of education, government, social and family relations), and in the depiction of heroes

Billy Bones is a character in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island"

Billy Bones is a character in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island"

The global popularity of the genre dedicated to the adventures of sea robbers owes much to Robert Louis Stevenson, who first decided to adapt it for children and youth audiences. To make the plot more reliable, the author studied a lot of materials about the life and laws of pirates. Thanks to this, the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with certain terms and concepts of sea cutthroats. Like, for example, the “black mark” that Billy Bones received at the beginning of the novel

Emma Frost is a character in the Marvel Universe

Emma Frost is a character in the Marvel Universe

Emma Frost ("Marvel") is known to fans of comics about superheroes under the pseudonym of the White Queen. She has an extremely attractive appearance, which she often uses for personal, selfish purposes

Analysis of Tsvetaeva's poem "You look like me": a brief description of the work

Analysis of Tsvetaeva's poem "You look like me": a brief description of the work

The article is devoted to a brief review of M. Tsvetaeva's poem "Come, you look like me." The work gives a small analysis of the verse

American science fiction: a list of writers and books

American science fiction: a list of writers and books

American science fiction writers of the 20th century stood at the origins of the genre. Along with their British colleagues, they practically created science fiction, made it massive and super popular

D. Granin's novel "I'm going into a thunderstorm": a summary, description and reviews

D. Granin's novel "I'm going into a thunderstorm": a summary, description and reviews

The article is devoted to a brief review of the content of the famous novel by D. Granin "I'm going into a thunderstorm". The work gives a brief retelling of the plot of the book

Characterization and analysis of "Oblomov" (Goncharov I. A.)

Characterization and analysis of "Oblomov" (Goncharov I. A.)

The article is devoted to a brief review and analysis of Goncharov's novel "Oblomov". The paper indicates the features of the plot and the ideas of the author

"Black Tulip" (novel): author, summary

"Black Tulip" (novel): author, summary

The article is devoted to a brief review of the content of the novel by A. Dumas père "The Black Tulip". The work has a short story

S. Mikhalkov, "The Feast of Disobedience": a summary for the reader's diary and analysis

S. Mikhalkov, "The Feast of Disobedience": a summary for the reader's diary and analysis

The article is devoted to the review of S. Mikhalkov's story "The Feast of Disobedience". The work contains a summary and the author's idea

The best love quotes

The best love quotes

The article is devoted to the most famous sayings about love. Phrases and aphorisms of famous people and sayings are given

Sancho Panza: Character Characteristics

Sancho Panza: Character Characteristics

The article is devoted to a brief overview of the image of Sancho Panza - one of the main characters of the novel by M. Cervantes "Don Quixote"

A poet is the author of poetry

A poet is the author of poetry

The article is devoted to a brief overview of the features of the status of the poet in different time periods in connection with changes in poetry

How to write poetry? How to learn to write poetry

How to write poetry? How to learn to write poetry

From the article you will learn why people are fond of poetry, what a verse and stanza are, what types of poems and poetic techniques are, what rhythm, meter and rhyme are for, and what are the signs of a good poem

Alexey Tolstoy, "Orca": a summary

Alexey Tolstoy, "Orca": a summary

The work of Alexei Tolstoy "The Killer Whale", a summary of which is presented below, was written in 1916. Events are developing in pre-revolutionary Russia. The first act of the two-act play takes place in Petrograd, then the author transfers his characters to a provincial estate on the Volga

John Galsworthy: short biography

John Galsworthy: short biography

John Galsworthy, whose biography is presented in this article, is an English playwright and prose writer of the 19th century. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

"Ender's Shadow": plot and biography of the author

"Ender's Shadow": plot and biography of the author

Ender's Shadow is one of the popular books for teenagers. Although it was written for readers who are about the same age as the characters, it captivated a much wider audience

Semenova Anastasia: biography, creativity, photo

Semenova Anastasia: biography, creativity, photo

Semenova Anastasia is one of the most popular authors among those who write about the spiritual he alth of a person and how the environment affects the state of he alth. There are dozens of books in her bibliography

Lewis Carroll: biography and creativity

Lewis Carroll: biography and creativity

Lewis Carroll is one of the children's favorite writers. Wonderland, created by him, has repeatedly attracted the attention of animators, directors and artists. But few of the readers are familiar with the fate of the writer himself. And it is no less exciting than his immortal works

James Crews: biography and career

James Crews: biography and career

James Crews is one of the most popular children's writers of the last century. He did not create many works. But those that saw the light were read and reread by guys from different countries

Ayn Rand and her book "The Virtue of Selfishness"

Ayn Rand and her book "The Virtue of Selfishness"

"The Virtue of Selfishness" is one of the cult American books, which has recently become popular in Russia. But few people know who wrote this book. While the fate of the author is more than interesting

Fantasy races: elves, fairies, gnomes, trolls, orcs. Fantasy books

Fantasy races: elves, fairies, gnomes, trolls, orcs. Fantasy books

By reading fantasy stories, people can not only travel to other worlds, but also get to know mythology more deeply. Few people think about the fact that many fantasy races trace their history from those distant years, when there was no written language yet, and stories were passed on to each other only orally. Since then, many of the fictional characters have changed and found a new role in modern literature