How the theme of responsibility is covered in the novel "The Master and Margarita"

How the theme of responsibility is covered in the novel "The Master and Margarita"
How the theme of responsibility is covered in the novel "The Master and Margarita"

The theme of responsibility and moral choice is one of the key in the novel "The Master and Margarita". Bulgakov believed that every person should be prepared for the consequences of their actions. And he talks about this in his book.

The theme of responsibility in The Master and Margarita
The theme of responsibility in The Master and Margarita

The theme of responsibility in Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is most pronounced in the Yershalaim plot. Pontius Pilate, who approved the execution of Yeshua, could not come to terms with the responsibility for this act and therefore was doomed to eternal torment of conscience. He failed to make a choice that was moral. The theme of responsibility in the novel "The Master and Margarita" shows that the consequences of our actions do not disappear anywhere, they remain with us throughout our lives, so we need to be ready to carry them with us. This is one of the main ideas of the work.

The theme of responsibility in the novel "The Master and Margarita" contrasts Pontius Pilate with Margarita herself, who always acted consciously and conscientiously. Even when she decides to go to the ball with Satan, "to becomewitch", she makes a conscious choice, for which she has reasons and for which she is ready to bear responsibility. This trait of her character is clearly emphasized in one of the scenes at the ball. When Woland invites Margarita to fulfill her desire, she asks for Frida, for which paid attention during the celebration. And not because the fate of this woman was very important to her, but because Margo gave her hope and now feels responsible for her. After all, she herself knows what hope is. Margarita's noble deed was appreciated, and eventually she finds her happiness.

The theme of responsibility in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita
The theme of responsibility in Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita

The theme of responsibility in the novel "The Master and Margarita" closely coexists with the problem of justice. One has only to recall the misadventures of the corrupt administrators of the Variety Theater, which Woland and his retinue arrange for them. Also, the theme of responsibility in the novel "The Master and Margarita" implies the ability to be responsible not only for one's actions, but also for words. A vivid illustration of this is the beginning of the novel, where Berlioz, who vehemently denied the existence of the devil, dies at his own hands.

Master and Margarita Bulgakov
Master and Margarita Bulgakov

Also noteworthy is the ending of the novel. Pontius Pilate, unable to bear responsibility for his actions and endlessly tormented by torments of conscience, finally receives forgiveness and freedom. By this, the author makes it clear that not a single person deserves eternal suffering and that love wins sooner or later. "Everything will always be right, built on thisworld". Woland repeatedly hints that everyone will have to bear responsibility for their actions. But he also believes that people are inherently weak and for the most part simply do not realize what they are doing.

So, the theme of responsibility in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is shown deeply and many-sidedly. The author says that each person is responsible for his actions, words, thoughts. And even for my soul. "And in the end everyone will be rewarded according to his faith." This topic is closely related to issues of conscience and moral choice.

Most of the characters in the novel somehow make their own choices, which subsequently affect their lives and even existence after death. Therefore, it is important to live honestly and act according to conscience.
