Literature 2024, October

"The Golden Key" - a story or a story? Analysis of the work "The Golden Key" by A. N. Tolstoy

"The Golden Key" - a story or a story? Analysis of the work "The Golden Key" by A. N. Tolstoy

Literary critics spent a lot of time trying to determine what genre the Golden Key belongs to (story or short story)

Analysis and summary of Bondarev's "Hot Snow"

Analysis and summary of Bondarev's "Hot Snow"

Summary of "Hot Snow" - this is the horror of the bombing, and the whistle of stray bullets, and frontal tank and infantry attacks. Even now, reading about this, an ordinary peaceful person plunges into the abyss of the gloomy and formidable events of that time

The most beautiful fairy tale: plot, features

The most beautiful fairy tale: plot, features

The most beautiful fairy tales describe the most magical and fascinating events that allow you to fly away into mysterious worlds and live their adventures together with the characters. Read about the best and most beautiful fairy tales in the article

Writer Edward Rutherford and his works

Writer Edward Rutherford and his works

English writer Francis Edward Wintle, known under the pseudonym Rutherford, gained worldwide popularity thanks to his historical novels. His works are distinguished by an interesting manner of presentation and a storyline, often stretched in time for several hundred or even thousands of years

Biography and work of Nikolai Gribachev

Biography and work of Nikolai Gribachev

The works of Nikolai Gribachev have often been and are still subject to criticism. In particular, a contemporary Ilya Erenburg (Russian writer, poet and journalist) described the poem "Russia" as "excessively pretentious." However, the leaders liked Gribachev's work: first Stalin, and later Khrushchev, who took his place. The latter even nominated the writer as a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU

Ancient Greek tragedy "Bacchae", Euripides: summary, characters, reader reviews

Ancient Greek tragedy "Bacchae", Euripides: summary, characters, reader reviews

One of the famous playwrights of Ancient Greece is Euripides. Among his works there is a tragedy dedicated to Dionysus (that was the name of the god of winemaking). In his work, the playwright shows the life of the Greeks in the city of Thebes and their relationship with the gods. Euripides' play "The Bacchae" will be of interest to all those who are interested in history

The Parable of the Prodigal Son: Interpretation

The Parable of the Prodigal Son: Interpretation

Reading the Holy Gospel, we get acquainted with the life of Jesus Christ on Earth. In his parables, he reveals to us the secrets of the universe and teaches us the main thing - gaining spiritual we alth and faith in God. The "Parable of the Prodigal Son" depicts the inexpressible mercy of the Lord to all sinful people who sincerely and deeply repented of their sins and turned to him for help and protection

Literary editing: goals and objectives, basic methods. Editing aids

Literary editing: goals and objectives, basic methods. Editing aids

Literary editing is a process that helps convey the thoughts of the authors of works to the reader, facilitate understanding of the material and remove unnecessary elements and repetitions from it. All this and many other interesting facts will be discussed in this article

Writer Nikolai Svechin: biography, creativity and books of the author

Writer Nikolai Svechin: biography, creativity and books of the author

Today we will tell you who Nikolai Svechin is. The author's books, as well as his biography are described in this material. He is a Russian writer and local historian. Real name Inkin Nikolai Viktorovich, born in 1959

Alexey Evdokimov: biography and creativity

Alexey Evdokimov: biography and creativity

Aleksey Evdokimov - winner of the "National Bestseller" - 2003 and the author of the scandalous, ambiguous critically acclaimed "Puzzle". For Alexei and Alexander Garros, co-author of the book, the novel became a debut. The fact that he caused a controversial reaction did not come as a surprise to the author. According to him, he wanted to write “a provocative book that would be energetic and tough”

Yuri Bondarev: biography and work of the writer

Yuri Bondarev: biography and work of the writer

As soon as they finished school, the boys became men during the Great Patriotic War, defenders of the motherland. They had to shoulder the heavy burden of war. One of the representatives of this generation is Yuri Bondarev, whose biography is presented in this article

Wilhelm Hauff: life and work

Wilhelm Hauff: life and work

Wilhelm Hauff - famous German writer, author of charming, beloved by all fairy tales about Dwarf Nose and Little Flour

Arab poets from the Middle Ages to the present. The culture of the East, beauty and wisdom, sung in the verses of poets

Arab poets from the Middle Ages to the present. The culture of the East, beauty and wisdom, sung in the verses of poets

Arabic poetry has a rich history. Poetry was not just an art form for the ancient Arabs, but also a way to convey any valuable information. Nowadays, only some Arab poets, authors of rubai quatrains, may be known to many, but Arabic literature and poetry has a much richer history and diversity

Phraseological units from fairy tales: examples and meanings

Phraseological units from fairy tales: examples and meanings

The article provides a classification of phraseological units from fairy tales, considers examples and provides information on their origin and meaning. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - how fairy tales enriched the language with sayings

What is the literary process

What is the literary process

The term "literary process" can lead a person unfamiliar with its definition into a stupor. Because it is not clear what kind of process this is, what caused it, what it is connected with, and according to what laws it exists. In this article, we will explore this concept in detail. We will pay special attention to the literary process of the 19th and 20th centuries

The best Swedish writers for children and adults

The best Swedish writers for children and adults

Russian readers associate Swedish literature primarily with children's prose. This is explained by the huge popularity of the cheerful "man in the prime of life." This colorful character has been on TV screens throughout the former Soviet Union for more than fifty years. However, it should be remembered that Swedish writers wrote and continue to write books for adults

Alfred Shklyarsky. Biography and work of the writer

Alfred Shklyarsky. Biography and work of the writer

The novels of this writer tell about the most remote corners of the planet, inviting readers to incredible adventures with their characters. Alfred Shklyarsky in the distant post-war years opened unfamiliar countries and nationalities to readers. His books invite both children and adults to travel. But surprisingly, the author of fascinating novels himself did not like to travel at all

Barry James Matthew: biography, works, photos

Barry James Matthew: biography, works, photos

Who doesn't know a lovely children's fairy tale about Peter Pan? This article will tell in detail about its extraordinary author, who is the famous Scottish novelist and playwright Barry James

Pestushka is a time-tested educational tool

Pestushka is a time-tested educational tool

Traditionally in Russia, folklore played a big role in the upbringing of children - pestles, jokes, nursery rhymes. Every mother knows rhymes and will be able to sing children's songs, but few have heard of pestles

How to compose a fairy tale on your own - tips for beginners

How to compose a fairy tale on your own - tips for beginners

Sometimes it may seem to caring parents that their little child is bored when they read to him at night. And it doesn’t matter if this is a Russian folk tale or the fruit of the work of the famous Grimm brothers, the kid is still bored. In this case, the question arises before caring parents: “How to compose a fairy tale on your own in order to captivate the child before going to bed?” And how to come up with something worthwhile, when ideas about a cramped house and a sleeping beauty come to mind, it’s not clear

Viktor Erofeev: short biography

Viktor Erofeev: short biography

Viktor Erofeev is a contemporary Russian writer. He is also known as a TV presenter. Occasionally performs on the radio

Vladimir Orlov: biography and literary activity

Vladimir Orlov: biography and literary activity

Vladimir Orlov was born in 1936. His father worked as a journalist. In 1954 he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. He was fond of cinema, believing that it would be able to replace other types of art

The main features of sentimentalism. Signs of sentimentalism in literature

The main features of sentimentalism. Signs of sentimentalism in literature

In the Age of Enlightenment, new literary trends and genres were born. Sentimentalism in the culture of Europe and Russia appeared as a result of a certain mentality of society, which turned away from the dictates of reason towards feelings. The perception of the surrounding reality through the rich inner world of an ordinary person has become the main theme of this trend. Signs of sentimentalism - the cult of good human feelings

Expressive and figurative means in literature

Expressive and figurative means in literature

As one of the art forms, literature has its own artistic techniques based on the possibilities of language and speech. They are collectively called the term "pictorial means in literature". The task of these means is to describe the depicted reality as expressively as possible and convey the meaning, artistic idea of the work, as well as create a certain mood

National hero: Symon Petlyura

National hero: Symon Petlyura

Simon Petlyura… This man was an outstanding fighter for the national independence of Ukraine. In the Soviet Union, his name was undeservedly tarnished, called a bandit. But history always puts everything in its place

Children's poems about pumpkin

Children's poems about pumpkin

The poetic form of describing vegetables can serve adults well not only as an educational element for kids, but also as a way to instill love for a particular product. Therefore, very often all mothers and grandmothers tell poems to their fidgets, in which, in an affectionate form, attention is focused on the beneficial properties of delicious food from the garden. Poems about pumpkin are in great demand among such creative tricks among parents

What are the proverbs about envy?

What are the proverbs about envy?

There are a huge number of proverbs on various topics in the world. Most often they reflect the injustice of worldly existence and all sorts of human vices

What is an author's position? Ways of expressing the author's position in the text

What is an author's position? Ways of expressing the author's position in the text

The author's position in the text can be expressed directly or indirectly. In order to understand how the author evaluates his character or the situation depicted in the text, you should know the main ways of expressing the author's position

The most famous sayings of Oscar Wilde: thoughts, quotes and aphorisms

The most famous sayings of Oscar Wilde: thoughts, quotes and aphorisms

Oscar Wilde is a famous English writer. His works are read with pleasure by the whole world. He is especially known as the author of the scandalous and exciting novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. The statements of Oscar Wilde, found in this and other books, are so precise and rational that they affect the realities of everyday life, emphasize the importance of all its spheres

Children's Fiction Book Selection

Children's Fiction Book Selection

Children's fiction is a separate world in literature, gaining momentum in recent years. Moreover, the line separating the works of this genre from more adult fiction is often very insignificant

"Keg of amontillado": summary and reviews

"Keg of amontillado": summary and reviews

The story of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe "The Cask of Amontillado" was written in 1846, at the same time it was published on its pages by the popular American magazine Godey's Lady's Book. According to the type of construction, this story is a confession of a murderer, the story of one terrible revenge, which the protagonist prepared for his offender. The article provides a summary of "The Cask of Amontillado", a description and analysis of the work, as well as the history of its writing

Ustinova Tatyana: biography, books, films

Ustinova Tatyana: biography, books, films

Today there are many women writers in the world of Russian literature. Among them, Ustinova Tatyana occupies a special, leading position. Her books are published in millions of copies, her exciting novels instantly become the basis of the screenplays of the most exciting films

Sinelnikov V.V.: reviews about the writer, books, biography, photo

Sinelnikov V.V.: reviews about the writer, books, biography, photo

This article tells about the famous Russian psychotherapist and author of books on personal growth and self-improvement - Valery Sinelnikov. Sinelnikov's first book, Love Your Disease, was published in 1999 and became an absolute bestseller

Sergey Nosov is a contemporary writer

Sergey Nosov is a contemporary writer

Biography and books of Sergei Nosov. Why is he compared with Gogol and how did his literary path begin

What is bibliography in general and bibliography in particular, its history in Russia

What is bibliography in general and bibliography in particular, its history in Russia

What is a bibliography, how did it develop in Russia. What are the types of bibliography? What is this science for?

Chronological table of Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich. short biography

Chronological table of Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich. short biography

Chronology of the life of I. A. Goncharov from birth to death, who he was when he wrote his famous novels

"Against the current". Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich

"Against the current". Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich

Childhood of Alexei Tolstoy, his career. Why he abandoned his career and how the poem "Against the Current" is related to this, as well as its brief analysis

Poetry of A. A. Fet. Analysis of the poem "I will not tell you anything"

Poetry of A. A. Fet. Analysis of the poem "I will not tell you anything"

Distinctive features of the poetry of Athanasius Fet, background and analysis of the poem "I won't tell you anything"

Interesting facts from the life of Akhmatova Anna Andreevna. short biography

Interesting facts from the life of Akhmatova Anna Andreevna. short biography

Interesting facts from the life and work of Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. What a poetess was unusual. Her short biography

Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "Native Land" and its background

Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "Native Land" and its background

Where should I begin to analyze the poem? What is special about it? What does Anna Andreevna Akhmatova express in it?