What is bibliography in general and bibliography in particular, its history in Russia

What is bibliography in general and bibliography in particular, its history in Russia
What is bibliography in general and bibliography in particular, its history in Russia

Bibliography in the literal sense is book science. Bibliography in general is a scientific discipline that deals with the description, systematization and keeping records of books, as well as journalistic publications, articles, dissertations, etc.

what is a bibliography
what is a bibliography

What is a bibliography in the narrow sense

This is a list of literature involved in a particular text. For example, when writing an abstract, sources are indicated - where the information was taken from. The bibliography is also used when writing dissertations and other scientific papers. The author of the work is obliged to indicate what primary sources he relied on.

What are the types of bibliography

There are bibliographies of writers. They include a list of all texts written by an individual author, as well as all biographical and other works written about this writer or about his works by other authors. A huge list is, for example, the bibliography of Pushkin A. S. or Tolstoy L. N.

There is also a bibliography of the second degree. That is, a bibliography of all bibliographic texts. It keeps a record in chronological order of all bibliographies, divided by subject.

book bibliography
book bibliography

A separate science is consideredindustry bibliography. It serves certain branches of activity or theoretical sciences.

Retrospective bibliography (department of science) covers all printed works of fiction and journalism for a certain period of time. It can be either a year or one week.

There are also many other types of bibliography. For example, Russian historical, which takes into account and systematizes all texts on history published in Russian. It can be attributed to the branch bibliography. There is a bibliography of the book, that is, a certain checklist of literary texts relating to one single book. Such lists can be seen, for example, at the end of educational or scientific publications.

From all these definitions it is clear what a bibliography is. In a broad sense, it is always a list of references on some topic. This type of science or book science has its own history. If you understand what a bibliography is, then it becomes clear what its history is. This is how science evolved and developed in different countries.

bibliography of Pushkin
bibliography of Pushkin

A Brief History of Bibliography in Russia

In Russia, bibliography began to develop in the 18th century. It all started with the release of bookselling and recommendation lists of books or journalism. In the 18th century, literature in Russia developed very actively. Russian writers and journalists were catching up and overtaking the West, developed in culture. The concept of what a bibliography is, of course, also came from abroad.

The first of its kind were the journals "Bibliographic notes" and"Bibliographer". They included book reviews, lists of various manuscripts held in libraries, catalogs of recently published books, and lists of periodicals.

In 1889, the first bibliographic circle appeared in Moscow. Toropov was its initiator. In 1900, it was transformed into the Russian Bibliographic Society, which was attached to Moscow University. They organized their magazines there. Under the editorship of Bodnarsky, "Bibliographic News" and "Knigovedenie" were published.

In 1907 and 1908, the society published a "Bibliographical Collection", to which an alphabetical index was attached to facilitate the search for the necessary information. The collection contained objective book reviews and indexes of published editions.

history of bibliography
history of bibliography

Bibliography of Russia in the 19th-20th centuries

Over these two centuries, Russian bibliography has flourished and expanded. Scientists are more closely engaged in this science. They began to rely more on facts than on opinions. And in our century, bibliographic lists of the 19th-20th centuries are of great help to bibliographers and philologists.

In the 20th century there was a generalization of all the accumulated knowledge in the bibliography. Bibliography and source studies of bibliography began to be taught at universities. Bibliographers raised old archives and restored the works of long-forgotten writers, as well as those who were repressed and deliberately forgotten during Stalin's rule. A large layer of Russian literature and journalism was raised and restored. However, the history of Soviet bibliography has not yet been fully studied, new sources are still being discovered andarchives. Bibliographers have a lot of painstaking work to do.
