Literature 2024, October

Chukovsky's works for children: a list. Works by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Chukovsky's works for children: a list. Works by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Chukovsky's works, known to a wide range of readers, are, first of all, poems and rhymed fairy tales for children. Not everyone knows that in addition to these creations, the writer has global works on his famous colleagues and other works. After reviewing them, you can understand which particular works of Chukovsky will become your favorite

The best science fiction books - the choice of millions of readers

The best science fiction books - the choice of millions of readers

The best science fiction books find their readers every day, and modern writers keep adding their works to the treasury of masterpieces

English classics - a priceless pearl of world literature

English classics - a priceless pearl of world literature

Classical English literature is truly admirable. It is based on the works of a galaxy of outstanding masters. No country in the world has given birth to so many outstanding masters of the word as Britain. There are many English classics, the list goes on and on: William Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, Daphne Du Maurier, George Orwell, John Tolkien. Are you familiar with their works?

Why do you need to read the books of the classics of Russian literature?

Why do you need to read the books of the classics of Russian literature?

An interesting question today is whether it is necessary to read the books of the classics of Russian literature to young people of our time. Why should they "bother" their heads with complex novels by Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky? Do they need Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Turgenev and others? There is only one answer - it is simply necessary to study the brilliant works of these great people

Charles Dickens: a short biography

Charles Dickens: a short biography

Charles Dickens is, without a doubt, the most popular English writer of the 19th century, who found great love among readers during his lifetime. He rightfully occupies a leading place among the classics of world literature

Frank Herbert: biography, all books by the author

Frank Herbert: biography, all books by the author

The famous Dune saga by science fiction writer Frank Herbert became a cult work in its time. The novel still captures the minds of readers. However, in Herbert's work there are still many fascinating works in which the theme of ecology, the survival of mankind, power, politics and religion also act as the main idea

An example essay. How to write an essay? What is an essay in literature

An example essay. How to write an essay? What is an essay in literature

Essay is a small literary work that describes true incidents, events, a specific person. Time frames are not respected here, you can write about what happened thousands of years ago and what just happened

The fairy tale "Fly-clatter" - the fruit of the inspiration of the poet

The fairy tale "Fly-clatter" - the fruit of the inspiration of the poet

"The Fly-Sokotuha", a fairy tale for children, was written by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (real name - Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov) in 1923. Mukhina's Wedding (that was its original name) was published by the Raduga publishing house in 1924. And the popular fairy tale received its modern title in 1927 in the sixth edition

Let's remember the best love stories

Let's remember the best love stories

Today, when it is less and less common to see a person reading a book in a transport or on a park bench, when instead of the phrase “good literature” they would rather say “printed products”, and you don’t need to think too much about fiction, it’s hard to find an adequate interlocutor who wants to discuss the best love stories. They will be discussed in this article

Summary and analysis of V. Nabokov's novel Camera Obscura

Summary and analysis of V. Nabokov's novel Camera Obscura

Camera obscura translated from Latin - "dark room". The nature of an amazing optical phenomenon is the basis of this ancient prototype of the camera. It is a box completely sealed off from light, with a tiny hole in one of the walls through which an inverted image of what is outside is projected onto the opposite wall. Nabokov used it as a central metaphor in the 1933 novel of the same name

Analysis of Pasternak's poem "Hamlet"

Analysis of Pasternak's poem "Hamlet"

Boris Pasternak "Hamlet", his own poem, was written in 1946. And the novel about the fate of the Russian intelligentsia, the biography of the doctor-poet, was created in 1957. The seventeenth, last part of the main work of Boris Pasternak is the verses generously attributed by the author to his hero. This analysis of Pasternak's poem "Hamlet" is intended to find out why it opens the collection of poetry by Yuri Zhivago

"Princess Mary", a summary of the story from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

"Princess Mary", a summary of the story from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

The largest story included in the novel, published in 1840, which was written by Lermontov - "Princess Mary". The writer uses the form of a journal, a diary, in order to reveal to the reader the character of the protagonist, all his inconsistency and complexity. The main participant, who is in the thick of things, tells about what is happening. He doesn't make excuses or blame anyone, he just reveals his soul

Summary of "Matrenin Dvor", a story by A. Solzhenitsyn

Summary of "Matrenin Dvor", a story by A. Solzhenitsyn

Even a summary of the story "Matrenin Dvor", written by A. Solzhenitsyn in 1963, can give the reader an idea of the patriarchal life of the Russian rural hinterland

Cliche is a magic wand

Cliche is a magic wand

One of the meanings of the word "cliché" is a standard expression. That is, typical phrases and stereotypical sentences that are always used ready-made in the same situations

The work of A. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago". Summary

The work of A. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago". Summary

From the thirties to the sixties in the Soviet Union, the administration of mass detention camps was entrusted to the Main Directorate of Camps (Gulag). A. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" (a brief summary of the work is given below) was written in 1956, in a magazine version it was published in 1967. As for the genre, the author himself called it an artistic study

"Teaching children" - a great book with a thousand years of history

"Teaching children" - a great book with a thousand years of history

The book "Teaching Children" was written at the very beginning of the second millennium, but its content can be called relevant today. Its author is Vladimir Monomakh, a prince who was born in 1053

Russian futurism in literature - a poetic blow to aesthetics and everyday life

Russian futurism in literature - a poetic blow to aesthetics and everyday life

Russian futurism appeared in literature at the beginning of the 20th century. This time coincided with a favorable socio-political situation in the country for its development. As expected, critics and high society did not perceive the futurists, but the common people treated them with respect and love

A sentence is an ancient rite that has come down to our days

A sentence is an ancient rite that has come down to our days

Sentences and incantations are humorous, small poems, which in ancient times were attributed magical meaning. The popularity of such poems has not been lost in the modern world, since the harmony of nature and man remains a priority in life for everyone

"The Tale of the Goat", Marshak. Remarks in "The Tale of the Goat" by Marshak

"The Tale of the Goat", Marshak. Remarks in "The Tale of the Goat" by Marshak

Samuil Marshak is one of the most famous Soviet children's writers. His works have been very popular with readers for several decades. One of them is "The Tale of the Goat"

Biography of Sergei Dovlatov and his work

Biography of Sergei Dovlatov and his work

Sergey Dovlatov is a famous Russian writer and journalist who lived part of his life in exile. The biography of Sergei Dovlatov is the key to understanding his works, since they contain a lot of personal things. Many of his stories, such as "Reserve", "Zone", "Suitcase", are popular among readers around the world

Such different works of Ouspensky

Such different works of Ouspensky

Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich is one of the most popular children's writers in the post-Soviet space. More than one generation of children grew up reading books written by him

The fairy tale "Sinyushkin well": heroes, summary, reviews

The fairy tale "Sinyushkin well": heroes, summary, reviews

"Sinyushkin's well" is one of the tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. The work is based on Ural folklore, which the writer collected throughout his life. The tale tells the reader the story of a young man named Ilya, who passes the test of we alth with honor and receives an award for it

A. A. Akhmatova, “I just learned to live wisely.” Analysis of the poem

A. A. Akhmatova, “I just learned to live wisely.” Analysis of the poem

Anna Akhmatova said: "I just learned to live wisely." An analysis of this lyrical work reveals the image of a courageous woman who, in spite of everything, loved her Motherland. And her consolation in moments of sadness was her native nature and God

"White Magpie": a summary of an excerpt from the work of Jan Barshchevsky

"White Magpie": a summary of an excerpt from the work of Jan Barshchevsky

One of the most famous works of Jan Barshchevsky - "Shlyakhtich Zavalnya, or Belarus in fantastic stories". One of the chapters is called "White Magpie". The summary of the passage gives a general idea of the entire text

"Blue Star" (Kuprin). Summary of the story

"Blue Star" (Kuprin). Summary of the story

The 20th century gave the world many unique examples of fiction. Among them is the story "Blue Star" (Kuprin). The summary of this little-known work allows you to take a fresh look at the author and his work

How a man fed two generals - a summary of M.E. S altykov-Shchedrin

How a man fed two generals - a summary of M.E. S altykov-Shchedrin

S altykov-Shchedrin's tale about how a peasant fed two generals is very popular among readers. The summary of the work fully conveys to the reader the author's idea and his attitude towards slavery

Yesenin's child. Did Yesenin have children? How many children did Yesenin have? Children of Sergei Yesenin, their fate, photo

Yesenin's child. Did Yesenin have children? How many children did Yesenin have? Children of Sergei Yesenin, their fate, photo

The Russian poet Sergei Yesenin is known to absolutely every adult and child. His works are full of deep meaning, which is close to many. Yesenin's poems are taught and recited by students at school with great pleasure, and they remember them throughout their lives

Best Short Love Novel

Best Short Love Novel

Books help us escape from the hustle and bustle, and immerse ourselves in the world created by the author. Love novels appeal to readers because of the sea of positive emotions of the highest order that the characters experience, overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of their feelings

"The fate of a man": the meaning of the title of Sholokhov's story (composition)

"The fate of a man": the meaning of the title of Sholokhov's story (composition)

Interesting, fascinating and exciting work is "The Fate of Man". The meaning of the title of the story can be understood by every reader who carefully reads the work and gets to know the main character. This story will not leave indifferent any reader who got acquainted with the "Fate of a Man", because the author was able to convey in his work all the feelings, experiences and emotions of Andrei Sokolov, whose life was rather difficult and to some extent unhappy

The best books about love: a list. Popular books about first love

The best books about love: a list. Popular books about first love

Finding good literature is quite difficult, and all lovers of good works know this firsthand. Books about love have always aroused and will continue to arouse great interest among both teenagers and adults. If you have been looking for good works that tell about great and pure love, obstacles and trials facing your beloved for a long time, check out the list of the most popular and famous works about the bright feeling inherent in every person

"The Golden Fish" is an Indian folk tale. Tales of the peoples of the world

"The Golden Fish" is an Indian folk tale. Tales of the peoples of the world

"Golden Fish" is an Indian folk tale that is not only very interesting and exciting, but also instructive. It is worth remembering the summary and finding out what qualities this fictional story brings up in children

The Raskolnikov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" and its history

The Raskolnikov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" and its history

F. M. Dostoevsky is a great man and writer, whose name absolutely everyone knows from the school bench. One of his most famous novels is Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky wrote a story about a student who committed a murder, after which he suffered a terrible punishment, but not legally, but morally. Raskolnikov punished himself, but not only he suffered from the crime. The Raskolnikov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" also suffered

The most interesting books everyone should read

The most interesting books everyone should read

In our time, reading is not only necessary, but also useful. However, those who like to occupy their time with some fascinating book very often face the fact that they simply do not know what kind of work is really worth the time spent on it. To get around this problem, you need to know and remember the most interesting books that are waiting to be read. Anyone who makes such a small list for himself will not spend a huge amount of his precious time searching for works

The best books about dogs: reviews and reviews

The best books about dogs: reviews and reviews

Acquiring a puppy is the first step in establishing a human-animal relationship that will develop into friendship. But in order to raise an obedient and intelligent pet, it is not enough to love him with all your heart. Literature about dogs will be a good help in the process of training and caring for animals

Essay on Literature: Structure, Requirements, Essay Length

Essay on Literature: Structure, Requirements, Essay Length

Recently, a new type of exams - an essay - has become a popular type of certification for admission to universities in our country. Despite some similarities with essays, this method has its own characteristics. The volume of the essay, the form of the essay, its structure and idea - everything has its own requirements, the fulfillment of which helps the commission to assess the student's ability to logically and clearly express his thoughts and argue

Types of literature and their purpose. Types of fiction

Types of literature and their purpose. Types of fiction

Literature is an amoebic concept (in equal terms, as well as types of literature), throughout the centuries-old development of human civilization, it inevitably changed both in form and content

Tatiana Yakovleva - Mayakovsky's last love. Biography of Tatyana Yakovleva

Tatiana Yakovleva - Mayakovsky's last love. Biography of Tatyana Yakovleva

The version according to which Tatyana Yakovleva was the last unhappy love that provoked Mayakovsky's suicide, of course, has the right to exist, but rather, as one of the elements of the image of the femme fatale vamp, because of which men shoot themselves to the right and left

Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov

Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov

Boris Bolotov is a well-known modern scientist who has become famous in many branches of science. Most often, his name is associated with a unique system of cleansing the human body from old cells, which, according to his theory, not only allows you to rejuvenate the body, but also gives it immortality

"Blackberry wine": summary. "Blackberry Wine" by Joanne Harris: reviews

"Blackberry wine": summary. "Blackberry Wine" by Joanne Harris: reviews

Joan Harris writes magical realism novels. In them, she talks about the ordinary life of a person whose fate suddenly includes a miracle, and he needs to make a choice - to recognize the fact that magic exists, or pretend that nothing happened, and live on in his everyday world. "Blackberry Wine" by Joan Harris is another wonderful novel by an English writer working in the style of mystical realism

Chinese literature: a brief excursion into the history, genres and features of the works of contemporary Chinese writers

Chinese literature: a brief excursion into the history, genres and features of the works of contemporary Chinese writers

Chinese literature is one of the oldest art forms, its history goes back thousands of years. It originated in the distant era of the Shang Dynasty, simultaneously with the appearance of the so-called buts - "fortune-telling words", and throughout its development has been constantly changing. The trend in the development of Chinese literature is continuous - even if the books were destroyed, then this was certainly followed by the restoration of the originals, which were considered sacred in China