Literature 2024, October

Alexander Herzen: biography, literary heritage

Alexander Herzen: biography, literary heritage

A. I. Herzen was one of the first Russian socialists. First leading the Westerners, later he became disillusioned with the ideals of the European path of development of Russia, moved to the opposite camp and became the founder of populism. He was driven, like other Russian thinkers, by an ardent desire to find the best way for a just organization of society and love for his people

Summary: "Wolves" Shukshin Vasily Makarovich

Summary: "Wolves" Shukshin Vasily Makarovich

Shukshin Vasily Makarovich is a famous Soviet writer, screenwriter, director and actor. The writer built his literary works on the opposition of rural and urban lifestyles. One of the brightest examples of Shukshin's work is the story "Wolves"

Domino principle: philosophical concept or childish entertainment?

Domino principle: philosophical concept or childish entertainment?

Many of us in our childhood tried to build long chains of dominoes, and then with a joyful squeal they pushed one bone, filling up the whole row in this way. This is the domino principle in its classical form. Apparently, such a huge number of people amused themselves with this that they began to notice its basis in phenomena removed from the board game

Vito Corleone is the protagonist of Mario Puzo's novel "The Godfather"

Vito Corleone is the protagonist of Mario Puzo's novel "The Godfather"

The bestseller "The Godfather" told about violence and kindness, about the laws and roots of the mafia. Its protagonist Vito Corleone founded an empire that no one dares to invade and in which he rules with an iron hand in a soft glove

Poet Janka Luchina: biography, creativity

Poet Janka Luchina: biography, creativity

Yanka Luchina is a mostly democratic poet from Minsk. Want to learn more about this person and his work? Then read this article

Beautiful and wise phrases about love

Beautiful and wise phrases about love

A small review of aphorisms on the theme of love. Should we talk about love? Not everyone is sure of this

French writer Henri Barbusse: biography, creativity and interesting facts

French writer Henri Barbusse: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Henri Barbusse is a famous French writer of the early 20th century. First of all, he became famous for his anti-war novel "Fire" about the First World War, pacifist life position and support for the socialist revolution in Russia

French poet Francois Villon: biography and creativity

French poet Francois Villon: biography and creativity

There are few poets whose biography would be as exciting and interesting as that of Francois Villon. It was mentioned in their works by François Rabelais and Robert Louis Stevenson, films were made by Ludwig Berger and Frank Lloyd. The poet was repeatedly wanted to be executed, and how he ended his earthly journey is still hidden by the darkness of obscurity. This article will tell about some details of the biography of Francois Villon

Neural network - what is it? Definition, meaning and scope

Neural network - what is it? Definition, meaning and scope

Science has become closer to real life, and new breakthroughs await us in the future, but not everyone is clear that this is a neural network. Let's try to figure it out

Wise quotes about women

Wise quotes about women

Woman is the most amazing creation of nature, there is no doubt about it. She is able to attract attention with her eyes alone, a unique smile. Quotes about a woman are filled with great delight and admiration for this amazing beauty

The life and work of the Japanese writer Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The life and work of the Japanese writer Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The short and tragic life of the world-famous author Akutagawa Ryunosuke, his creative path, the best stories and film adaptations of books

Victor Marie Hugo: short biography, personal life and works of the writer

Victor Marie Hugo: short biography, personal life and works of the writer

Victor Marie Hugo is one of the most famous French writers. His works have become part of the world heritage, and other famous writers and artists admired his talent. In addition, Victor Hugo was known not only as a writer and founder of romanticism in France, but also as a public figure who sought to ensure that society was fair and people were equal

Wilkie Collins and his novels

Wilkie Collins and his novels

Wilkie Collins is an English novelist known for sensational novels in which mysterious family lore, ghosts and improbable crimes take center stage. The plots of his novels are based on paradox, and Collins successfully selected "sensational" themes, captivating and dragging the reader into the world of his characters

Russian literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century: history, characteristics and review

Russian literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century: history, characteristics and review

Literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century played an important role in the public life of the country. Most modern critics and readers are convinced of this. At that time, reading was not entertainment, but ways of knowing the surrounding reality. For the writer, creativity itself became an important act of civic service to society, since he had a sincere belief in the effective power of the artistic word, in the likelihood that the book could influence the mind and soul of a person so that he would change for the better

Book by Redgrain Lebowski "Absolute Elements"

Book by Redgrain Lebowski "Absolute Elements"

The cycle of books consists of three parts: "Patriot Games", "Wild Hunt" and "Absolute Elements". The series is able to captivate the reader with its interesting and unusual plot, make you empathize with the characters and think about important things

Green Alexander: interesting facts from life

Green Alexander: interesting facts from life

The amazing and exciting life of Alexander Grin is similar to his era. Bright and dizzying, it ended in the gray despondency of a totalitarian state

Andrey Zagortsev. Biography of the writer

Andrey Zagortsev. Biography of the writer

In the history of Russian literature, there are enough military personnel. The officers were Tolstoy and Kuprin, and the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign probably knew firsthand about the battles. Another representative of this galaxy is the modern Petersburg author Andrey Zagortsev

"Scylla and Charybdis" - the meaning of phraseology

"Scylla and Charybdis" - the meaning of phraseology

Scylla and Charybdis. Many people learned about these characters after reading ancient Greek myths. However, the catchphrase also played a role. What is hidden in such a phraseological unit as "between Scylla and Charybdis"? This and much more is discussed in the review

"Tsokotuha Fly". Author Korney Chukovsky

"Tsokotuha Fly". Author Korney Chukovsky

The article tells about the author of the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha", and also provides an analysis of the work, explains the concept of "Chukivism"

"Miracle Yudo Whale Fish". Ershov's Tale

"Miracle Yudo Whale Fish". Ershov's Tale

Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov is a Russian prose writer, playwright, and poet. One of his most famous works is The Little Humpbacked Horse. Those who read this tale in verse will surely remember that one of the most striking characters is the Whale Fish. If you have not yet had the pleasure of reading this work, you can do it right now

French writer Louis Bussenard: biography, creativity

French writer Louis Bussenard: biography, creativity

Louis Boussinard is a talented French writer whose novels are known all over the world. He became famous for his original stories and unusual ideas. Let's take a closer look at the life of the creator, filled with various colorful episodes

David Icke's Books: The Stunning Truth

David Icke's Books: The Stunning Truth

In this article we will talk about such an English writer and speaker as David Won Icke. The books written by him arouse genuine interest in the reader, as in them the author tries to give answers to the most urgent questions of mankind

Boris Sokolov: an outstanding historian and literary critic or a skilled falsifier?

Boris Sokolov: an outstanding historian and literary critic or a skilled falsifier?

Sokolov Boris Vadimovich is a Russian literary critic, historian, and literary critic. The results of his literary activity cause a lot of controversy and criticism. What is remarkable about his books and why did he become objectionable to the Russian authorities? His life and work will be discussed in this article

Arkady Strugatsky. Biography and creativity

Arkady Strugatsky. Biography and creativity

Arkady Strugatsky is a classic of modern science fiction. But few people think, reading exciting adventures, that this is social literature

John Wyndham: biography, books

John Wyndham: biography, books

John Wyndham is known to all lovers of the fantastic world of literature. His books captivated readers with their originality of plots and relevance of ideas. All the works of the author are concentrated on disasters in which people, trying to adapt to the situation, show extraordinary abilities and qualities. The writer reveals the characters in emergency situations, which makes his fantasy novels unique

Where is Buyan Island?

Where is Buyan Island?

What was it like on the island of Buyan, since there you could get a sword-treasurer, and a needle with Kashcheev's death, and quickly fulfill all the desires of your heart? Not without the help of the all-powerful Alatyr-stone, of course. One version claims that Buyan is one of the sacred centers of the ancient civilization of Arata (Aryans)

Graham McNeill. Book cycles and stories

Graham McNeill. Book cycles and stories

The science fiction writer, who has published numerous novels, works with Games Workshop, which has been selling board games since 1987 and then began publishing books and CDs about the Warhammer gaming universe. The style of his works is close to gothic fantasy, with elements of an action movie. The author's books and stories use a linear plot, or linear-parallel. Therefore, novels are read easily and quickly

"Source of Happiness" by Polina Dashkova

"Source of Happiness" by Polina Dashkova

The article presents a brief biography of the writer under the famous pseudonym Polina Dashkova, as well as a brief description of the trilogy "Source of Happiness"

Poet Wilhelm Küchelbecker: biography, creativity

Poet Wilhelm Küchelbecker: biography, creativity

As a poet, Wilhelm Küchelbecker is little known. He grew up surrounded by brilliant poets, above all of whom, no doubt, was Pushkin. Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Delvig were his entourage. Baratynsky wrote during these years. In the circle of these poets, it is easy to get lost with an outdated, overly civic muse, such as Küchelbecker had, although his talent was considerable

"The Decameron". Summary of the work

"The Decameron". Summary of the work

Not everyone has read The Decameron. This is clearly not the case at school, and in everyday adult life there is practically no place for books. Yes, and it is not fashionable for today's youth to read … It is slightly reminiscent of the Middle Ages, when people who know a lot were condemned by society. But this, however, is a lyric. It is very difficult to bring a summary to the work "Decameron". After all, the book itself is a collection of short stories dedicated to the theme of love in all its manifestations

Summary of Tom Sawyer. The main events

Summary of Tom Sawyer. The main events

Which of us hasn't read Mark Twain's books? The wonderful adventures of the boys are the most memorable. As a child, I often read about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. It would seem that ordinary children, but how many adventures and instructive stories. But this is so, a lyrical digression. Now directly the summary of "Tom Sawyer"

Unravel "Little Red Riding Hood": who wrote the fairy tale

Unravel "Little Red Riding Hood": who wrote the fairy tale

Everyone knows the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. But not everyone knows the real story of the origin of this fairy tale, its true author and original plot

"Rejuvenating apples". Russian folk tale about rejuvenating apples and living water

"Rejuvenating apples". Russian folk tale about rejuvenating apples and living water

Folk tales are good because they contain great worldly experience and wisdom. Some heroes of Russian fairy tales ridicule human vices and bad deeds, while others punish evil and deceit, glorifying kindness, honesty, courage and courage

What does a fairy-tale hero consist of? Fantastic Analysis

What does a fairy-tale hero consist of? Fantastic Analysis

This article will be useful for parents who love to play with their children, as well as those who are professionally involved in the development of children's speech and creative imagination. Using the wonderful ideas of Gianni Rodari, you can play "fantastic analysis" with children 10-12 years old who know fairy-tale material quite well. First, the game will familiarize them with analytical activities. Secondly, this fairy-tale hero can become a character in fantastic stories invented by young writers

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich: childhood, youth and creativity

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich: childhood, youth and creativity

This article tells about the childhood, youth and work of the children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

Modern Czech writers

Modern Czech writers

In 1989, the so-called Velvet Revolution took place in Czechoslovakia. Like many important political and social events, it influenced the development of prose and poetry. Czech writers of the late 20th century - Milan Kundera, Michal Viveg, Jakhim Topol, Patrick Orzhednik. The creative path of these authors is the topic of our article

The fairy tale "Darning needle" G.-Kh. Andersen: plot, characters, morality. How to plan a story

The fairy tale "Darning needle" G.-Kh. Andersen: plot, characters, morality. How to plan a story

The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen are unique. "Darning Needle" is no exception. This piece has a deep meaning. However, edification is not felt at all in it. An adult will guess in a swaggering needle some arrogant, but not too smart young lady. And the child will simply laugh at the misadventures of the unlucky heroine

Writer Vladimir Sharov wins Russian Booker Literary Prize 2014

Writer Vladimir Sharov wins Russian Booker Literary Prize 2014

Perhaps only those who regularly follow the news in the literary world know about the existence of the annual Russian Booker Prize, to whom and for what it is awarded. In 2014, its laureate was Vladimir Sharov - a well-known historian, writer, author of intellectual novels

Writer Sergeev Stanislav Sergeevich and his fantastic books

Writer Sergeev Stanislav Sergeevich and his fantastic books

Recently, books written in the style of alternative history have become increasingly popular among readers. A prominent representative of this genre is Sergeev Stanislav Sergeevich - the author of fascinating books that have become widely known among readers

The best German writers and their works

The best German writers and their works

Germany is full of cozy towns with wonderful scenery. They have some kind of majestic and at the same time fabulous atmosphere. Probably for this reason, German writers occupy a special place in the orderly ranks of the geniuses of world literature. Perhaps many of them are not as famous as the authors from Russia, England, France, but this does not mean that they are not worthy of attention