2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
This is an amazing island - Buyan: familiar to everyone since childhood and unknown throughout life, accessible and understandable, as a scene in many literary and folklore works, and mysterious, like a real geographical point.
Sometimes it can be found almost at every turn: when reading Pushkin's fairy tales to a child, with mystical-esoteric solving problems with unhappy love, lack of money, an evil boss ("buoyant" conspiracies are quite harmless and are designed more for an amateur than for a professional), and sometimes you can lose your Buyan in everyday life and bustle, although his eternal residence permit remains unchanged - the most secret and waiting for a miracle corner of the human soul.
Versions. Versions. Versions
Of course, it cannot but exist if Alexander Sergeevich himself believed in this island and remembered it as a very real place. Only very unusual.
What was it like on the island of Buyan, since there you could get a sword-treasurer, and a needle with Kashcheev's death, and quickly fulfill all the desires of your heart? Not without the help of the all-powerful Alatyr-stone, of course.

One of the versions claims that Buyan is one of the sacred centers of the ancient Arata (Aryan) civilization, living on the territory of modern Ukraine, Belarus and southern Russia. At the same time, Buyan was considered the first most important place of power and symbolized the light - Ra. Once on the island they worshiped the sun god Svyatovid, according to the ancients, one of the most powerful and most responsive to prayers. The place of the sanctuary and the stone "clone" of the amazing god are still preserved on the shore.
There are a huge number of versions of the real existence of a fabulous island in the modern world. And each of them has the right to life, although most are simply amazing.
Wherever they searched for Buyan Island, it was shrouded in the darkness of mystery like the mythical Shambhala. And where just did not find! Both on the Ob and on the Dnieper. How the options were considered Bely, which is just west of the Gulf of Ob and a little north of the Yamal Peninsula, and about. Khortytsya not far from Zaporizhia, past which it was necessary to swim, heading "to the kingdom of the glorious S altan", that is, the Sultan of Turkey.
There is a version about the geographical involvement of the island in the northern country of Hyperborea, a contemporary of Atlantis, and a lot of interesting options.
Rügen. He is Ruyan. He is Buyan
It's almost unbelievable! Our fabulous island is a respectable German resort. The sunniest place in Germany, beloved by conservative citizens of the country and its guests, with an infrastructure equipped in accordance with all modern he alth and wellnessentertainment requirements.

One of the most important questions of the descendants of the ancient Slavs who get to Rügen is whether it is possible to recognize the true island of Buyan in all this resort splendor? Where is the famous Lukomorye located? In theory, it should be nearby.
So, Rügen-Ruyan-Buyan is located in the B altic Sea, between Denmark, Germany and Poland. It was inhabited in the Stone Age by the Rugier tribe, who left for the mainland (to the territory of modern Germany). He was replaced in the 7th century by the B altic Slavs (Ruyans) - a people who gradually engaged in agriculture and piracy, possessed a powerful flotilla and worshiped Svyatovid.
The remains of the ancient Slavic temple can be seen today.
Why is the Rugen version the most plausible?
During a detailed analysis of this version, the first thing that comes to mind is the same familiar lines from childhood about an oak tree with a golden chain, about miracles that you will have to believe in on a marvelous island, about unseen animals. In a word, no scientific approach, fairy tale literature alone.
But do not rush to reproach yourself, study the vegetation on the island of Buyan: very often there are oak and beech groves - everything, as the poet described. And he did not write from the ceiling, but diligently modernizing the folk tales he heard from the nanny. Folklorists, we must give them their due, at all times adhered to reality and used the most accurate descriptions in their creations.
In addition, the German island, like the same Buyan, supports another legend - about the famous Hyperborea. The northern country, inhabited by people who owned the technique of levitation, was as close as possible to modern Rügen. According to legend, the Sun God Apollo also came from Hyperborea. Please note: the country is northern, and solar gods are in abundance.
But this is not the point, but the fact that from Hyperborea the word “buoy”, “buoy”, common in the northern Slavic latitudes, has come down to us, meaning elevation, terrain, an open place suitable for building a temple.
An island in the B altic Sea-Okiyan, a country beyond Boreas (North wind), the often used word "buyan"… Coincidences are too obvious to be accidental.

Historical background
The people called Ruyans belonged to the northwestern Slavs and are not mentioned anywhere as Hyperboreans, although the possibility of a relationship between these peoples is not ruled out. Perhaps the Ruyans came from Hyperborea.
Having mastered the island of Buyan, they went about their usual business: farming, cattle breeding and repelling attacks of enemies. Although many historians suggest that the B altic Slavs (this people are also called so) did not shy away from piracy and kept the then population of Denmark and Norway in fear, levying taxes from them.
The island prospered, the population did not live in poverty. On the coast was built the capital and part-time fortress - Arkona. Somewhere in these places the legendary Alatyr-stone was kept, certainly white.
Alatyr in the modern interpretation more and more often has the meaning of an altar. Its color is not surprising either: the white chalk cliffs of Rügen -basic building material with a material that could have been used in antiquity.
Buyan Island, where there is (or was) more than one useful artifact, is a very real historical, eventful place.
Traditions brought from Buyan
And now in many Ukrainian and Belarusian villages they tell fortunes for Christmas in Buyan, in pagan way, that is: the owner “hides” behind a bowl of pies or behind a loaf and asks: “Can you see me well?”, while the whole family must, without a twinge of conscience, convince that it is completely invisible, thus inviting prosperity and well-being to the hut for the whole year.

This type of divination was also known to the ancient Ruyans. From the island, in fact, it spread throughout the Slavic lands: once a year, performing a ceremony in honor of the god Svyatovid, the priest stood behind a ritual honey cake, which was baked in a huge size, almost human height. If the priest was not seen behind the “bun”, then the year was a success, if it is visible, the priest ordered to bake a bigger pie the next year, thereby programming the people for prosperity and faith in a good harvest.
As you can see, it is impossible to “sail” and pass by Buyana Island, even just having fun with Christmas fortune-telling.
Private island
And yet everyone has their own real Buyan. For most of us, since childhood, this island has become a symbol of tranquility, a departure from everyday life, a point on the map of our soul, where it’s good, where it’s warm, where it’s cozy. Agree that even in adulthood a person needs a fairy tale. And here - the whole island of Buyan. A world in which everyone is familiara blade of grass, every magical flower, every firebird.

According to the beliefs of esotericists, each of us is endowed with magic. How do you imagine Buyan Island, that point in your subconscious that is responsible for your faith, such miracles will happen in your life.
The more fairy tales you have in yourself, the more space the notorious island occupies in your soul, the more likely it is that everything will turn out great for you both in your career, in your personal life, and in relationships with people.
Remember the first meeting
Here - no options. Most of us first learned about the wonderful island thanks to A. S. Pushkin. The classic could not pass by Buyan Island with its unique positive impact on a person.
Such a place must certainly take its place of honor in literature. Approximately so the poet thought and glorified the island to the whole world.
True, when describing the island of Buyan, Pushkin did not adhere to strict coordinates, so the only landmarks in his fairy tales are oaks, the no less mysterious Lukomorye, the Okiyan sea and the bay, where not beauty-goddesses, but a platoon come out of the sea foam armed fellows.
That's the essence of the fairy tale: to hint that there is a magical land, but not to indicate the exact address. This advantage of the genre was used by the author. Pushkin, of course, did not visit Buyan Island, but he twisted another intrigue - they still haven’t figured it out to the end.

What is a place of power?
Mystics and esotericists tirelessly repeat what is onon our planet, such points, being in which makes a person physically stronger, opens the “third eye” (in other words, enhances intuition), gives previously unseen abilities: younger, levitate, move quickly in space.
According to the mystics, Rugen still remains such a point. Geographers, confirming the presence of ancient tectonic faults on the island, indirectly confirm the possibility of focusing very strong energy here, which an ordinary person can feel both on a physical and emotional level.
Earth energy may have weakened somewhat, but it is there and it works. They say that the action is felt even at a distance. Therefore, magicians of different ranks and directions so actively turn to this particular place of power in their rituals.
Yes, and ordinary rural grandmothers respect him. When they begin to read "on Buyan Island", the conspiracy, in theory, should automatically normalize life and remove all obstacles to happiness.

Let's go, shall we?
Do you want to stop guessing and look for the answer to the question, how do you imagine Buyan Island? Then apply for the Schengen. And let's go!
Only on the spot you can be sure that the fabulous island exists. Moving away from beaches, hotels and cafes, you will be able to breathe in the healing air of ancient Buyan, find a fabulous oak tree (without a cat), see amazing white rocks that continue to look magical and unusual for centuries.
I really want to seefairy tale with my own eyes. Moreover, we already know where Buyan Island hid, in what ocean-ocyyan, under what name.
What would a new fairy tale look like?
We offer a little fantasy and guess what would happen if the famous poet got to the modern island of Buyan. Would Pushkin be surprised, delighted or disappointed?
What fairy tale could come from the pen of a classic? After all, if you do not take into account the resort civilization on the coast, the essence of the island remains the same - mysteriously fabulous.
The riot of vegetation and the dazzling whiteness of the rocks, the reserves with the remains of the sacred beech, the cliff of the Royal Throne, which pretenders to the throne tried to conquer, forest lakes and swamps, leading to them "unknown paths" - all this continues to fascinate, mystically influence and can provide rich material for new fairy tales.
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