Wise quotes about women

Wise quotes about women
Wise quotes about women

Woman is the most amazing creation of nature, there is no doubt about it. She is able to attract attention with her eyes alone, a unique smile. Quotes about a woman are filled with great delight and admiration for this amazing beauty. Any man will agree that a woman is the greatest mystery in the world that knows no compromise. It cannot be comprehended with the mind, but can only be felt with the heart. This article contains quotes about a woman who is the center of the universe and her main secret.

A woman can be known, but impossible to predict

The nature of girls is such that they attract the attention of men, and at the same time they themselves tend not to show their interest to them. A woman is such a bewitching creature that it is impossible not to admire her. Even those who think they know their companion actually have no idea who is nearby.

quotes about a woman
quotes about a woman

The mood of the fair sex can change several times a day. The female nature is so arranged that emotions prevail over the mind. The logic that guidesmen, for girls in some cases is not of significant interest. They are ready to live their own feelings, which suggest a way out of difficult situations. Girls have a highly developed intuition.

In order to understand a woman, you need to be one

It is quite difficult for a man to feel a girl, to guess her mood, desires. Not because the guy is insensitive and does not know how to express his feelings. It's just that men are arranged differently, they have more developed logical thinking than emotions. Quotes about beautiful women always win the heart, make you feel deeper into the amazing secret of beauty and greatness.

quotes about beautiful women
quotes about beautiful women

Only the fair sex can truly understand a woman. That is why girlfriends often share with each other significant experiences and just different impressions about some events taking place in life. Quotes about a woman to some extent anticipate some aspects of relations with her, which should be paid attention to in advance. Building a harmonious, trusting interaction is the number one task.

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen

Girls know how to attract attention in various ways. They love to discuss various cute nonsense with each other. Sometimes they do not say what they think, or rather, it happens in most cases. To understand the true reasons for her motives and desires, you need to learn to "read between the lines." There are true motives behind the words and actions of a woman,which she hides even from herself. To really understand a girl, you need to learn to distinguish her mood, to guess what is happening at a given moment in her heart. Just words have little power.

There is nothing more selfless than a mother's love

Every other attachment in life is usually conditional on something. Only a mother's love can shine like a clear sparkling fire. Quotes about strong women are somehow connected either with the achievement of important goals or with motherhood. A woman who has a child changes completely. As a rule, she immediately prettier externally. This is because her heart is filled with joy from the realized desire to give love and care.

quotes about strong women
quotes about strong women

Thus, quotes about a woman are filled with a great sense of respect and admiration. Every girl once blossoms in all her beauty and becomes a beautiful girl. It is very important for all women to learn to truly accept themselves, their feelings and appearance. Only then is harmony with oneself and the whole world possible.
