Domino principle: philosophical concept or childish entertainment?

Domino principle: philosophical concept or childish entertainment?
Domino principle: philosophical concept or childish entertainment?

The whole world is based on certain canons, without which life is simply impossible to imagine. These principles are so familiar to us that we have long ceased to notice them. Be that as it may, this does not detract from their awesomeness.

Logic chain

domino principle
domino principle

One of these concepts that has become firmly established in everyday life and has ceased to amaze people is the domino principle. There is nothing complicated in it, regardless of whether it is considered figuratively or materially. Many of us in childhood tried to build long chains of dominoes, and then, with a joyful squeal, pushed one bone, filling up the whole row in this way. This is the domino principle in its classical form. Apparently, such a huge number of people amused themselves with this that they began to notice its basis in phenomena removed from the board game. For example, in the same way, some event can lead to a chain of others, or a certain disease sometimes leads to a series of complications, all according to the same principle. And he so captivated mankind with his ingenuity and wideapplicability that began to be used both in cinema and in literature.

Neznansky's "Principle"

The phrase "domino principle" itself is something very distant from the original game that gave it its name.

what is the domino principle
what is the domino principle

Very often this phrase is used figuratively, with philosophical or ironic overtones. It was in this sense that Friedrich Neznansky used it, who published a book called The Domino Principle. The work tells about a chain of murders that are clearly interconnected, and the purpose of the story is precisely to find out what their connection is. High-ranking people with power and money believe that they can get away with even the most heinous crime. The moral of the book is that in the end, no one will go unpunished, and everyone gets what they deserve. One can understand very well what the domino principle is, if we consider some criminal case as an example, in particular, if it failed. As a rule, one careless or wrong step leads to the collapse of the entire operation according to the domino principle, only instead of bones on the board, human destinies and lives are already located. Not everyone who has a myriad of money is a winner - especially if their thoughts are unclean.

the domino principle is
the domino principle is

Sidney Sheldon and the Relentlessness of Doom

Some works in the field of cinematography are sometimes built on this philosophical principle. Of course, most often these are detective stories, as in literature, but in almost all genres you can usethis principle. The notorious domino principle, for example, is constantly used in his works by Sidney Sheldon. Since his characters live very realistic lives, and the situations they find themselves in can happen to anyone, a very interesting conclusion can be drawn. It turns out that our whole life is built on this principle, because each of our actions leads to certain consequences that determine our future fate. Thinking about it is not very pleasant, because there is a certain fatalism in such a concept. It seems that everything has already been decided, and we just have to choose which button to press. However, this is good - at least we can choose the direction and set the sails, but only in this way it is possible to fight the current. This is what Sidney Sheldon shows in his novels, either destroying fate or placing his characters on the highest pedestal.

domino principle layout
domino principle layout

Man is the master of his own destiny

It often happens that we notice how our life has taken a very undesirable alignment. At the same time, I really want to blame the domino principle, which became its cause, for all sins, blaming everything on an unfavorable set of circumstances. However, one should not forget that even if fate really exists, then each person can control it. You can never blame unbreakable principles or universal laws for not being hired. The fact is that everything depends only on you, there is no Sidney Sheldon above you, who rules your life and writes in black and white what should happen to you in the next moment. It's bad that they realizethis is not all, so some people prefer to let their lives take their course and hope for "maybe". Meanwhile, the same domino principle teaches us: if you stand firmly on your feet and keep your distance, nothing bad will happen. If the first bone is glued, it will not fall, even if the whole row of plates falls on it. By making this your life credo, you can achieve unprecedented heights, and few people suspect it.
