Literature 2024, October

Jean Valjean - who is this?

Jean Valjean - who is this?

Victor Hugo's Les Misérables is one of the most amazing works of foreign literature. The sincerity with which the author portrays his heroes makes us worry about the difficult fate of the girl Cosette and Fantine, her mother. In this article, we will recall the main character of the epic novel, who is the former convict Jean Valjean, convicted of stealing bread for many years

What gave Troekurov a lot of weight in the provinces? A. S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

What gave Troekurov a lot of weight in the provinces? A. S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" is a work about unhappy love. However, in this article we will study a more mercantile issue and figure out what gave Masha's father, Troekurov, a lot of weight in the provinces

Who wrote "Robinson Crusoe"? Daniel Defoe's novel: content, main characters

Who wrote "Robinson Crusoe"? Daniel Defoe's novel: content, main characters

Daniel Defoe's novel about Robinson Crusoe is one of the favorite adventure genre works by many readers. This article will allow you not only to recall the summary, but also to understand the reason for its success, to learn a little about the author himself

Characterization of Platon Karataev in the novel "War and Peace"

Characterization of Platon Karataev in the novel "War and Peace"

Platon Karataev is one of the heroes of the great work "War and Peace". After reading this article, you will understand what L. N. Tolstoy wanted to say through the mouth of this character

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin

A.S. Pushkin created the image of Savelich in The Captain's Daughter to show how amazing the Russian national character is. Let's remember what this serf servant, devoted to the Grinev family, was like

Bazarov's attitude to love in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Bazarov's attitude to love in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

In the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" the love line is very clearly indicated. The author tells us how a strong and deep feeling changes the main character's attitude to life. After reading this article, you will remember how Evgeny Bazarov's ideas about the world have changed after meeting Anna Odintsova

Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? reflection

Why did Tatiana fall in love with Onegin? reflection

The answer to the question of why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin at school seems obvious to many. However, after many years, we can hardly easily explain this. Well, let's try again to remember the work read in school years

Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: comparative characteristics of the heroes

Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: comparative characteristics of the heroes

On the pages of his work "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky draws a kind of double of Rodion Raskolnikov - Arkady Svidrigailov. Let's try to determine what are their similarities and differences

Female image in the novel "Quiet Don". Characteristics of the heroines of the epic novel by Sholokhov

Female image in the novel "Quiet Don". Characteristics of the heroines of the epic novel by Sholokhov

Women's images in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" occupy a central place, they help to reveal the character of the main character. After reading this article, you will be able to remember not only the main characters, but also those who, occupying an important place in the work, are gradually forgotten

Who embodies the female image in the novel "War and Peace"?

Who embodies the female image in the novel "War and Peace"?

On the pages of the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy, we see a whole gallery of beautiful female images: Natasha Rostova, Marya Bolkonskaya, Lisa Bolkonskaya, Sonya, Helen. Let's try to remember how the author relates to his heroines

Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best

Quotes about miracles, or learning to believe in the best

Quotes about miracles are used to create essays, formulate statuses for social networks and just read to cheer up. They are preferred not only by romantics and people with a fine mental organization, but also by those who are tired of the dullness and routine of days

Beautiful wisest words

Beautiful wisest words

Life keeps giving us meaningful surprises. We are forced to seek answers to our questions, which in fact never end. The wisest words of scientists, writers, poets and thinkers remain to live in our imagination. They are able to inspire everyone, decorate the very existence of a person, help in overcoming difficulties. Wise words about life are the best way to emphasize the value of every day lived, a specific event that takes place

Bernard Shaw: biography, creativity, works

Bernard Shaw: biography, creativity, works

On the border of the 19th-20th centuries, fundamentally new characters and plots began to appear in world literature. The main difference between the literature of the new century was that the main characters were no longer people, but ideas, they were also active participants in the action. The first authors who began to write "dramas of ideas" were G. Ibsen, A. Chekhov and, of course, B. Shaw. Based on the experience of his literary fathers, Shaw was able to participate in the creation of an entirely new drama system

MoonValley: Late London

MoonValley: Late London

The book "Moon Valley" by Jack London presents the late work of the writer. When he, already caressed by recognition and greatly disappointed in the ideas that he pursued in his youth, decided to write about what he had wanted since the time of the “Game”

"In bed with your husband": reader reviews, summary, critic reviews

"In bed with your husband": reader reviews, summary, critic reviews

Nika Nabokova is a young aspiring writer. There are not too many books in her arsenal yet. Despite this circumstance, Nika is quite popular. Her books are of interest to the younger generation. She took the public by storm with her simple and open writing style

The exception confirms the rule: when is it true and who is the author of this statement?

The exception confirms the rule: when is it true and who is the author of this statement?

A phrase in which its beginning and end are illogical confuses many. "Exceptions only confirm the rule" - is that right? Often it becomes a kind of "trump card" in disputes. When an opponent gives an example of what refutes the judgments of another, then they say a similar aphorism, sometimes without thinking about how correct its use is. What historical detail underlies the statement, who said it? What do these words mean and how to use them correctly?

Hughes Richard: life and outstanding work

Hughes Richard: life and outstanding work

Every country is proud of its writers. The same can be said about Great Britain - many famous personalities grew up there, learned new things for themselves, brought up moral values. Hughes Richard can be considered one of the outstanding English writers

Star Epsilon Eridani: characteristics and mention in art

Star Epsilon Eridani: characteristics and mention in art

Epsilon Eridani is considered the closest star to our system from its constellation. This is a star of the solar type, so science fiction writers love her very much and compose various works about her. It is believed to be less than a billion years old. People have been watching the star for a long time, and there is an opinion that if a system does appear in the constellation, it will be very close to the Earth

Enid Blyton: The Fab Five book series

Enid Blyton: The Fab Five book series

Enid Blyton is a famous writer who wrote her works only for a children's audience. The books of the writer are still famous among readers for their plots and kind characters

Eduard Limonov: biography, creativity

Eduard Limonov: biography, creativity

Eduard Veniaminovich Limonov - poet, writer, odious politician. In Russia, he was able to publish his first article during his stay in the United States. Artistic works of this author were published in his homeland only after his return from exile. Despite the fact that his books have become material for films and several theatrical productions, Eduard Limonov is no longer known for his work, but for his outrageous behavior

Quotes by Mao Zedong. "Quote": translation from Chinese into Russian

Quotes by Mao Zedong. "Quote": translation from Chinese into Russian

Mao Zedong is one of the most cruel rulers not only of China, but of the whole world. No wonder he is often put on a par with Stalin. In addition to adherence to the Marxist-Leninist doctrine, they have in common the incredibly tough government of the country. Under his rule, China was completely transformed into a socialist state, and this transition was far from painless

Indian Vedas: universal sacred knowledge

Indian Vedas: universal sacred knowledge

Indian Vedas are the oldest texts of sacred scriptures, presumably written down in the second millennium BC. The Vedas contain spiritual knowledge that covers all aspects of life and regulates social, legal, everyday, religious life. They describe the rules that must be followed at the birth of a new person, marriage, death, etc

Element of composition in a work of art: examples

Element of composition in a work of art: examples

Today we are talking on the topic: "Traditional elements of the composition." But first you need to remember what a "composition" is. For the first time we meet this term in school. But everything flows, everything changes, gradually even the strongest knowledge is erased. Therefore, we read, we stir up the old, and we fill in the missing gaps

Reminiscence is associative and perspective

Reminiscence is associative and perspective

Reminiscence is a reflection in the new book of individual quotes and, of course, images of a previous famous work, most often created by a classic. It is a rather subtle and powerful creative tool that affects memory and associative thinking, it should not be confused with plagiarism

Stanislav Lem and his novel "Solaris"

Stanislav Lem and his novel "Solaris"

1961 was marked not only by the first manned flight into space, but also by the fact that the novel Solaris was published that year for the first time. The author of this fantastic work was a Polish writer of Jewish origin Stanislaw Lem. "Solaris" was destined to become not only the most famous of the writer's works, but also to leave an indelible mark on the fantastic literature of the whole world

Life and work of Yesenin. The theme of the motherland in Yesenin's work

Life and work of Yesenin. The theme of the motherland in Yesenin's work

The work of Sergei Yesenin is inextricably linked with the theme of the Russian village. After reading this article, you will be able to understand why poems about the motherland occupy such a large place in the poet's work

Ken Kesey: biography, personal life, creativity, reviews

Ken Kesey: biography, personal life, creativity, reviews

American writer Ken Kesey served as the primary link between the beatniks of the 1950s and the counterculture movement of the 1960s, and his 1964 bus trip with a group of followers was immortalized by Tom Wolfe in The Electric Cooling Acid Test. In time, Kesey would be seen as one of the main legislators of the counterculture movement of the 1960s. However, when he was a child and a young man, his dreams and achievements were "All-American"

Roshchin Mikhail Mikhailovich: biography, personal life, creativity

Roshchin Mikhail Mikhailovich: biography, personal life, creativity

Mikhail Roshchin is a well-known domestic playwright, prose writer and screenwriter. He became famous thanks to his plays, which are still being performed at the theater venues of the country, as well as their adaptations. His most famous works are "Old New Year" and "Valentin and Valentine". In this article we will tell his biography, dwell on the main stages of creativity

Galina Shcherbakova: biography and creativity

Galina Shcherbakova: biography and creativity

Galina Shcherbakova is a Soviet and Russian writer and screenwriter. She was born in the Donetsk region in Dzerzhinsk in Ukraine. Several school years of the future writer passed under the conditions of German occupation

L. Tolstoy, "Old Horse": a summary

L. Tolstoy, "Old Horse": a summary

"The old horse" is a classic story by Leo Tolstoy. Why it is necessary to study it at school, we will tell in this article

Icelandic sagas: description, features, content and reviews

Icelandic sagas: description, features, content and reviews

The article is devoted to a brief description of the Icelandic sagas. The work indicates their features, the content of some legends

Bazarov and Odintsova: relationships and a love story

Bazarov and Odintsova: relationships and a love story

Relationships between parents and children have always been difficult. Psychologists have devoted a huge number of books to this concept. But none of them approached the answer to the question as close as Turgenev

E. Nosov, "Red Wine of Victory": summary and analysis

E. Nosov, "Red Wine of Victory": summary and analysis

A lot has been written about the war. Often the feat of the state, common patriotism is sung. Another view of the Great Patriotic War is presented by Yevgeny Nosov. He examines the phenomenon from the inside, through the prism of the souls of ordinary people

Pushkin's Lyceum period. Pushkin's works in the lyceum period

Pushkin's Lyceum period. Pushkin's works in the lyceum period

Do you love Pushkin? It's impossible not to love him! This is the lightness of the syllable, the depth of thought, the elegance of the composition

The theme of the motherland in the work of Blok A.A

The theme of the motherland in the work of Blok A.A

Each poet in due time comes to the theme of the Motherland. Alexander Blok did not bypass her either. He brought innovations in the image of the Motherland in the lyrics. He did not stop at one comparison of the image, but showed its versatility and richness

Quotes about sincerity and more

Quotes about sincerity and more

Sincerity is one of the most important human qualities, the foundation of he althy relationships, an important personality trait. This is the first and main component of such psychological traits in the portrait of an individual as truthfulness and honesty. To be sincere with someone means, of course, to be in a special relationship of trust with this person, often it means to let a person into the intimate sphere of thoughts and reflections, explanations of motives and actions

Etienne Cassé: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Etienne Cassé: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

This article is dedicated to the man of mystery Etienne Cassé. His life is shrouded in a veil of mystery. His death is mysterious and ambiguous. His books turn the perception of the world. The article presents well-known facts of the biography, gives brief reviews of some books by Etienne Cassé

Quotes about peace and quiet. Happiness loves silence

Quotes about peace and quiet. Happiness loves silence

Silence is the absence of sound. Just like darkness is only the absence of light. However, in fact, silence is fraught with many mysteries that mankind still cannot solve. In this article, we will look at quotes about peace and quiet that are relevant always and at all times

Faleev Alexey: biography, books, reviews

Faleev Alexey: biography, books, reviews

The advice of a strong and intelligent person is always nice to hear. That is why the books of Alexei Faleev are so popular among the people, as well as among inexperienced athletes who want to put their body in order. Himself starting almost from scratch, in his books Faleev talks about simple and convenient methods for acquiring impressive muscle mass or getting rid of body fat

Beautiful and sad statuses about pain in the soul with meaning

Beautiful and sad statuses about pain in the soul with meaning

Short sad statuses about pain can be found on individual pages of people in social networks. Admittedly, they are not at all uncommon. This is not surprising. Faced with deceit, anxiety, multiple disappointments, some individuals want to share their emotions, express them to the outside world. Personal experiences are sometimes so strong that a person cannot resist starting to look for sad statuses about pain