Literature 2024, October

Hans Christian Andersen: a brief biography, interesting facts about the storyteller's life, works and famous fairy tales

Hans Christian Andersen: a brief biography, interesting facts about the storyteller's life, works and famous fairy tales

Life is boring, empty and unpretentious without fairy tales. Hans Christian Andersen understood this perfectly. Even though his character was not easy, but opening the door to another magical story, people did not pay attention to it, but happily plunged into a new, previously unheard story

Zbigniew Brzezinski: biography, personal life, creativity, reviews

Zbigniew Brzezinski: biography, personal life, creativity, reviews

Zbigniew Brzezinski has been gone for more than a year, but his name is remembered in Russia and, perhaps, will be remembered for a long time to come. It will be cunning if you say that this will be done by everyone with a grateful and light heart. After all, if you ask an expert on the history of the collapse of the USSR to name Western strategists and analysts who really accelerated this process, then the name of Brzezinski will sound first

Stieg Larson: biography, personal life, books

Stieg Larson: biography, personal life, books

Swedish public and political figure Stig Larson is known to the Russian reader primarily for the Millennium trilogy, but writing was far from the only thing in his life. From the article you can learn more about the biography and personal life of the writer, as well as about his works

Bilbo Baggins: description of the famous hobbit

Bilbo Baggins: description of the famous hobbit

Everyone knows or has heard of JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. This book tells about the amazing adventures of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins

Writer Eduard Uspensky

Writer Eduard Uspensky

Eduard Uspensky is a famous children's writer, the author of wonderful books that we get to know from a very young age. The child does not yet know how to read, but the kind and sweet heroes of fairy tales already occupy his imagination, become for him the whole world and a kind of revelation. Who is Eduard Uspensky?

Tychina Pavel Grigorievich: biography and creativity

Tychina Pavel Grigorievich: biography and creativity

Tychina Pavel Grigorievich was born in the village of Peski, Chernihiv province, on January 23, 1891, in the family of a rural clergyman who was also a school teacher. Pavel was the seventh child in the family, he received, in addition to church education, a very good musical education. He had absolute pitch, was a born artist

Nekrasov, "Contemporary": the life path and work of the great poet

Nekrasov, "Contemporary": the life path and work of the great poet

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is the greatest Russian poet, who was born on November 28, 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Vinnitsa district, Podolsk province, now it is the territory of Ukraine. His works are familiar to us from childhood and loved, Nekrasov's poems become folk songs

Zaynab Biisheva: biography and creativity

Zaynab Biisheva: biography and creativity

Zaynab Bisheeva is a famous writer, poetess, translator, publicist, journalist from the Republic of Bashkortostan. She did a lot for her people, so her work has become very important and necessary, it has become a real property of the people. Her novels “A Strange Man”, “Let's Be Friends”, “Kunhylu”, the novels “Humiliated”, “At the Big Ik”, “Emesh”, which make up the trilogy “Towards the Light!”, have gone through more than one edition in Russia

Larisa Ogudalova and Katerina Kabanova: comparison experience

Larisa Ogudalova and Katerina Kabanova: comparison experience

The article is devoted to the comparison of the heroines of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Dowry". The review shows the similarities and differences between Larisa and Katerina

Aleksey Karamazov, a character in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov": characteristics

Aleksey Karamazov, a character in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov": characteristics

Aleksey Karamazov is the key character in Dostoevsky's latest novel, The Brothers Karamazov. This hero does not seem to be the main one, since the main events are connected with the figure of his older brother, but this is only the first impression. The writer from the very beginning prepared for Alyosha a great future. Unfortunately, the reader should have learned about him from the continuation of the novel, but the second part was never written due to the unexpected death of the author

Books everyone should read

Books everyone should read

It's so hard to choose books to read. Therefore, we offer you our selection - these are the works that are loved by millions of people around the world

Books for intellectual development and vocabulary improvement

Books for intellectual development and vocabulary improvement

Do you feel like your memory is playing against you? Forget the right word? Can't remember the information you need? This is fine. The functions of the human brain, like the body, decline with age, but do not despair. In the same way that physical exercises keep the body in good shape, specially designed programs help preserve the brain and pump memory. According to modern science, age has nothing to do with it. What to do? Books for intellectual development will answer this question

We recommend reading: a summary of Tolstoy's "Aelita"

We recommend reading: a summary of Tolstoy's "Aelita"

Earthlings get to Mars, discover a civilization of humanoids there and become catalysts for a social explosion. The daughter of the head of the High Council, Aelita, falls in love with an earth engineer. However, the revolution provoked by earthlings is defeated, and they return to Earth. How does the plot develop further? About it in brief

James Baldwin: biography and creativity

James Baldwin: biography and creativity

James Baldwin is the author of unique, compelling stories that capture the imagination of readers. He was born in New York in 1924 and died at the age of 63 in France. His stepfather was a priest. Unfortunately, Baldwin did not know his father. In many of his novels, regret and indignation about this can be traced

Shakespeare, "Coriolanus": a summary of the tragedy, plot, main characters and reviews

Shakespeare, "Coriolanus": a summary of the tragedy, plot, main characters and reviews

From the pen of the English master William Shakespeare, many literary masterpieces came out. And it is difficult to say that some topics were given to him easier than others, whether these were works about unhappy, happy love, about a broken, but not broken fate, about political intrigues

Martty Larney "The Fourth Vertebrae, or the Reluctant Fraudster": main characters, quotes

Martty Larney "The Fourth Vertebrae, or the Reluctant Fraudster": main characters, quotes

The Fourth Vertebra is a book published in 1957. Martti Larni portrayed the American way of life in this satirical work, inviting the reader to look at it through the eyes of a Finnish immigrant. What are the characteristic features of the mentality of the inhabitants of the New World? What is a European who finds himself in the US unable to get used to?

Marina Stepnova: biography, creativity, reviews

Marina Stepnova: biography, creativity, reviews

Modern Russian literature is hard to imagine without the unique metaphorical prose that Marina Lvovna Stepnova presents to the reader. Today she is the editor-in-chief of the men's magazine XXL, a poet, prose writer, screenwriter and translator from Romanian. This woman is a real example of a purposeful creative person. Her genius and hard work brought her national fame and recognition in literary circles

Who wrote "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

Who wrote "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

Brief biographical information from the life of John Tolkien and the history of the creation of his most famous works. Characteristics of the protagonist of the novel "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

Summary: Oresteia, Aeschylus. Aeschylus' Oresteia trilogy: summary and description

Summary: Oresteia, Aeschylus. Aeschylus' Oresteia trilogy: summary and description

Aeschylus was born in Eleusis, a Greek city near Athens, in 525 BC. e. He was the first of the great Greek tragedians, the forerunner of such writers as Sophocles and Euripides, and many scholars recognize him as the creator of the tragic drama. Unfortunately, only seven plays written by Aeschylus survived to the modern era - “Prometheus chained”, “Oresteia”, “Seven against Thebes” and others

Phraseologism "from rags to riches"

Phraseologism "from rags to riches"

The topic of this article is the well-known idiom "from rags to riches". Where did he come from? Dahl's dictionary contains its primary form - a proverb known in the 19th century, which includes words discarded by subsequent condensation

Russian poets of the 20th century. Creativity of poets of the 19th-20th centuries

Russian poets of the 20th century. Creativity of poets of the 19th-20th centuries

The golden age was followed by the silver age with its bold new ideas and varied themes. Changes also affected the literature of the early 20th century. In the article you will get acquainted with modernist trends, their representatives and creativity

Romantic landscape in literature

Romantic landscape in literature

Landscape - a genre of fine art, the main object of which is the image of nature, both in its original form and in a form altered by man. In literature, the author uses the image of nature as a figurative expression of his own intention. To better understand the features of the romantic landscape in literature, it is necessary to understand the philosophy of such a direction as romanticism

Physiological essay: description of a social class, its life, environment, customs and values

Physiological essay: description of a social class, its life, environment, customs and values

Certain shifts in public consciousness in the middle of the nineteenth century caused the emergence of such a genre as a physiological essay. Nekrasov and Belinsky, creating almanacs of the so-called new school, seemed to be trying to return the literary activity of Russia to the militant adherence to principles of the Ryleev and Bestuzhev "Polar Star". A fairly large group of writers was united by the advanced ideology of that time, so the understanding of creative tasks will radically change

Phraseologism "sit in a puddle": meaning and use cases

Phraseologism "sit in a puddle": meaning and use cases

Here and there we hear the idiom "to sit in a puddle". Some people know its meaning, some don't. For the second, we decided to write our article. In it, using understandable examples, we will analyze the meaning of the declared expression

The best autobiographical books: list and reviews

The best autobiographical books: list and reviews

Year by year it is more and more difficult for a person to navigate in the past, his own memories, if they are not fixed in diaries and surviving letters, become cloudy and vague, since even exact dates are erased from memory, faces are forgotten, old events are interpreted differently. But human life is a unique thing, it is inimitable and unlike the others. That is why autobiographical books are so interesting at all times

Sword-hoarder - the magic weapon of heroes

Sword-hoarder - the magic weapon of heroes

In the fairy tales of various peoples, researchers and readers have always been interested in the weapons of heroes and heroes. With the help of these devices, the people's defenders performed some of their famous feats, fighting various types of enemies and freeing innocent hostages

Famous Ukrainian writers and poets. List of contemporary Ukrainian writers

Famous Ukrainian writers and poets. List of contemporary Ukrainian writers

Ukrainian literature has come a long way in order to reach the level that exists at the moment. Ukrainian writers have contributed throughout time from the 18th century in the works of Prokopovich and Hrushevsky to the contemporary works of authors such as Shkliar and Andrukhovych

Parables of good and evil are the best motivator of good deeds

Parables of good and evil are the best motivator of good deeds

The parables of good and evil are the most popular among the considered literary genre. They are small narrative stories that include instructiveness, comparison of artistic ideas or concepts, as well as non-standard and non-linear development of thought

Writer Richard Bach: biography and creativity

Writer Richard Bach: biography and creativity

Richard Bach is a highly recognizable writer today. His numerous creations are known all over the world. Many people read Richard Bach's books. Even true pragmatists sometimes cannot remain indifferent to the atmosphere that is created on these amazing pages. Mostly the themes of such works are of interest to young people

How to choose the right words of welcome. Example and Basic Principles

How to choose the right words of welcome. Example and Basic Principles

Correctly chosen greeting words are an opportunity to win the attention of the audience from the very first seconds of communication or, conversely, miss your "star" chance. Based on the first impression, further relationships are very often built, so it is important to present yourself to the public correctly, as well as draw the attention of all those present to yourself in a proper and appropriate way

Examples of sayings: an intriguing prelude

Examples of sayings: an intriguing prelude

Everyone's favorite phrase "This is just a saying, a fairy tale ahead" can be interpreted in two ways. And how further everything will be more interesting and more interesting, or is it just flowers, berries will go further. Both as a promise and as a threat

"The Little Mermaid": a summary. "The Little Mermaid" - a fairy tale by G. H. Andersen

"The Little Mermaid": a summary. "The Little Mermaid" - a fairy tale by G. H. Andersen

The tale of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen "The Little Mermaid" has long become world famous and popular, despite its sad ending. She is loved and known in most countries of the world

What are counting rhymes: definition. Russian rhymes and fables for children

What are counting rhymes: definition. Russian rhymes and fables for children

Counting tales and fables are useful not only to know for children, but also for adults. This is a huge cultural heritage of the people, which will help us to better understand and study the psychology of our nation and its mentality

What are nursery rhymes and jokes? Nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, invocations, pestles

What are nursery rhymes and jokes? Nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, invocations, pestles

Russian culture, like any other, is rich in folklore and its components. The memory of the people has preserved many works of human creativity that swept through the centuries and turned out to be assistants to many parents and educators in the modern world

G.H. Andersen. Fairy tale "Wild swans"

G.H. Andersen. Fairy tale "Wild swans"

In early childhood, mothers and grandmothers begin to acquaint their children and grandchildren with the work of Hans Christian Andersen. According to the tales of this outstanding Danish writer, feature films and animated films are being made, performances are staged. After all, his tales are very magical and very kind, although a little sad. And one of those wonderful stories that Andersen wrote - "Wild Swans"

A carrier of information, the best gift, food for thought A book is what?

A carrier of information, the best gift, food for thought A book is what?

Each of us knows very well what a book is. A small but dear thing that opens up a new world. Special love is experienced by true connoisseurs of literature, book lovers who cannot live a day without reading

Ivan Shmelev: biography, photos and creativity

Ivan Shmelev: biography, photos and creativity

Ivan Sergeevich was born on September 21, 1873. He was from a family of Zamoskvoretsky merchants. Nevertheless, his father's trade was of little interest to him. It contained numerous baths and an artel of carpenters. Shmelev's family was an Old Believer, the way it was peculiar, democratic. The Old Believers, both owners and ordinary workers, lived in a friendly community

"Notre Dame Cathedral": art never gets old

"Notre Dame Cathedral": art never gets old

"Notre Dame Cathedral" is a truly immortal work written by the famous French writer Victor Hugo. Almost two centuries have passed since its writing, however, many people in all corners of the planet are still reading this fascinating novel

French writer Charles Montesquieu: a brief biography

French writer Charles Montesquieu: a brief biography

Charles Montesquieu is a French writer, thinker and lawyer, whose name is deeply rooted in the history of the formation of state legal doctrines. He gained fame thanks to the theory of the separation of powers, which owes its existence to the French philosopher. However, the story of his life goes far beyond this one concept

The book "My general", Likhanov. Summary

The book "My general", Likhanov. Summary

Summary of Albert Likhanov's book "My General" will help you decide whether to read the whole work