A carrier of information, the best gift, food for thought A book is what?

A carrier of information, the best gift, food for thought A book is what?
A carrier of information, the best gift, food for thought A book is what?

Each of us knows very well what a book is. A small but dear thing that opens up a new world. True connoisseurs of literature, book lovers, who cannot live a day without reading, experience special love. There is a whole classification of literary works in the world. They differ in a number of features, but in general they have a single message - an informational report to the reader. Let's try to answer the question: "What is a book?".

Transmission of information

The history of the creation of the book goes far back in the past centuries. Now we are accustomed to seeing it in a beautiful cover, with a hardcover that allows you to maintain quality for many years. Design is an integral part of creating a book, as the buyer will pay no less attention to the visual image than to the content.

book it
book it

But, looking into the past, we can say that in a simple sense, a book is a transfer of information, a message addressed to another person. Hence the desire of primitive people to pass on the accumulated knowledge to future generations. They didn't have a chance then. And yet, representatives of the ancientcivilizations have found a way out.

What came first?

If we turn to word formation, from the Proto-Slavic language “book” is folded, fastened sheets, which were replaced by scrolls. The information recording system has become an integral part of book development. To store it, our ancestors came up with ways of practical expression. The first of these were clay tablets, and after that metal sheets and tree bark were used.

Tablets were a stable carrier of information. Clay and wax, they equally included the pros and cons of using them. So, in the first case, the tablets had to be burned in order to fix the text, which was no longer subject to change. When using wax, the inscription could be erased. In ancient Rome, they used planks fastened together. Called the codex, they formed the modern book prototype.

Development of book formats

It is known that in ancient Egypt they used papyrus, which is considered the progenitor of the paper we know today. His sheets were combined into scrolls - original book formats, which, along with tree bark, were widely used. In the Middle Ages, handwritten editions (manuscripts) were distributed. They were created in special workshops, and for those who had a beautiful handwriting, the position of a scribe was invented. The text was written with ink and reed pens. Later, a color scheme was used to color the manuscripts.

Russian books
Russian books

Woodcut (in the modern view, this is a stencilfor multi-purpose use) first appeared in the 14th century. A matrix was cut out of wood, which was dipped in ink and printed on several copies. Nowadays, a copier can easily perform a similar procedure.

The place of the book in the development of literature

The emergence of ancient Russian literature is associated with the creation of statehood in Russia in the 9th century. In the pre-Christian period, writing already existed. By this time, the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet, which led to the formation of the alphabet, traditionally called Cyrillic, is attributed. The adoption of Christianity was marked by familiarization with the book culture. One of the first literary monuments was the "Sermon on Law and Grace", written by Metropolitan Hilarion in the 11th century. Later, "The Tale of Bygone Years" and "Instruction" by Vladimir Monomakh appear. This is followed by “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, “The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu”.

With the development of literature in subsequent centuries, Russian books acquire wide social significance. The works of the classics are published: Pushkin (considered the father of literature), Lomonosov, Tolstoy, Turgenev and many other eminent writers. The Golden, Silver Ages transfer their rights to the modern age - it is marked by an unprecedented growth in book publishing and the emergence of a huge number of authors of various directions.

Special attention should be paid to Russian literature of the Soviet era. It was marked by a difficult time for the country. Many writers were forced to emigrate, but in a general sense this is not due to the lack of works recognized as classics. Perfor a whole century, poetry, the theme of revolutions and war, historical prose, satirical, sci-fi, dramatic direction, lyrics, magical realism, camp, rural and urban prose have found their place. The previously unknown or little-known genres of detective, thriller, romanticism, postmodernism, realism, conceptualism, symbolism, neorealism have received special development. Not every modern reader understands these concepts, but they do exist as an independent genre.

book authors
book authors

Authors of works

During the centuries-old history of the development of the book, the reading public has met a number of writers. The authors of the books did not seem to be special personalities. On the contrary, they were "come from the masses", often writing about what they saw around them. There were also those who presented new ideas to the public, which did not immediately find recognition. These, first of all, include the fantasy genre and its prominent representatives: Vladimir Obruchev, Alexander Belyaev, Grigory Adamov, Vasily Aksenov, Kir Bulychev, Ivan Efremov, Anatoly Dneprov. The Strugatsky brothers, who are considered classics of Soviet science fiction, rightfully have the palm.

In today's reading world, the book is still relevant. Within the framework of the state program on the occasion of the Year of Literature, a number of events are planned to increase the significance of the book. Festivals, promotions and competitions will be held in many libraries of the country. Every book lover will discover something new and exciting.

Modern book formats, in addition to the usual book version,Includes e-book and audiobook. The first is intended for reading on a digital medium. Often they are CDs and DVDs, players, tablets. The peculiarity of the second is that it should be listened to, since it consists of an audio recording.

book formats
book formats

Book today

In its current state, the book has undergone a number of changes. Remaining a key type of printed matter, it was divided into periodicals, notebooks and albums, book formats familiar to us, made with handwritten or typographic text, graphic illustrations, soft and hard covers. But most often it is assumed that a book is a scientific or literary work in the form of a bound edition intended for printing.
