"A new book about the raw food diet, or why cows are predators" by Pavel Sebastyanovich

"A new book about the raw food diet, or why cows are predators" by Pavel Sebastyanovich
"A new book about the raw food diet, or why cows are predators" by Pavel Sebastyanovich

The author of the book “Why cows are predators” Pavel Sebastyanovich claims that a person is omnivorous, but a raw food diet is an adequate diet for him. Adequate food is one for which the digestive system is adapted. Pavel draws an analogy with modern cars: 95 grade gasoline is suitable for their engines. Cars can also drive on 92, but then carbon deposits appear on the spark plugs and other side effects. Sebastianovich's arguments in favor of a raw food diet will be discussed in the article.

raw foodist Pavel
raw foodist Pavel


To make further arguments clear, let's analyze the term autolysis. This word means self-digestion. Cells of humans, animals, plants, microorganisms contain enzymes, in other words, enzymes. When someone eats a plant or animal, the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice starts the processautolysis. It happens like this: the acid dissolves the walls of the cell chambers, inside which there are enzymes. Enzymes are released and begin to dissolve the cells of the victim - animal or plant. As a result of autolysis, complex substances break down into simple ones, for example, proteins into amino acids, and are absorbed by the body. It turns out that food digests itself. The phenomenon of autolysis was first described by Academician Ugolev.

Why are cows predators?

Book cover of Why Cows Are Predators
Book cover of Why Cows Are Predators

Sebastianovich says this as a joke, but the statement is largely true. Own enzymes of a cow, like a person, cannot digest plant fiber, get nutrients from it. The stomach of a cow consists of several sections. In the first, the grass eaten by the animal is eaten by microorganisms. Then they get into the second section, where they begin to digest themselves. As a result, the cow receives amino acids and other substances to build her body. Thus, the animal eats microorganisms, which it also killed. That's why cows are predators.

Human digestion

human digestive tract
human digestive tract

In our body, food is processed through several types of digestion. Suppose a person ate an apple. In the stomach and small intestine, autolysis takes place - self-digestion. Their enzymes help, they process what is not digested. This is your own digestion. In the large intestine, bacterial enzymes are involved in the work. These microorganisms are also called microflora. The book Why Cows Are Predators states that her weightis 2.5-3 kg. Bacterial enzymes process what is not digested in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, a person receives essential amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients. This type of digestion is called symbiotic.

Raw versus cooked food

Meat versus raw plant food
Meat versus raw plant food

Sebastianovich in Why Cows Are Predators lists the benefits of raw plant foods. Here they are:

  1. Live enzymes capable of triggering autolysis are found only in uncooked foods. Boiled food will also be digested and assimilated, but the body will spend a lot of energy on it. He will have to synthesize his own enzymes first.
  2. Symbiotic microflora that gives a person amino acids, vitamins, eats only plant fiber. The protein of boiled meat, fish enters the body in an altered, unnatural state. The immune system perceives such a protein as foreign and responds with a sharp increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood.
  3. On a raw food diet, waste products in the form of fiber are easily excreted from the body, unchanged. The body does not waste energy on recycling. On a traditional diet, it is more difficult for the body to do this. In addition, you have to remove toxins, fight putrefactive bacteria - the consequences of boiled and protein foods.


For the transition to a raw food diet menu for beginners will be very helpful. Pavel Sebastyanovich advises at first not to limit oneself in the amount of raw plant foods, to eat as often asas you wish. However, you should not mix foods - you should eat one kind at a time.

Food for the raw foodist
Food for the raw foodist

Any fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs are suitable for eating. Grains and legumes are best soaked or sprouted, while nuts and seeds are best bought unpeeled.
