Literature 2024, October

Author's sheet - a unit of measurement of a writer's work

Author's sheet - a unit of measurement of a writer's work

To type the author's sheet, it was necessary to hit the keys of a typewriter about forty thousand times. All 23 pages must have a standard size of 29.7 x 21 cm, which is A4 size. Single-sided printing

The fairy tale "Bird tongue": a summary

The fairy tale "Bird tongue": a summary

"Bird tongue" is a fairy tale known to every child. A fantastic story about a man who understood the speech of birds from an early age has several versions. Their plots are similar. What differences exist in the most famous versions of the fairy tale "Bird's Tongue" is described in the article

Norman Mailer: biography and creativity

Norman Mailer: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Norman Mailer is. His books are popular, so it is worth talking about this person in more detail. We are talking about an American writer, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and film director. He was born in 1923

Akunin, "Decorator": summary, reviews of critics, film adaptation

Akunin, "Decorator": summary, reviews of critics, film adaptation

Boris Akunin is the author of the book "Special Assignments", which is composed of two volumes. The second is called "Decorator", and it is about him that is written in the article. There are reviews, summary and information about the film adaptation

The most useful books. Review

The most useful books. Review

The most useful books are the ones you want to re-read sometimes. Many of us have desk brochures at home to help lift our spirits or chart our individual paths in a profession, business, or any endeavor

Rating of good books. Best Books of All Time

Rating of good books. Best Books of All Time

When choosing a book, many people first read reviews and look at its rating among readers. On the one hand, this is quite understandable, since few people want to throw money away. On the other hand, everyone has different tastes. The article contains books that invariably deserve the highest ratings from readers. Modern classics, fantasy, mysticism - choose

Rating of books about hitmen: top best, authors and titles

Rating of books about hitmen: top best, authors and titles

Shooters are fictional heroes of literature, cinema or animation who suddenly find themselves in an unusual reality for themselves: the past, the future, the cosmic universe or any other fictional world. Rating of the best books about hitmen according to reader reviews later in this article

Mass Literature: Book Genres

Mass Literature: Book Genres

Book genres help the reader navigate the book sea of mass literature of the 21st century. Most people periodically vary them in their "reader's menu", but among them there are fans of a certain genre

Pavel Kornev: bibliography and reader reviews

Pavel Kornev: bibliography and reader reviews

Pavel Kornev is a modern science fiction writer who has recently gained recognition in literature. He gained wide popularity thanks to the cycle of novels "Borderlands", which today has nine books. We will talk about this wonderful author and his work in this article

American writer Brandon Sanderson: biography, creativity and reviews

American writer Brandon Sanderson: biography, creativity and reviews

Brandon Sanderson is a contemporary American science fiction writer. He made his debut in 2005 with the novel Elantris, and in 2007 his novel The Hope of Elantris was published. Since then, the author has become a professional writer

Robert Heinlein: bibliography, best works

Robert Heinlein: bibliography, best works

One of the greatest American writers - Robert Heinlein - was born in Missouri on July 7, 1907. There he spent his childhood. The greatest influence on the formation of the child's personality was made by his grandfather, who, firstly, instilled in him a love of reading, and, secondly, developed positive character traits in him, such as purposefulness and responsibility

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich: biography, bibliography, best books

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich: biography, bibliography, best books

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich is one of the most interesting and amazing authors of modern youth and children's literature. This well-known and respected writer has been very little studied by authoritative criticism. He rarely gives a public assessment of his own work, inviting readers to judge him for themselves

Romain Rolland: biography, personal life, photos of the writer and books

Romain Rolland: biography, personal life, photos of the writer and books

Romain Rolland's books are like a whole era. His contribution to the struggle for the happiness and peace of mankind is invaluable. Rolland was loved and considered a true friend by the working people of many countries, for whom he became a “people's writer”

Romain Rolland: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Romain Rolland: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Romain Rolland was a popular French writer, musicologist and public figure who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1915 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was well known in the Soviet Union, even has the status of a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. One of his most famous works is the 10-volume novel-river "Jean-Christophe"

Simona Vilar: biography, creativity, photo

Simona Vilar: biography, creativity, photo

Simona Vilar is well known to admirers of love historical novels and Slavic fantasy stories that captivate with their magic. She is a talented Ukrainian writer and author of poignant women's prose, which has been repeatedly published not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia

American science fiction writer Norton Andre: biography and creativity

American science fiction writer Norton Andre: biography and creativity

Norton Andre is a great lady of science fiction who has received countless awards for her writing throughout her writing career. She was truly a great woman. About one hundred and thirty full-fledged novels came out from under her pen, and she continued to write almost until her death (and she died at a very advanced age of 93 years)

Elinek Elfrida: biography, quotes

Elinek Elfrida: biography, quotes

Jelinek Elfriede is a talented writer from Austria who won the Nobel Prize. She created such wonderful works, popular all over the world, as "Pianist", "Children of the Dead", "Mistresses". The author's books are valued for their unique style, non-standard plot moves, and willingness to raise topical issues. What is known about the life of Elfrida, her creative achievements?

Susan Collins: books, biography. The Hunger Games Phenomenon

Susan Collins: books, biography. The Hunger Games Phenomenon

The Hunger Games book by Suzanne Collins became a real sensation: huge circulations around the world, literary awards and phenomenal success, including its film adaptation

American writer Donna Tartt: biography, creativity, books and reviews. The book "The Secret History", Donna Tartt: description and reviews

American writer Donna Tartt: biography, creativity, books and reviews. The book "The Secret History", Donna Tartt: description and reviews

Donna Tarrt is a popular American writer. She is appreciated by both readers and critics, from whom, among other things, she received the Pulitzer Prize - one of the most prestigious US awards in literature, journalism, music and theater

The most popular books of 2014. Book ranking by popularity

The most popular books of 2014. Book ranking by popularity

In this review, we will highlight the most popular books of 2014 in our country, so that you have something to focus on when choosing printed materials for reading

Action novels - what to read?

Action novels - what to read?

The action-packed novels combine truth and fiction, detective and drama. Competently written books in the "action novel" genre capture the reader from the first lines. What to read in this genre is a question, the answer to which we will try to give in our today's material. We are talking about the best action-packed novels of recent years, which are simply not to be missed by real book lovers

Literary Techniques, or What Writers Can't Do Without

Literary Techniques, or What Writers Can't Do Without

Literary devices have been widely used at all times, not only by classics or authors of works of art, but also by marketers, poets and even ordinary people to more vividly recreate the story being told

Antique literature. The history of development. Representatives of the era of antiquity

Antique literature. The history of development. Representatives of the era of antiquity

The term "ancient literature" was first introduced by Renaissance humanists, who called the literature of Ancient Greece and Rome that way. The term was retained by these countries and became synonymous with classical antiquity - the world that influenced the formation of European culture

Lenin's "April Theses" - course towards socialist revolution

Lenin's "April Theses" - course towards socialist revolution

Thinkers and scientists often determine the direction of development of states. One of such prominent theoretical developments is Lenin's "April Theses"

Biography and years of life of Krylov Ivan Andreevich

Biography and years of life of Krylov Ivan Andreevich

The years of Krylov's life and biography in a number of articles have gaps when it is not known what the playwright, journalist, fabulist was doing. During his lifetime, he himself refused to edit his biography in a very harsh form: “I read it; neither to correct, nor to straighten out, neither time nor desire is there "

Jack Kerouac: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Jack Kerouac: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Almost 50 years have passed since the death of Jack Kerouac, but his novels - "On the Road", "Dharma Bums", "Angels of Desolation" - still arouse the interest of the reading public. His works forced a new look at literature, at the writer; posed questions that are difficult to answer. This article tells about the life and work of the great American writer

Interesting tales about fish

Interesting tales about fish

This article discusses the most interesting and popular tales about fish and their sea relatives. Special attention is paid to the work of P. Ershov "The Humpbacked Horse", where the image of the miracle-yudo fish-whale is presented in the most detailed and vivid way

The life and work of Elizabeth Gilbert

The life and work of Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert is a famous American writer who gave the world the novel "Eat, Pray, Love", which instantly gained incredible popularity around the world. However, far from the entire biography of the woman who instilled confidence in the hearts of millions of readers around the world was included there

“Overture” by Igor Severyanin: “Pineapples in champagne! Surprisingly tasty, sparkling and spicy!”

“Overture” by Igor Severyanin: “Pineapples in champagne! Surprisingly tasty, sparkling and spicy!”

Literary life seethed and boiled at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries! At this time, which is called the Silver Age of Russian culture, in addition to the truly talented masters of this cheerful workshop, a lot of “foam” appeared. These names have practically disappeared into oblivion. But the unusual melodic verses “Pineapples in champagne!” remained, which were talked about everywhere

The poem "Anchar" by Pushkin: analysis according to the plan

The poem "Anchar" by Pushkin: analysis according to the plan

Pushkin's "Anchar" is one of the most powerful poems of the poet. It protests against the absolute power of one person over another. Pushkin created in it a completely new circle of images for Russian poetry, perceived by him from the East

Turgenev's story "Date": summary and analysis

Turgenev's story "Date": summary and analysis

Turgenev's story "Date", a brief summary of which will be discussed below, is included in the "Hunting Notes" cycle. Published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1850

Edgar Allan Poe, "The System of Dr. Small and Professor Perrault": a summary, heroes, reviews

Edgar Allan Poe, "The System of Dr. Small and Professor Perrault": a summary, heroes, reviews

Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) lived a short life of only forty years, full of poverty and misunderstanding of his work among his contemporaries in his homeland in America. Meanwhile, B. Shaw categorically stated that in the United States there are only two great writers: E. Poe and M. Twain

“The Hermit Fathers…”: The Cleansing Power of Prayer

“The Hermit Fathers…”: The Cleansing Power of Prayer

Mature late A. Pushkin creates practically only masterpieces. These include the poem "The Hermit Fathers …", written six months before his death, around the end of July 1836. Even by the first words, you can determine that further reflection on your passions will go. Having traveled a difficult path from disbelief to knowing the Creator, he opened his heart and soul to cleansing prayers

Analysis of Pushkin's poem: "If life deceives you ", the history of its creation and theme

Analysis of Pushkin's poem: "If life deceives you ", the history of its creation and theme

Early and late poetry of A. S. Pushkin is filled with philosophical reflections. At 24, the poet was thinking about the vicissitudes of fate. He looked at the world with youthful optimism and wrote a poem “If life deceives you …” (Pushkin) in the album of a young 15-year-old girl. We will now analyze the short work. The poet still believed that all sorrows are transient

Portrait of a gentleman from San Francisco. Creating a story, a summary and characterization of the hero with quotes

Portrait of a gentleman from San Francisco. Creating a story, a summary and characterization of the hero with quotes

In 1915, I. Bunin created one of the most remarkable and profound works of his time, in which he painted an impartial portrait of a gentleman from San Francisco. In this story, published in the collection "The Word", the outstanding Russian writer, with his characteristic sarcasm, demonstrates the ship of human life, which moves in the middle of the ocean of sins

Berendey - who is this? Tsar Berendey

Berendey - who is this? Tsar Berendey

On the one hand, it is not difficult to answer the question “Who is this Berendey?” On the other hand, it is not easy to give a detailed and complete description of this semi-mythical image. This topic was addressed at different times by our wonderful poet, amazing playwright, wonderful extraordinary composer

"Koli Sinitsyn's Diary": summary and reviews

"Koli Sinitsyn's Diary": summary and reviews

Now we will get acquainted with Nikolai Nosov's cheerful story "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn". The summary, we hope, will interest the young reader, and he will read it in full

Ivan Flyagin: characteristics of the hero and features of the image

Ivan Flyagin: characteristics of the hero and features of the image

For the writer, the enchanted wanderer was a characteristic figure of a person who could be entrusted with part of his dreams, made him the spokesman for the sacred thoughts and aspirations of the people

"Legends and myths of Ancient Greece": a summary. "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece", Nikolai Kuhn

"Legends and myths of Ancient Greece": a summary. "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece", Nikolai Kuhn

The Greek gods and goddesses, Greek heroes, myths and legends about them served as the basis, source of inspiration for European poets, playwrights and artists. Therefore, it is important to know their summary. The legends and myths of Ancient Greece, the entire Greek culture, especially of the late time, when both philosophy and democracy were developed, had a strong influence on the formation of the entire European civilization as a whole

"Wax person", summary: "proscenium" of history"

"Wax person", summary: "proscenium" of history"

The story "The Wax Person" opens the story of the palace coups that began after the death of Peter. After him, the Romanovs remained on the throne, who did not have a single drop of Russian blood