Biography and years of life of Krylov Ivan Andreevich

Biography and years of life of Krylov Ivan Andreevich
Biography and years of life of Krylov Ivan Andreevich

The years of Krylov's life and biography in a number of articles have gaps when it is not known what the playwright, journalist, fabulist was doing. During his lifetime, he himself refused to edit his biography in a very harsh form: “I read it; I don’t have the time or the inclination to correct or correct.” Isn't that why, for all his publicity, both the fabulist himself and the years of Krylov's life are somewhat mysterious.

years of Krylov's life
years of Krylov's life

Early childhood

In the family of the modest lieutenant Krylov, in early February 1769, a son, Ivan, was born in Moscow. During the Pugachev rebellion, four-year-old Vanyusha lived with his mother in besieged Orenburg, while his father defended the Yaitsky town and worried about his family. Pugachev promised to destroy not only the captain, but also his family. During these years of Krylov's life, still a baby, there was a fire of fires and alarming alarms. When the peasant war began to decline, the brave Maria Alekseevna went with her son to Yaik, to her beloved husband. The years of Krylov's life in the Yaitskaya Fortress were spent skating in the winter on a sleigh, watching how adult Cossacks were engaged in underwater fishing for sturgeon and sterlet. In the evenings, fatherwho had a chest of books, read entertaining novels and instructive stories to his family.

Ivan Krylov years of life
Ivan Krylov years of life

In Tver

In 1775, Ivan Krylov's father retired and left with his family to live with his mother. Having no money, Krylov himself taught his son to read and write, and he read a lot and willingly. The boy walked a lot around the city, watching the life of the townspeople and being at debates in the seminary. There he first became acquainted with the performances staged by the seminarians. In these skits, bribery, red tape, and chicanery were ridiculed. Here, for the first time, Ivan saw with his own eyes what satire is. On the streets, he independently learned to speak a little Italian (there were many foreigners in Tver) and play the violin. And in the house of the landowner Lvov, he was allowed to study with teachers. And he began to study arithmetic, geometry and French. So the years of Krylov's life fled. And my father was very ill, there was almost no money. In addition, another son was born - Levushka. Krylov the father did not rise and soon died, leaving the family almost in poverty.

wings years of life and death
wings years of life and death

St. Petersburg

Mothers with two sons had to go to the capital to apply for a pension. In 1783, the teenager began to serve in the breech. And at the age of 16, his literary talent first manifested itself: he wrote the libretto for the opera The Coffee House. A year later, the drama Cleopatra appeared, and later the tragedy Philomela. At the same time, Ivan Krylov wrote the comic opera The Mad Family and the comedy The Writer in the Hallway, whose years of life can be described asprolific. But the young man is looking for himself. The 90s of Krylov's life and personal life are marked by a sad event - his mother dies, and the younger brother Levushka remains in the care of Ivan Andreevich. They treat each other with tenderness.

Satire magazine

Its publication was preceded by the comedy "Pranksters", in which the then leading playwright of the country Ya. B. Knyaznin recognized himself and his family. This caricature, not distinguished by complacency, greatly angered Yakov Borisovich and the theater directorate. However, Krylov does not lose heart, but begins to publish the journal Spirit Mail. Here, gradually, talent appears, marked by the sharp eye of a satirist. But the magazine has to close - too few subscribers.

Unlucky fiance

In 1791, after the massacre of Radishchev, Krylov was oppressed by Petersburg, and when one of his acquaintances suggested that he go to the Oryol province, he happily agreed. There, visiting various estates, the young 22-year-old metropolitan poet met a young girl Anna Alekseevna Konstantinova. He got seriously carried away, simply fell in love and proposed, but was rejected because he was born too low and poor.

years of life of Krylov the fabulist
years of life of Krylov the fabulist

Publisher and journalist

Then he returned home and plunged headlong into the publishing business, which he opened on shares with Klushin and Plavilshchikov. Articles by Krylov, who had become more demanding of his style, sparkled with wit in the Spectator magazine. He wrote the oriental tale "Kaib", which is all riddled with satire. Under the oriental robes of the viziers one can guessnobles and dignitaries of Russia. The Petersburg fairy tale "Night" also strongly offended court aristocrats, feudal lords and ode painters. The “spectator” laughed at the craze for Western novels, sentimentalism. Strict supervision was established over the magazine, and Krylov for the time being moved away from literature and journalism.

Voluntary link

The young and previously cheerful writer began to be weary of inactivity and the impending lack of money. But one day a deck of cards fell into his hands. He got up from the gambling table with heavy pockets. Gambling captivated him, but at the gambling table he observed a different life, unfamiliar to him. There was a change of places: Yaroslavl, Tver, Tambov, Tula. Nizhny Novgorod … Being aged, Krylov recalled that he was not fascinated by winnings, but by strong feelings. And memory accumulated plots, images, epithets, comparisons. So the years of the life of Krylov Ivan Andreevich went. He thought about himself and those around him - people who were killing time and energy on trifles and nonsense.

years of life of Ivan Andreevich Krylov for children
years of life of Ivan Andreevich Krylov for children

Return to Petersburg

It took place after the death of Catherine II, hated by Krylov, who in the last years of her reign stifled every living thought. By chance, on the street, Krylov ran into Paul I, who mistook him for someone else and invited him to come in without hesitation. Krylov took advantage of the invitation, and the Empress accepted him. Witty and lively, moderately respectful, Maria Fedorovna liked him. But from the suffocating capital, Krylov again left for the provinces. Occasionally he published his articles andtranslations from Italian, French and German, which by this time he had seriously studied.


By 1805, many changes had taken place in Krylov's life. He was a teacher of the children of Prince Golitsyn, served, wrote comedies, and in Moscow showed I. I. Dmitriev translations of La Fontaine's fables. Finally, the 36-year-old writer found himself. And yet he continues to write plays. They were successful, and he became a famous playwright, but he did not leave fables. So the years of the life of Krylov the fabulist passed. He is favored by the authorities and not offended financially. The government pays him high pensions, constantly increasing them. For literary merits, already under Nicholas I, he was approved as an academician. If at the beginning of his work he relied on the plots of Lafontaine, Aesop, now the author begins to find topical sharp Russian plots, such as "The Swan, Cancer and Pike", for example. And gradually he becomes a folk writer whom everyone quotes. Its popularity is great. Young Belinsky put him in the same row as Pushkin, Griboyedov and Lermontov.

years of Krylov's life and biography
years of Krylov's life and biography

The biography and years of life of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are enclosed in a rather long period of time - 75 years. We appreciate this man for his mind, in which slyness and mockery are mixed, for his lively and clear Russian style. He knew how to subtly, sharply and evilly ridicule the shortcomings of the Krylovs. The years of life and death (1769 - 1844) - a time of stagnation in society, then enthusiasm, then again government pressure on a thinking person.

Biography for kids

Ivan Andreevich Krylov has come a long way in life. Hewas born into a poor family. His father served thirty years to gain the nobility and pass it on to his children. Ivan Andreevich did not see either tutors or schools. He received his first knowledge from his father, and then the years of the life of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are an example of constant self-education for children. He read a lot and became one of the most versatile personalities of his time. He taught himself Italian as a child and German as an adult. He also knew French, as it was the accepted spoken language of the society of that time. Krylov wrote better and better every year, increasing his demands on himself. Ivan Andreevich lived during the reign of three emperors, who treated him with distrust and respect.

years of Krylov's life and personal life
years of Krylov's life and personal life

His services to Russian literature are extraordinarily high - it is not for nothing that every educated Russian knows the lines from his fables. For the last thirty years of his life, he served in the Public Library, while doing literary work. His funeral in 1844 was solemn. The second most important person in the state - Count Orlov - carried his coffin. I. A. Krylov was buried in St. Petersburg.
