2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Tchaikovsky is perhaps the most performed composer in the world. His music is heard in every corner of the planet. Tchaikovsky is not just a talented composer, he is a genius, whose personality successfully combined divine talent with inextinguishable creative energy. It was she who made him turn to people again and again. He preferred to speak to them in the language of his immortal music. Today, more than a century later, many know his melodies by heart. 11 operas, 3 ballets, 9 melodies for theatrical productions, 7 symphonies, 5 suites, 11 concertos, many orchestral works and opuses - and this is an incomplete list of his works. Many people get the impression that Tchaikovsky lived a long life. Even students of musical institutions who know the exact date of birth of the great composer often answer the request of teachers - "indicate the years of the life of P. Tchaikovsky", 1840-1920 or even 1930. No one can assume that the life of the great composer was short. He died at the age of 53 from cholera.

Biography: early years. Origin Legendlast names
The outstanding Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in 1840 in the month of May in the distant Ural town of Votkinsk. His father, Ilya Petrovich, was a mining engineer. There is evidence that the paternal ancestors of the great musician were from Ukraine. The Tchaikovsky family has passed down a legend about the origin of their surname from generation to generation. One of his ancestors, the Cossack Yemelyan, had an excellent ear for music and knew how to imitate the voices of birds. When he sailed on the ship, he imitated the voices of seagulls, and soon a whole flock followed the ship, and during storms these birds helped the ship safely swim to the shore. It was because of this that the Cossack Yemelyan received the nickname "The Seagull", which later became the surname of the whole family.

The years of the life of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: early period
There were seven children in the family of Ilya Petrovich, of which five were sons and 2 daughters. The Tchaikovskys lived in full prosperity, because the father of the family was quite a we althy man and one of the largest Russian metallurgists. At the same time, he was a great admirer of art, often visited theaters, loved dancing and even played the euphonious flute. Mother of the A. A. Assier, was French-German by origin. She was a true example of a secular woman of the mid-19th century. Alexandra Andreevna, like her husband, was not indifferent to art. Sometimes in the evenings she played the piano and sang to the sound of her own accompaniment. In a word, the early years of Pyotr Tchaikovsky's life passed in an atmosphere of worship.music. In their house, in addition to their mother's favorite piano, there was also an orchestra. She contributed to the composer's first serious musical impressions. In addition, the local intelligentsia often came to their house to listen to the orchestra, dance and play music. Thus, the Tchaikovsky house soon began to be considered the center of the Votkinsk intelligentsia, and the early years of the life of P. Tchaikovsky proceeded in an atmosphere of involvement in music.
First steps
Tchaikovsky, already a composer, recalling his childhood, admitted that even in silence he heard music. She constantly sounded in his head. At first it seemed to him that she was following him, and this weighed him down a little. Due to the fact that he was not able to write down the melodies sounding in his head, the boy became desperate and began to cry. This, of course, greatly worried his parents. Little Petya began to imitate playing the piano on any smooth material. Once he “played” on a glass surface, the blow of his fingers was so strong that the glass broke, and a deep cut turned out on his hand … Soon his parents decided to invite a piano teacher with a funny surname Palchikova to Peter's house. She was a former serf and self-taught. The boy was soon able to catch up with his teacher and began to masterfully play the instrument. Who could have imagined that little Petya, a student of a self-taught serf, would soon become one of the outstanding composers in the entire history of classical music, and soon the whole world would know his name - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The years of his life, especially the early period, werefull of musical impressions, which certainly contributed to his development as a composer.

First piece
Even as a very young boy, he tried to compose music. The very first work of Tchaikovsky that has come down to us is a small piano w altz "Anastasia-W altz", which he dedicated to his teacher Anastasia. He wrote this work at the age of fourteen. Despite the fact that the boy did his best to prove to his family his involvement in the world of music, his parents decided that he should get a law degree. But this, of course, did not prevent him from becoming a composer, and the world knew who Tchaikovsky was. The years of the composer's life in his youth left a certain imprint on his character. In 1850, when he had to leave his native home and go to study in St. Petersburg, he was very upset by the separation from his mother, whom he loved with special love, from his native home and regions. 4 years after that, he experienced an even greater shock: his mother died of cholera. And it left a big imprint in his soul for the rest of his life. Tchaikovsky in the last years of his life, especially before his death, often remembered his mother. Apparently, it was hard rock, because Pyotr Ilyich, like his parent, died of cholera.

Pyotr Ilyich was a rather diligent student, but he studied without much enthusiasm, but his attraction to music manifested itself with every passing day. Being a very sensitive person, at the same time not indifferentto the fate of his son, his father nevertheless decided to hire a well-known teacher in musical circles for Peter - Kündinger. And this, perhaps, was the first step towards the birth of the star of the composer, who is now known in all corners of the planet. Indeed, who today does not know who Pyotr Tchaikovsky is!? The years of his life during his youth, which passed in St. Petersburg, were rich and bright, which also contributed to the accumulation of many impressions in his head. All of them should have been reflected in his brilliant works in the future.
"Meet" Mozart
Tchaikovsky worked with Kündinger for about three years. However, when asked by Ilya Petrovich whether his son should devote his whole life to music, the teacher shook his head and replied that he did not see the point in this. In a word, Kündinger could not then understand that he was facing the future brilliant composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. The years of his life coincided with the period of prosperity in Russia of the opera genre. Once in Moscow, he got to the performance of "Don Giovanni" by the great Mozart. Young Peter was shocked by what he saw and heard. Throughout his subsequent life, this particular composer was for him the greatest authority in the world of music. The subsequent years of Tchaikovsky's life were saturated with the energy of the works of the Great Mozart. Pyotr Ilyich once admitted that it was thanks to Don Juan that he decided to devote his life to Her Majesty Music.

Tchaikovsky is a lawyer
After graduating from college, having received a diploma in law, Pyotr Ilyich became an employeeMinistry of Justice. The years of Tchaikovsky's life during the period when he was a civil servant were overshadowed by a sense of dissatisfaction. Young Peter was uncomfortable in this environment. He regretted the missed opportunities, the talent, which, in his opinion, it was too late to develop. By this time, the first conservatory was founded in Russia by Rubinstein, and Ilya Petrovich, seeing the suffering of his son, advised him to try himself as a musician and enter this musical university. The young man then turned 22 years old. He combined the first year of study with the service in the ministry, but then he decided to leave his job and devote himself entirely to music. After graduating from the conservatory, he was offered a teaching position. This activity lasted more than 11 years.

Musical creativity
Tchaikovsky wrote his first piano concerto when he was 35. Soon his popularity began to grow at an incredible rate, he was often invited to various events, but social life burdened him, because it took a lot of time. In 1876, a female philanthropist Nadezhda von Meck appeared in the life of the composer. Thanks to her support, Tchaikovsky embarks on a journey through Europe and America. Each of the European cities: Paris, Bern, Rome, Venice - leave their imprint on the composer's work. One piece of music is replaced by another, and they all have an unprecedented success. After long wanderings, Pyotr Ilyich came to his sister in Kamenka (Ukraine). Here, in his native land, his creativity flourished with particular vigor.

Tchaikovsky's years in Klin
Each time, embarking on distant wanderings, Pyotr Ilyich thought about the fact that he had nowhere to return. He really wanted to have his own home. In the city of Klin near Moscow, he acquired a two-story cozy mansion, which became his “House”. Then he was 45. Here he lived for ten years. These were very fruitful years. How many brilliant works were written during this period. He often wanted to be alone with himself and his melodies, but friends and admirers often came to him from Moscow. Today, this house is a place of pilgrimage for young musicians and admirers of his work. In Klin, everyone knows where the house where the great Tchaikovsky himself lived is located. The years of the composer's life and death are indicated on a plaque in front of the entrance to his house-museum - 1840-1893. He was only 53 when cholera consumed him like his beloved mother once did. How many brilliant works he could have written if he had stayed alive. But alas… Such is his fate.
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