Literature 2024, October

The best sayings of great people: topics, wise quotes and their authors

The best sayings of great people: topics, wise quotes and their authors

History knows many names of great people whose words and deeds are passed down from generation to generation. For many years, in difficult life situations, we turn to the experience of the past, trying to find peace or answers to questions of interest there. The words of great people are gold

"History of military art": military literature, author, great battles, victories and defeats

"History of military art": military literature, author, great battles, victories and defeats

Despite the huge amount of fiction and documentary literature devoted to the world history of battles, a textbook on the history of military art, written by the outstanding scientist of his time - Hans Delbrück, is still considered a reference study of the history of military culture and customs of the past

Asmus Valentin Ferdinandovich: biography, books, scientific papers

Asmus Valentin Ferdinandovich: biography, books, scientific papers

“Ancient Philosophy” by Valentin Ferdinandovich Asmus is perhaps one of the most famous three-volume books of the Soviet period devoted to the problems of ancient culture. The author of this work is, without a doubt, an outstanding person: a philosopher, culturologist, sociologist, philologist, art critic, theologian, teacher and mentor

Deep quotes about loved ones

Deep quotes about loved ones

Quotes about close people attract the attention of many users. They are often re-read in the hope of finding some wise thought to force themselves to reconsider their relationship with relatives. In rare cases, harmony and mutual understanding constantly reign in the family. Very often people quarrel for no particular reason: fatigue, irritation, dissatisfaction from unjustified hopes accumulate over time

Sergey Yurievich Kuznetsov: biography, creativity

Sergey Yurievich Kuznetsov: biography, creativity

Sergey Yurievich Kuznetsov is a well-known domestic writer, businessman and journalist. Among his most famous works are the novels "The Gray Top", "The Skin of a Butterfly", "Round Dance of Water", "Teacher Dymov". In this article we will talk about his career and work

Carol Tiggs: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Carol Tiggs: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Carol Tiggs is a unique Nagual woman from Carlos Castaneda's squad. Her disappearance shortly after the death of Carlos Castaneda in 1998 shocked many. However, she unexpectedly returned and took the position of President of the Castaneda Corporation

Interesting quotes about ballet

Interesting quotes about ballet

Quotes about ballet look quite mesmerizing and beautiful. Delving into their essence, I want to try to change a lot in my own life. Each of us sets certain tasks for ourselves and, as far as possible, tries to solve them

Mikhail Viktorovich Zygar, "The Empire must die": reviews, summary

Mikhail Viktorovich Zygar, "The Empire must die": reviews, summary

About the book "The Empire Must Die" reviews are of interest to many who are fond of national history. This is a new book by Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, which was published in 2017. Its appearance was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. The author paid the main attention to the events of the beginning of the 20th century, which preceded and directly led to the collapse of the Russian Empire. This article provides a summary of the work, the reviews left about it by experts and

Chekhov's story "Grisha": summary

Chekhov's story "Grisha": summary

Summary of Chekhov's "Grisha" will let you know the main events of this work without even reading it. This story of the famous Russian writer occupies an important place in his work. In the article we give a summary of the work, its analysis

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov: biography, creativity

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov: biography, creativity

Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov is a well-known domestic writer and publicist, mainly working in the genre of science fiction and alternative history. In parallel, he is engaged in scientific activities. He is a Doctor of Economics and teaches at Moscow State University

Mikhail Mikhailovich Popov: biography, creativity

Mikhail Mikhailovich Popov: biography, creativity

Mikhail Mikhailovich Popov is a famous Russian writer. He also became famous as a publicist, poet, screenwriter and literary critic. Multiple winner of creative awards. Known for psychological and biographical novels and short stories. In this article we will talk about his biography and writing career

"Idiot" Dostoevsky: analysis of the work and feedback from readers

"Idiot" Dostoevsky: analysis of the work and feedback from readers

Analysis of "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky helps to understand the peculiarities of this novel by the famous Russian writer, to understand what the author wanted to say in one of the main works of his career. In this article, we will give a summary of the book, readers' reviews, and dwell on its main idea

Who is Annie Wilkes?

Who is Annie Wilkes?

This article is about Annie Wilkes, a character from Stephen King's book. The plot of the story is briefly retold. In more detail - about the character, traits and actions of Annie

Olga Boguslavskaya: biography, personal life, career and achievements, photo

Olga Boguslavskaya: biography, personal life, career and achievements, photo

The name of Olga Olegovna Boguslavskaya is known to everyone who has ever picked up a major printed publication or read the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. For more than a quarter of a century, Olga Olegovna has been working in the difficult genre of documentary essay, with each new publication showing the reader her literary skills as a talented publicist. More than one generation has grown up on her interesting and humorous stories about everyday life, about what happens among ordinary people

Warhammer 40000: The Thousand Sons Legion. Burning of Prospero

Warhammer 40000: The Thousand Sons Legion. Burning of Prospero

The popular expression "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" comes to mind after reading the story of the fall of the Scarlet King, the lord of Prospero. The burning of the Vise, as well as the exterminatus of the planet, were the result of the actions of the accusatory host, which crossed out the Thousand Sons legion from the list of hosts loyal to the Emperor

Cass Pennant - British writer and former football hooligan

Cass Pennant - British writer and former football hooligan

British writer Cass Pennant is a former football hooligan. A Jamaican orphan child is adopted by an elderly white couple. He becomes one of the most respected men in the UK, having gone through a difficult life path from a football hooligan to a writer and actor

Neuromarketer Martin Lindstrom - the impact of brands on the consumer's brain

Neuromarketer Martin Lindstrom - the impact of brands on the consumer's brain

Neuromarketing is the management of consumer behavior by influencing his subconscious. Martin Lindstrom is one of the leading specialists in neuromarketing and branding. Advised companies such as Mercedes-Benz, McDonald's, Pepsi, Disney and others. What secrets did he share with a wide audience?

Orlov Vladimir Natanovich - poems for children and not only

Orlov Vladimir Natanovich - poems for children and not only

Poetry is loved by children and adults. Poems for young children are written by especially gifted people. They themselves remain babies until old age. Orlov Vladimir Natanovich is one of them. It's amazing how an adult can carry the love of life, the understanding of beauty through all his life. Moreover, to convey this to children in a form that is understandable and accessible to them

Quotes about the devil, soul and love

Quotes about the devil, soul and love

The Devil is a person known to every person for a long time. Nobody saw him, but everyone felt his impact: anger, anger, hatred, cruelty. People talk more about the personality of Satan than about the Creator. How many films and legends have been created about the personality of the devil, how many sayings and quotes have been written in his honor

"Like a frog was looking for dad" - reasoning about a fairy tale

"Like a frog was looking for dad" - reasoning about a fairy tale

"Like a frog was looking for dad" - an amazing puppet cartoon with an interesting and slightly touching storyline. The cartoon conveys the hopes and dreams of a little frog, who is trying to find a native creature among the inhabitants of the forest and swamps. As a result, the Frog himself becomes a caring dad for a little grasshopper

Boris Nikolsky: children about the army and "moderate pessimism"

Boris Nikolsky: children about the army and "moderate pessimism"

Soviet and Russian writer Boris Nikolsky for many years in a row acquainted children with army life, and adults with the modern literary process. He helped his compatriots gain freedom of speech, but did not have high hopes for the future of the Motherland

Zasursky Yasen Nikolaevich: biography, family, activities

Zasursky Yasen Nikolaevich: biography, family, activities

The biography of Yasen Nikolaevich Zasursky is perhaps known even to people who are rather far from philology and journalism, as such. He is known to many as a member of the jury of various creative competitions, to someone - as an interesting lecturer with a unique and inimitable manner of teaching a lesson. And someone even remembers the young years of Yasen Nikolaevich and his passion for cycling, in which he participated as a professional athlete

What does the phrase "Do not renounce the bag and prison" mean

What does the phrase "Do not renounce the bag and prison" mean

Folk wisdom has stood the test of years. For many centuries, people have observed various situations and expressed their opinion about life's turns in interesting arguments and proverbs. The expression "Do not renounce the bag and the prison" is familiar for a long time. The meaning of these words is not clear to all people

Ray Bradbury "Mechanisms of Joy"

Ray Bradbury "Mechanisms of Joy"

Peru Bradbury owns amazing fantastic books about travel to other planets and other times, deep psychological works, fascinating and intricate detective stories. All of them are certainly worthy of the reader's attention. This article will discuss one of the collections of short stories by Ray Bradbury "Mechanisms of Joy"

The best books about traveling around the world

The best books about traveling around the world

Many of the travelers, having visited interesting places, then write exciting books about what they saw in distant lands, about how the new environment and the people they met on the road influenced them. Reading such books, together with the characters, you can be transported to a desert island or find yourself in a crowded noisy metropolis; plunging into the plot of the work with your head, you can feel the breath of the sea s alty breeze

Socrates and his thoughts: a summary of Plato's Phaedo

Socrates and his thoughts: a summary of Plato's Phaedo

The work of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato "Phaedo" is written in the style of dialogue and named after Phaedo, a Socratic student. It tells about the dying conversation of Socrates with his students. The main part of the work in art form analyzes the theme of the immortality of the soul

Writer Markov Georgy Mokeevich. Biography and creativity

Writer Markov Georgy Mokeevich. Biography and creativity

Writer Markov Georgy Mokeevich was born in 1911 in the village of Novo-Kuskovo, which is located in the Tomsk region. Markov's father was a hunter, his mother was a peasant. From childhood, the future author of works about the life of ordinary Siberians saw all its ins and outs: both hungry poverty and hard exhausting work, but, of course, there were joys in village life, Georgy Mokeevich also wrote about them

M. Sholokhov, "Quiet Flows the Don": analysis of the work, plot, plot, male and female images

M. Sholokhov, "Quiet Flows the Don": analysis of the work, plot, plot, male and female images

Analysis of the work "Quiet Flows the Don" makes it possible to understand the epic novel of the writer Mikhail Sholokhov. This is the main work of his life, for which in 1965 the author was given the Nobel Prize in Literature. The epic was written from 1925 to 1940, originally published in the magazines Oktyabr and Novy Mir. In the article we will tell the plot of the novel, analyze the book, as well as the main female and male characters

What is pathos in literature: definition and examples

What is pathos in literature: definition and examples

The method of using pathos is often used by different writers in their works. A description of its meaning, origin, as well as varieties with all the details is present in the article

What to read for the soul and for the mind?

What to read for the soul and for the mind?

For those who like to read quality books, a selection of what to read for the soul, in the presence of a different mood, will be especially useful. The article contains works that can evoke a wide variety of emotions and make you think about all sorts of problems

French writers: biographies, creativity and interesting facts

French writers: biographies, creativity and interesting facts

French writers are one of the brightest representatives of European prose. Many of them are recognized classics of world literature, whose novels and stories served as the basis for the formation of fundamentally new artistic movements and trends. Of course, modern world literature owes a lot to France, the influence of the writers of this country extends far beyond its borders

Lyric works: features, types, examples. The lyric is

Lyric works: features, types, examples. The lyric is

A lyrical work is a special phenomenon in literature. It opens the hidden sensual world of its creator, therefore it has certain features. It is not always possible to distinguish lyrics from epic or drama (other literary genres). Sometimes it is concluded not in poetic stanzas, but in prose

The Red Book of the Sverdlovsk region: animals and plants

The Red Book of the Sverdlovsk region: animals and plants

The Red Book of the Sverdlovsk region protects many species of animals and plants. Particularly different, catastrophically disappearing and will be considered in this article

Literary salons. History of origin, popular salons of the 19th century. Operating modern salons

Literary salons. History of origin, popular salons of the 19th century. Operating modern salons

Various literary salons and circles in the nineteenth century were of significant value for the development of the cultural and social life of Russia for a considerable amount of time. As early as the middle of the eighteenth century, the first literary circles began to appear

Alexey Isaev, historian: biography, books

Alexey Isaev, historian: biography, books

Alexey Isaev is a historian who published such famous books as “Georgy Zhukov. The last argument of the king”, and the sensational work “Antisuvorov. Little man's big lie." In continuation of the theme, in 2006 he wrote the work “Antisuvorov. 10 Myths of World War II”, which also did not go unnoticed and generated a lot of discussion among readers

Books about the Second World War. Fiction about the Great Patriotic War

Books about the Second World War. Fiction about the Great Patriotic War

Books about the Second World War are part of our culture. The works created by the participants and witnesses of the war years became a kind of chronicle that authentically conveyed the stages of the selfless struggle of the Soviet people against fascism. Books about the Second World War - the topic of this article

Parables about labor - a universal helper in raising children

Parables about labor - a universal helper in raising children

The educational process is an integral part of the formation of industriousness in children. For many parents and teachers, parables have become real helpers in this matter

Historical novel as a genre. The best works of the 19th century

Historical novel as a genre. The best works of the 19th century

The article provides a genre interpretation of the term "historical novel". You will get acquainted with his history, the first experiences of writing novels, find out what came of it. And also read about several works that can rightfully be called the best historical novels

Krasnitsky Evgeny - biography and creativity

Krasnitsky Evgeny - biography and creativity

Today we will talk about who Evgeny Krasnitsky is. His biography will be discussed in detail later. We are talking about a Russian science fiction writer, as well as a politician. He was a member of the State Duma of the first convocation. He was a member of the Communist Party. Member of the Information Policy Committee of the Leningrad City Council

Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Miller Hemingway): biography and creativity (photo)

Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Miller Hemingway): biography and creativity (photo)

The world-famous American writer Ernest Hemingway gave the reading part of the planet a lot of literary masterpieces. He wrote about what he learned, saw, felt himself. Perhaps that is why the works of Ernest Hemingway are so lively, rich and exciting