Historical novel as a genre. The best works of the 19th century

Historical novel as a genre. The best works of the 19th century
Historical novel as a genre. The best works of the 19th century

The name of this genre speaks for itself. In any historical novel, the action takes place against the backdrop of some real or fictional historical events. However, each work of the genre does not set as its primary task the retelling of the ongoing action. It depicts people, their personalities, playing a role in a particular historical period.

historical novel
historical novel

Historical romance dates back to the Alexandrian era. Its beginnings are stories about the Trojan campaign and about the exploits of Alexander the Great. Although these works were written in the first centuries AD, in the interpretation of medieval writers they received multiple interpretations, as a result of which they spread throughout Europe. True, these historical novels were filled with unstoppable fantasy, and the age-old touch of documentaryism was almost the only way to make the reader believe in the events taking place on the pages.

historical romance
historical romance

French historical novel (this includes Calprened, Gomberville and other authors)abounded in various documentary details, but depicted exclusively long-past events.

The period of the beginning of the 19th century, when W alter Scott came to literature, can be considered a classic of the historical novel. Everything that was previously lacking in genuine historical thinking, now it was possible to oppose real reality with background and the author's assessment through the prism of the heroes of the action. Around the same time, a historical romance novel appeared, which later became a separate genre.

best historical novels
best historical novels

Speaking of classic historical novels, it is impossible not to mention the work "Gold of Mackenna", which was based on the film of the same name. The main characters of the work are very colorful and are the true embodiment of their time. On the pages of the novel, we live a lifetime with Indians, tramps, cowboys and scouts. Will Henry constantly puts them in unpredictable situations, throws them into hopeless troubles and, in the most miraculous way, saves them from death.

Jack London's historical novel "Daughter of the Snows" tells of the equally exciting times of the "gold rush". The main character is an independent and courageous ruler of the North - a woman named Frona Welz. She is quite capable of sharing all the tests of cruel snows on an equal footing with men. But is there someone with whom she will not hesitate to share her life?

If we talk about Russian works of the genre, then the undoubted favorite will be "Prince Silver" by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. This historical novel tells of a difficultera of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and the main character - Nikita Serebryany - is like a fearless medieval knight who knows neither fear nor barriers in search of his love. Captivating plot, accurate description of historical facts, colorful folklore images make the novel a book for all times and for all ages.

But this list would be incomplete without Charles Dickens' novel Our Mutual Friend. The second half of the 19th century in England is a period of change. In addition to origin, stiffness and manners, strong-willed character and enterprise, adventurism began to enter the price. Against the backdrop of this coup, the story of a girl with an unusual fate and a millionaire scavenger is described. The book has been translated into several languages, read by more than one generation of readers and invariably keeps you in suspense from the first pages.

After reading at least one book from our list, you will understand that they can rightfully be included in the "Best Historical Novels" rating. These are works for all ages, both genders and almost any age!
