2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The stories of Yevgeny Nosov are not full of battle scenes and frankly terrifying episodes from military everyday life. But they suggest reflections on human destiny and amaze with their openness.
Nosov Evgeny sings of the feat of everyone. Especially if a person did not receive awards, did not kill enemies in droves, and did not go one on one with a tank.
To visit the war and go through all its circles of hell is a feat in itself. But the will to win is not the only feeling that lingers in the soul of a soldier. The characters are ordinary people from all over the Soviet Union. They are closely connected with the small homeland and the nature of the native land. They have a family, and therefore to protect the country is to ensure security and peace, first of all, for yourself and your loved ones. And understanding the same situation of other warriors makes you hold on to the last.
Stories by Evgeny Nosov
The writer knows about the war firsthand. Who, if not an eyewitness, knows all the secret thoughts, experiences of ordinary soldiers. Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich took part in hot military operations, therefore he could tell everything in the first person.

Being himself from ordinary people - the writer's father was a talented blacksmith - Evgeny Ivanovich was brought up in an atmosphere of love for his native land. Often, nature appears in his works as a mirror image of the character's state of mind. She also plays the role of premonition. She is the first to warn of anxiety, upcoming changes. Also, nature is able to support forces. The spring singing of birds reminds us that life goes on, and war and sorrows are not eternal.
"The Red Wine of Victory" is a story that is far from the vicissitudes of battle. He tells about life outside the military cauldron, but not detached from it. The war was left behind, but some of its shots are so tightly ingrained in the mind of a person that it is too difficult to get rid of them. Although a person tries to convince himself that “the living should think about the living.”
Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich in the story shows the end of the war as a holiday with a dual nature. The bitterness of loss coexists with the joy of the long-awaited peace. And the very expectation of good news draws in parallel with the image of a new spring, the flowering of nature. It is she who first announces the victory.
The plot of the story "The Red Wine of Victory"
Berlin fell, Soviet soldiers entered the city, the war is over. Already after the surrender of Germany Nosov Evgeny writes his imperishable work. The author's own emotional experiences have not yet subsided, so the story turned out to be so sharp and touching. Naturally, we are talking about the story "Red Wine of Victory". The summary of the work can be conveyed in a few words: wounded soldiers inhospital waiting for the end of the war. But if you delve into the plot, then the retelling can take up more space than the author's narration itself. The fact is that many-sided characters and various events are collected on several pages. From the superficial sketches of the life of each wounded, a panorama of the condition of all the inhabitants of the country is revealed.
The story begins with the fact that several servicemen end up in the Serpukhov hospital near Moscow. The wounded were brought into it for about a week. The arrival was marked by cold weather. The soldiers were carried out in their underwear, covered with blankets, and taken on a stretcher to bright wards where staff waited to apply clean bandages. It is white that is the priority color at the beginning of the work.
First impressions of a clean bed were indescribable. Each fighter could not imagine that all this is real. But soon the whiteness and softness got tired. The joy was overshadowed by itching wounds and a noxious heavy smell that stood in the ward for twelve people.

The front was behind us, and the radio announced that most likely no one would return to the battlefield, because the offensive had gained momentum. A certain amount of disappointment is mixed with the joy of an early victory - so much to go and nowhere to come. Berlin will be taken without them.
But wagons with the wounded do not stop coming from the forest, coming from all sides. Hastily bandaged, moaning, dying soldiers fill the hospital wards. The picture of the operation in a dirty tent is dissonant with the whiteness of the sheets and dressing gowns. But it's hard to understand the linethat separates these two worlds.
At the same time, it tells about the journey to the hospital and how the air changes depending on the area. The closer to the Motherland, the easier it is to breathe.
The main characters - 12. These are soldiers, a nurse and the head physician of the hospital. The soldiers remember their native land and begin to argue which side is better. But everyone understands that arguing is useless and just for fun.
Two of the ward, Saenko and Bugaev, are the only walkers, sniper Mihai lost both hands. The hardest thing for Kopyoshkin - he is motionless and hardly speaks.
The radio is no longer turned off in the ward, even at night. Along with the news, birdsong, fresh air and the smell of rebirth burst into the ward. The further spring goes, the more impatience grows in the hearts of the soldiers.
And finally, the message about the complete defeat of Germany sounded. The head physician arrives at the hospital to order to prepare a festive dinner for the soldiers. The caretaker even manages to get some wine.
Immediately after the news of the victory, Kopeshkin dies without drinking to her.
Nosov's story "Red Wine of Victory", the summary of which conveys the essence of the events from February to May 1945, while leaving many questions that were dangerous to raise at that time.
Plot origins
"Red Wine of Victory" is written in hot pursuit and is based on real events. Indeed, the young writer was seriously wounded and taken to a military hospital in Serpukhov. The building itself, in which it is located, used to be a school before the start of the war.

All the characters in the story are also real.
Wounded in February 1945, Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov ended up in a field hospital. Unsanitary conditions, a constantly changing stream of the wounded, a sea of blood, pain, death left an indelible imprint on the memory of the writer.
All the stories of Yevgeny Nosov are somehow based on real events, but nothing has been changed or added in this one.
The life experience of the writer is also due to the fact that he conveys in detail the mood of the characters. It’s easy to outline the plot, but you can dig to the depths only if you have talent and experience the same feelings as Evgeny Nosov. Works about the war are also transmitted through the prism of reality. As he himself says, “I wanted to portray the fighting from the other side, deepen the issue, raise new topics.”
That is why the stories of Yevgeny Nosov cannot but be noted as an innovation in Russian literature of this era.
Story Characters
Why do the heroes of the work fascinate us? Evgeny Nosov "Red Wine of Victory" wrote "from life". All characters are real, as are their feelings.
Select the main characters:
- narrator is a real participant and eyewitness of events;
- Sasha Selivanov;
- Borodukhov;
- Kopeshkin;
- Bugaev and Saenko;
- Mihai;
- nurse.
The narrator is not called by name. We only know about him that he is a simple soldier who receivedwounded and, along with the others, is now in the hospital. He is young and hot. He can't get used to the idea that his body was shredded by metal. I used to think that this only happens to others.

Sasha Selivanov - "Volgar", he althy, tall, swarthy. There is some part of Tatar blood in him, as evidenced by slightly slanting eyes. Being in the rear, he sadly reflects on his comrades in arms and regrets that he cannot be with them on the front line. This longing was combined with some kind of envy. Young and hot, he wanted to fight, to perform feats, but he could not, because his leg was in a cast and he could hardly move.
Borodukhov from ordinary men. Already at an age, however, he had a powerful figure. The emphasis on "o" in speech made every word of Borodukhov heavy and weighty. This was his fourth wound, because in the hospital he felt at home. Strength of mind and courage did not allow him to break. He endured all operations with firmness and never even groaned.
Kopeshkin is the heaviest patient in the ward. He doesn't move. His body is completely encased in a white plaster shell. The soldier barely speaks, therefore he does not take an active part in the discussions. Moreover, no one even really knows his name, and they think about him only after his death. Then it turns out that his name was Ivan. Kopeshkin was not an outstanding hero. He served as a cabbie. When asked about the medals, he denied. What kind of medals could there be for someone who was not even supposed to kill the Fritz. Companions learn about his place of residence from the inscriptionon a letter. What kind of Penza, none of the inhabitants of the chamber knows. He doesn't know exactly where she is. But no one doubts that the place is picturesque.
Saenko and Bugaev are cheerful and carefree. Happy with their freedom and in a hurry to enjoy life. But in their behavior one can guess the fear that the war is not over yet and they should have time to get enough of the forced "citizen".
Mihai is a former sniper, broad-shouldered, tanned. During the fighting, he lost both hands and suffers a lot about this.

Nurse Tanya is the embodiment of femininity, care and mercy. She does not give preference to anyone alone. Maybe this happens not only because of her tolerance and tact, but also because of her constant workload. However, she is friendly and kind to everyone. If she tries to show strictness, then objectively, she is obeyed more out of respect.
In addition to human images, there are also abstract ones in the story. Among them, we highlight the following:
- white;
- victory;
- nature;
- small motherland.
Light and clean wards, bandages, plaster, gowns, snow and even the sky is clear. On the one hand, white is a symbol of calm, confidence, which is guaranteed by an early victory. On the other hand, it is a shade of surrender. Each character in the story understands that there is a forced retreat before the final push.
Thus whitenesshas a dual nature, it gives new hopes, and at the same time it depresses.
Victory, like color, is also not an unambiguous image. The joy of liberation is overshadowed by the heavy loss paid for it.
Definitely, the image of nature beat Nosov in his story. "Red Wine of Victory" presents nature as a herald of change, a predictor. It learns about events much earlier and signals to others with its changes. Nature and life continue their rhythm.
The author's attachment to nature also influenced the creation of the image of the small Motherland. Nosov wrote “Red Wine of Victory”, an analysis of whose biography is direct evidence of this, impressed by the many places that he himself saw and about which fellow soldiers told him. Fatherland is a collective image denoting attachment to the world and real life.
Yevgeny Nosov saturated the “Red Wine of Victory” with many symbols, despite the small volume of the work. The main one is wine. On the one hand, it is a festive drink that is served in honor of victory. On the other hand, it resembles blood. This is a kind of payment for victory and serves as an edification for future generations.

Another symbol is a finch that sings at the top of a tree and thus makes the soldiers remember peaceful life with all its joys.
Blossoming poplar foliage outside the window is also a symbol of the beginning of a full life. He seems to be hinting at a rebirth. What kind of revival this is, everyone will decide for himself: the reincarnation of spiritual forces,the rebirth of the whole nation or the awakening from a painful sleep, whose name is war.
Artistic media
At the beginning of the story “The Red Wine of Victory”, a depressing effect on the reader is produced by the reception of gradation. The frequent repetition of the words "white", "dirty", "gray" and the like paints before us a colorful picture of military everyday life.
The presence of common words, the transmission of lively speech makes the story not detached from life, but, on the contrary, as close as possible to it, which proves the analysis. "Red Wine of Victory" is replete with vivid epithets and comparisons when it comes to describing the interior and nature.
Personalised imagery adds momentum to the story, bringing almost every item to life.
Rich comparisons enable the reader to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of events and feel the atmosphere of that time as much as possible.
Victory Day as a separate image
A large number of personifications in the work recreates the victory as a separate concretized image. It runs like a red thread through the whole story. All the thoughts of the heroes, one way or another, are concentrated around this magical, seemingly surreal, word. Verbs contribute to the "revival" of the victory that must come, come.
No one knows what she looks like, but everyone feels her closeness, is clearly aware that she promises long-awaited peace and tranquility, and therefore she is a welcome guest.
Victory is a ticket to the past, where the best memories remain, and to the future, where inevitable happiness awaits everyone.

This depiction of triumph has become new in post-war Russian literature. Prior to this, victory was always described as a trophy.
The "Red Wine of Victory" gives us a chance to reassess previous views, to rethink the essence of those past horrific events.
Depiction of the war in the story
The depiction of war is an occasion for a more thorough analysis. "Red Wine of Victory" gives us a completely new vision of this phenomenon. Nosov's predecessors sought to portray the war as a separate image. It was both an evil aunt, and a stepmother, to someone - and a “dear mother”. Most often, the attitude to the struggle of either the whole people or enemy forces was portrayed as a way to capture foreign lands.
Nosov Evgeny, whose books give a completely new understanding of many things, including war, refuses to give the status of a separate image, a living organism to this horror. Instead, he makes a scattered, terrifying sketch that only becomes concrete when viewed through the prism of a single human life.
Parallels with foreign writers
An attempt to delve into the souls of individual combatants is not new to world literature. It has always been risky to write on this topic in any country, because in this light, the war is presented as a great grief for ordinary soldiers on both sides.
The works of Erich Maria Remarque are imbued with deep psychologism. He began to write in this vein after the First World War.
Similar sentiments are observed in the novels of ErnestHemingway.
The main difference between the works of Yevgeny Nosov, including the story "The Red Wine of Victory", is the panorama of the image in much smaller genre forms.
For Russian literature, this side of the war remained completely closed before the writer. He made a huge, invaluable contribution to the development of the patriotic education of youth.
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