A poet is the author of poetry

A poet is the author of poetry
A poet is the author of poetry

A poet is an author who writes lyrical works in verse form. However, in the broad sense of the word, this concept is usually understood as a person who has a rich inner spiritual world, fantasy, and lofty thinking.


In primitive and ancient times, poetry was the main genre in literature. The most famous works of art of that time were written in poetic or song form, which in its sound and content is close to poetics. The most famous examples of this kind of writings are the Odyssey and the Iliad by Homer. In primitive and ancient times, the work of the so-called storytellers, who drew plots and ideas for their works from folk art, was very popular.

the poet is
the poet is

Therefore, at that time it was believed that a poet is a person of a special mindset. Such authors enjoyed special honor and respect. Already in antiquity, competitions were held for authors who excelled in ways of expressing their thoughts. A characteristic feature of the poetry of the time under consideration was its monumental-epic character: the authors of lyrical works glorified, first of all, military victories, the exploits of generals and the glory of their fatherland. At this time, the ideas of civic and patriotic educationwere very strong, so the poets were perceived primarily as citizens of their city, the pole, who are ready to capture the history of their native land in poetic form. It was not for nothing that in ancient times there was a saying that one should not fight with the city where poets live.

In the Middle Ages

In subsequent centuries, the status of poetry has undergone significant changes, although many lyric poets were guided precisely by the samples of antiquity. Thus, the tradition of glorifying military exploits, military campaigns and victories has been preserved. Now, however, poetry has taken on a courtly tone. At this time, it became generally accepted that a poet is a person who owns the art of owning a word. In connection with the establishment of feudal fragmentation, the idea of a single state receded into the background, so now the authors sought to glorify their patron and patron in their works. And if earlier poets were perceived as citizens of their fatherland, who, like warriors, served him with their creativity, now a poet is a person who praises his master. Love, courtly lyrics were greatly developed. The authors praised the cult of the beautiful lady and the feats of chivalry in her honor. In connection with the above changes, the status of the poet also changed, who was now perceived as a servant of art, and not a citizen of his state.

famous poets
famous poets

New time

In the following centuries (17th-18th centuries) new trends emerged in literature that fundamentally changed the status of authors of lyrical works. In connection with the establishment of the bourgeois order,Literature began to be perceived as an artistic craft, as a professional activity. Famous poets of that time adjoined one or another literary movement and wrote their compositions in accordance with the rules adopted for this or that movement. The fundamental difference between the poetry of this era and the lyrics of the previous one is that now the poets were officially included in literary life, became supporters of one or another ideological camp. Many famous poets, such as Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Byron, Hugo, became the founders of various poetic movements.

poems of poets
poems of poets

Twentieth century

In this century, poetic life has undergone fundamental changes, which was associated with world wars, the collapse of empires, revolutions. The authors moved away from the classical forms of expressing their thoughts and completely abandoned their previous ideas and plots. The poems of the poets of the first half and the middle of this century are distinguished by their symbolism, abstractness, and the frequent use of neologisms. Such poetic trends as symbolism, acmeism, futurism completely changed the literary life of the country.

age of poets
age of poets

In this century, poets, as well as in previous centuries, adjoined one direction or another, but the difference is that now they began to look at their work differently. Now they believed that their main task was to renew literature with new forms and content. And only in the second half of the century, the positions of the classical school again took their place in literary life. However, traditionallyIt is generally accepted that the age of poets is the 19th century, and this statement is also applicable to Western European lyrics.
