The role of poetry in the life of a writer. Poets about poetry and quotes about poetry

The role of poetry in the life of a writer. Poets about poetry and quotes about poetry
The role of poetry in the life of a writer. Poets about poetry and quotes about poetry

It's hard for us as readers to judge poetry from the inside. We meet with it in life, evaluate and analyze it, but we do not know what kind of work and price it is created. In this article we will try to look into the side of poetry that remains in the shadow for us. Consider it through the eyes of writers.

Poetry is an integral part of literature. And almost every writer has ever tried himself in this direction. Poetry captures someone with a head, allows you to express your feelings, emotions and opinions. And someone in the end stays on the sidelines and returns to prose.

In this article we will consider the role of poetry in the fate and life of writers, whom it has completely absorbed.

Like a piece of art

Before considering the role of poetry in the lives of certain people, it is worth considering poetry as part of the art.

There are many different interpretations of the word. But since we are talking about poetry and art, we can give this definition:

Poetry is the art of expressing your feelings, thoughts and experiences in words.

Manuscript of the poem
Manuscript of the poem

Poetry is one of the most diverse and non-standard forms of art. Allowing the creator to convey his idea without driving him into any framework.

The role of poetry at all times has been and remains enormous. Poetry, like science, aims to generalize and convey to us the diversity of reality. Writers, covering the same topics in their works, unconsciously create for us and for themselves a picture of the world, drawn in words and stock.

Poetry genres

Each author creates in his own unique style, which makes his work unique. But every poet adheres to some genre anyway.

There are dozens of genres of poetry, each of which has its own characteristics. Some genres were popular at one time, others at another, and in contemporary art there is something completely new in addition to the old. Each writer creates in a style closer to him, which is why poetry is so bright and individual, and often you can recognize the author in a work without even seeing his last name.

Attributes of a poet
Attributes of a poet

The most common genres of poetry include lyrics:

  1. Love.
  2. Philosophical.
  3. Landscape.
  4. Civil.

Almost every writer has tried his hand at one of these genres at least once. Well, those writers who consider themselves poets usually work in all these genres at the same time. In modern art, love and philosophical lyrics occupy a leading position, while even in the last century, in the forefront wascivilian.

Landscape poetry in modern art has faded into the background a bit, as the beauties of our nature are decreasing, and the views from the windows of houses do not quite fit the definition of "beautiful", worthy of being sung in poetry. Despite the fact that these genres are the most common, along with them there are dozens of genres in which many poets work with pleasure.

The role of poetry in the life of a writer. What is she like?

So what is the role of poetry in the life of a writer? This is best judged firsthand.

Pages with poems
Pages with poems

Many poets devoted separate works to their work, sang and spoke about the difficulties of poetry, confessed their love to her and cursed her. So let's read what poets wrote about poetry and about the fate of poets.

Nikolai Nekrasov in his poem "Blessed is the gentle poet…" said:

…Hateful breasts, Mouth armed with satire, He goes through a thorny path

With his punishing lyre.

He is followed by blasphemy:

He catches the sounds of approval

Not in the sweet murmur of praise, And in the wild cries of anger…

For Nekrasov, poetry is a difficult path that requires perseverance and patience. And most importantly - a desire that cannot be broken.

Robert Rozhdestvensky in his poem "A poem approached. She tormented me …" presents the reader with poetry as something alive, capable of evoking emotions, tormenting, teasing:

…A poem was approaching. She istormented me.

Each one attracted me with easy accessibility, and then it was not given.

A poem was approaching. It began to sound teasing.

And then all of a sudden it remained outside the voice…

If I was leaving, she honestly waited for me, Waiting patiently on the steps outside the house.

A poem was approaching. It was slurred and precise.

Crazy and unflappable. Cruel and kind…

Mikhail Lermontov in his work "Journalist, reader and writer" notes that poetry is not a mechanical occupation. It requires to open the soul, to experience something important, meaningful. For a work to be born:

…I am very glad you are sick:

In the cares of life, in the noise of light

Losing soon the poet's mind

Your divine dreams.

Among various experiences

Changing my soul for a trifle, He dies a victim of general opinion.

When he's in the heat of fun

Contemplate mature creation?..

But what grace, If the sky decides to send

He is exiled, imprisoned

Or even a long illness:

Immediately in his solitude

A sweet song will be heard!

Sometimes he falls passionately in love

In your smart sadness…

Well, what? You write? Is it possible to find out?..

Alexander Pushkin in his work "The Conversation of a Bookseller with a Poet" focuses on the meaning of money in art. On the impact they have on the creator and his work.

…I remember that time, When, rich in hopes, A careless poet, I wrote

Inspiration, not fees.

I saw again shelters of rocks

And the dark shelter of solitude, Where am I for a feast of imagination, Sometimes, the muse called.

My voice sounded sweeter there;

There share bright visions, With inexplicable beauty, Curled, flew over me

In the hours of night inspiration.

Everything worried the gentle mind:

Flowering meadow, shining moon, In the chapel of the dilapidated storm noise, Old women wonderful legend.

Some demon possessed

My games, leisure activities;

He followed me everywhere, Wonderful sounds whispered to me, And a serious, fiery illness

My head was full;

Wonderful dreams were born in her;

Slender flocked to sizes

My obedient words

And they closed in a ringing rhyme.

In harmony my rival

There was a noise of forests, or a violent whirlwind, Ile orioles chanting live, Or at night the sea rumbles deaf, Ile whisper of a quiet river.

Then, in the silence of labors, I wasn't ready to share

With a crowd of fiery delight, And the muses of sweet gifts

Did not humiliate with shameful bargaining;

I was their stingy keeper:

So sure, in the pride of the mute, From the eyes of the hypocritical mob

Gifts of a young mistress

The superstitious lover keeps…

And Nikolai Agnivtsev in his poem "The Death of a Poet" touches on the theme of the immortality of creativity. It's no lesspowerful poem.

Know: somehow, sometime and somewhere

A lonely poet lived and was…

And all my life, like all poets, He wrote, drank wine and loved.

Outrunning We alth and Fame, Death came and told him:

- You are a poet and immortal!.. And right, What should I do, I can't understand?!

Smiling, he spread his hands

And with a bow said in response:

- I never refused a lady in my life!

Your hand!..

And the poet died.

Poetry quotes

But not only the poets themselves spoke about their destinies and creativity. Not only. There are many quotes about poetry and poets. Analyzing these quotes, one can realize the full power of poetry, since the words of people who are only readers coincide with the words of true creators. This means that the reader is able to feel and understand what the author wanted to convey. Some quotes can be compared with excerpts from the poems we discussed above.

Start with a quote about Kahlil Gibran's poetry:

Poetry is a flood of joy, pain, amazement and a few words from the dictionary.

This quote can be compared with the lines of Lermontov, who also focuses on the need to experience something in order to start creating. After all, poetry is not just lines, but feelings. Words only serve to express these feelings.

Poet's Notes
Poet's Notes

But a quote by Lev Karsavin brightly complements Nekrasov's lines that the poet suffers first of all:

The poet is a child; he laughs the best in the worldlaughter - laughter through tears.

Maurice Blanchot, in his quote about poetry, touches, like Pushkin, on the theme of the need to get used to poetry, because this destroys its beauty both for the poet and for the reader. How?

Poetry has become everyday life.

So what is the role of poetry in the life of a poet?

Poetry for a poet is both his best friend and worst enemy. A berth for feelings and emotions, a pit for pain and suffering. Poetry is demanding of its creator, does not tolerate insensitivity, need and benefit. Undoubtedly, poetry plays its own special role in the fate of every poet. But absolutely for everyone, she is a way of life and a personal diary.

A poet is not a crowd, he is incurably alone.

Georges Bataille

A true poet daydreams, only not the object of dreams owns him, but he - the object of dreams.

Charles Lam

Probably no man can be a poet, can't even love poetry unless he's at least slightly insane.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

Who was not born a poet, he will never become one, no matter how much he strives for it, no matter how much work he spends on it.

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov

After reading a few passages and quotes about poetry in this article, we can conclude that creativity should be respected, including poetry, because this is a huge work of ordinary people!
