Literature 2024, October

Vonnegut Kurt: biography and work of the great American writer

Vonnegut Kurt: biography and work of the great American writer

Perhaps today it is difficult to meet a person who would not know Vonnegut Kurt. And even if you have not read any of his books, you have probably heard quotes from his works more than once. Today we offer you a closer look at the life and work of this great American writer

Onegin stanza is the golden stanza of Russia

Onegin stanza is the golden stanza of Russia

Properties, structure and application of the Onegin stanza created by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. His stanza is the standard of poetic harmony and beauty

"Fox bread": a summary

"Fox bread": a summary

Prishvin's stories do not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. Likewise, the story "Fox Bread", which tells about the transformation of ordinary stale bread into a magical gift from the forest, will give readers a lot of positive emotions

Ray Cooney: biography and creativity

Ray Cooney: biography and creativity

If Ray Cooney promises that you will smile at least twice, then this is true. He does not have light comedies where the audience just laughs, his comedies are “laughter through tears”

Lagerlöf Selma and her amazing story. Biography and works

Lagerlöf Selma and her amazing story. Biography and works

Writer Lagerlöf Selma, who gave the world an amazing story about the boy Niels and wild geese, in all her works tried to teach humanity from an early age to love nature, cherish friendship and respect the homeland

The biggest book in the world. The most interesting book in the world. The best book in the world

The biggest book in the world. The most interesting book in the world. The best book in the world

Is it possible to imagine humanity without a book, although it has lived without it for most of its existence? Perhaps not, just as it is impossible to imagine the history of everything that exists without secret knowledge preserved in writing

Razzakov Fedor. Biography. Creation

Razzakov Fedor. Biography. Creation

Razzakov Fedor is a fairly well-known Russian journalist and writer. During his life he published a lot of books. As a rule, they are dedicated to the Russian stage and domestic show business in general. It is for this reason that his works are successful and sell well. Do you want to know about the work of this writer and his life path? Read our article

The best parables about the meaning of life

The best parables about the meaning of life

A parable is a short story that has some deep, philosophical meaning. It makes you think about something important, vital. The most common among the people are parables about the meaning of human life, since this is the topic that worries all people from time immemorial

George Sand: biography of the writer. Novels and personal life of Aurora Dupin

George Sand: biography of the writer. Novels and personal life of Aurora Dupin

A rich baroness, born to keep centuries-old traditions, but despised the opinion of society and openly rebelled against its foundations all her life - that was Amandine Aurora Lucille Dupin, who firmly entered world history under the modest pseudonym George Sand

Image of Chatsky ("Woe from Wit"). Characteristics of Chatsky

Image of Chatsky ("Woe from Wit"). Characteristics of Chatsky

Comedy "Woe from Wit" - the famous work of A. S. Griboyedov. Having composed it, the author instantly stood on a par with the leading poets of his time. The appearance of this play caused a lively response in literary circles. Many were in a hurry to express their opinion about the merits and demerits of the work. Particularly heated debate was caused by the image of Chatsky, the main character of the comedy. This article will be devoted to the description of this character

Goncharov, "Oblomov": a summary of the novel

Goncharov, "Oblomov": a summary of the novel

Oblomov is a novel by Russian writer Ivan Goncharov. The protagonist of the novel is the nobleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a young man of good appearance, but without any definite idea

"Snow Queen", Gerda and Kai: characteristics and history of images

"Snow Queen", Gerda and Kai: characteristics and history of images

Andersen could not speak beautifully about his love, so he decided to write about it and confess his feelings. After sending a letter confessing to Lind, he did not wait for a response. And so the famous fairy tale was born, telling about the touching love that Gerda and Kai experienced for each other

Features and signs of a fairy tale. Signs of a fairy tale

Features and signs of a fairy tale. Signs of a fairy tale

Fairy tales are the most popular type of folklore, they create an amazing artistic world, which reveals all the possibilities of this genre in full. When we say “fairy tale”, we often mean a magical story that fascinates children from a very young age. How does she captivate her listeners/readers?

What was Gogol's name? Interesting facts from the life of Gogol

What was Gogol's name? Interesting facts from the life of Gogol

Gogol's life was rich and full of tragic moments. Even during his lifetime, the poet was faced with rumors, often embellished. There were many reasons for this: Gogol was known as a closed personality, practically isolated from society. And even though more than a century and a half has passed since the death of the writer, almost nothing is known about his life to this day

French writer Zola Emil. Works that are not forgotten after many years

French writer Zola Emil. Works that are not forgotten after many years

Olya Emil is the author of works that are still popular today. He is a classic of foreign literature of the XIX century. Unlike his contemporaries, he vividly expressed his own opinion on the pages of his books, for which, according to some versions, he paid the price as a result

Happy: quotes, sayings, aphorisms, catch phrases

Happy: quotes, sayings, aphorisms, catch phrases

What is happiness? Each person on a certain path of his life understands this in his own way. Much has been said about this. And no wonder, because happiness is the basis of the life of every person. So, today's publication will be devoted to happiness, aphorisms, sayings, winged expressions and quotes, the happy thoughts of which will be your advice, parting words, and, possibly, a joke, which, as you know, is also a component of happiness

English writer Iris Murdoch: biography, creativity and photo

English writer Iris Murdoch: biography, creativity and photo

One of the greatest British writers of the 20th century, Iris Murdoch, left the world with a number of outstanding novels that will be pondered over by generations of readers. She devoted her whole life to literature. Her path was not easy, she had to endure a lot of difficulties, especially at the end of her life

Very beautiful quotes and wise sayings

Very beautiful quotes and wise sayings

Collection of very beautiful quotes with deep meaning. Sayings about love. Sayings about the nature of the four seasons. Phrases of thinkers about friendship and betrayal. Wise sayings about the meaning of life. Aphorisms about good and evil

The author of the Russian language dictionary. Dictionary types

The author of the Russian language dictionary. Dictionary types

Who is Vladimir Ivanovich Dal? Each student will answer that this person is the author of the Dictionary of the Russian Language. But not everyone knows that such informational books are intended not only for pupils and students. Dictionaries are used by experienced specialists in their field: teachers, philologists, translators and representatives of other professions. That is why there are so many types of them. This article will cover the main ones

Sergeeva Oksana: biography and books

Sergeeva Oksana: biography and books

Sergeeva Oksana is a contemporary writer, psychologist, lecturer at Nizhny Novgorod State University. Her books are devoted to the psychology of relationships. Sergeeva Oksana, whose works help people gain self-confidence and become communicative, builds her works in such a way that one can start reading them from anywhere. The main thing is that thanks to these brochures, anyone can become a real master of pleasant communication

Classics of world literature: defining the indefinable

Classics of world literature: defining the indefinable

"How the classics teach", "I'll go read the classics" - these turns can be heard in everyday speech. However, it is unlikely that we are fully aware of which writers have the right to be included in the golden fund of belles-lettres, and what this phenomenon is in general - a classic of world literature. This article will answer such questions

Bulgakov's best works: a list and a brief overview

Bulgakov's best works: a list and a brief overview

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, whose best works are presented in this article, occupied a separate position in the literary life of the USSR. Feeling himself the heir to the literary tradition of the 19th century, he was equally alien to socialist realism, implanted by the ideology of communism in the 1930s, and the spirit of avant-garde experimentation, characteristic of Russian literature of the 1920s. He sharply satirically, contrary to the requirements of censorship, depicted a negative attitude towards the construction of a new society and revolution

Wilhelm Grimm: biography, family, creativity

Wilhelm Grimm: biography, family, creativity

The Brothers Grimm are familiar to every child who has already begun to discover the world of children's literature. More than one generation has grown up on the fairy tales written by these two recognized masters. Their works influence the personality of a small person, educate character, form his values

All about the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. The Tales of the Fathers Grimm - List

All about the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. The Tales of the Fathers Grimm - List

Surely everyone knows the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Perhaps, in childhood, parents told many fascinating stories about the beautiful Snow White, the good-natured and cheerful Cinderella, the capricious princess and others. Grown up children then themselves read the fascinating tales of these authors. And those who did not particularly like to spend time reading a book must have watched animated films based on the works of the legendary creators

The parables of Jesus Christ and their meaning in the Christian world

The parables of Jesus Christ and their meaning in the Christian world

The parables of Jesus Christ were and remain the most famous biblical stories that are known even to those who are only superficially familiar with Christian teachings. Both early theologians and modern theologians claim that these stories contain the heart of Christianity

Teen literature: features of the genre. List of interesting books

Teen literature: features of the genre. List of interesting books

It's no secret that literature has a huge impact on the formation of the younger generation. A child who reads a lot of different things eventually acquires his own view of the world, sees a variety of destinies and opportunities. It is no coincidence that teenage literature has a special place among writers and teachers, since it is at this age that exciting questions are first asked, first love is known, and other events occur that make it possible to understand this diverse world

Pechorin and Grushnitsky: characteristics of heroes

Pechorin and Grushnitsky: characteristics of heroes

In the spring of 1940, a separate edition of the work "A Hero of Our Time", written by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, was published. This novel has become one of the most interesting and extraordinary phenomena in Russian literature. This book has been the subject of numerous studies and disputes for more than a century and a half

The life and work of Sherwood Anderson

The life and work of Sherwood Anderson

The 20th century in American literature is an important period when new genres began to appear, as well as existing, but previously unappreciated trends developed. One of the American authors of the 20th century is the prose writer Sherwood Anderson

Chechen writer German Sadulaev: biography, creativity and best books

Chechen writer German Sadulaev: biography, creativity and best books

Today we will tell you who German Sadulaev is. The writer's books, as well as his biography are given below. He was born in 1973, February 18. We are talking about a Russian writer and publicist

Genres of sentimentalism. Features of sentimentalism in literature

Genres of sentimentalism. Features of sentimentalism in literature

Reliance on the natural, characteristic of every person, beginnings (education of feelings) and stay in the natural environment - in nature. These are the two pillars on which all genres of sentimentalism are based

Historical and cultural process and periodization of Russian literature. Periodization of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries: table

Historical and cultural process and periodization of Russian literature. Periodization of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries: table

Russian literature is a great asset of the entire Russian people. Without it, since the 19th century, world culture is unthinkable. The historical and cultural process and periodization of Russian literature has its own logic and characteristic features. Starting over a thousand years ago, its phenomenon continues to develop into the time frame of our days. It is he who will be the subject of this article

American novelist Cormac McCarthy: biography, creativity and interesting facts

American novelist Cormac McCarthy: biography, creativity and interesting facts

The article is devoted to a brief review of the biography and work of the famous American writer C. McCarthy. The work indicates his main works and features of style

Tyler Durden is the personal god of a cog in a big machine

Tyler Durden is the personal god of a cog in a big machine

Tyler Durden is the narrator's alter ego in Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club. Strong, crazy, cruel

"Rose of the World", Daniil Andreev. Summary and thoughts out loud

"Rose of the World", Daniil Andreev. Summary and thoughts out loud

The book to be discussed is both obscure and famous: the esoterically educated public is well acquainted with it; readers, far from mysticism and other subtle matters, might not even hear about this work - the book "Rose of the World"

"Native land" by Akhmatova: analysis of the poem

"Native land" by Akhmatova: analysis of the poem

Outrageous, extraordinary, talented - this is the image of Anna Akhtmatova, left as a legacy to posterity. Her themes were different: civil, philosophical, lyrical. But there is one little-known work in her work that falls out of the clip of her typical creations. His theme was his native land

Ivan Krylov and popular expressions from the fable "The Mirror and the Monkey"

Ivan Krylov and popular expressions from the fable "The Mirror and the Monkey"

Fables were written by many literary figures, but Ivan Andreevich Krylov became famous more than other fabulists. And so it happened that when we talk about fables, we mean Krylov. He did not just write fables, he created proverbs and popular expressions

Proverbs about labor - folk wisdom

Proverbs about labor - folk wisdom

Who is not familiar with the scene from the movie "The Adventures of Shurik", where the chatterbox foreman, lying on the straw, exhorts the big man, "sentenced" for 15 days, to work hard? In these frames, the pseudo-educator, with enviable agility, gave out some of the most famous sayings about work

Russian writer Fyodor Abramov: biography, creativity and books of the author. Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich: aphorisms

Russian writer Fyodor Abramov: biography, creativity and books of the author. Abramov Fedor Alexandrovich: aphorisms

Fyodor Aleksandrovich Abramov, whose biography is of interest to many readers today, lost his father early. From the age of six, he had to help his mother to do peasant work

We arm ourselves with a list of literature for the summer to make it easier in the school year

We arm ourselves with a list of literature for the summer to make it easier in the school year

At the end of each school year, literature teachers have long given their students a summer reading list. And each student put at least minimal effort to conquer it. Naturally, only the most diligent readers mastered the entire list of literature for the summer

Biography of Thomas Mann, interesting facts from life

Biography of Thomas Mann, interesting facts from life

The surname "Mann" is widely known in literary circles. Heinrich, a novelist, playwright, belongs to this family; Eric, Klaus and Golo are writers; finally, the owner of such prizes as the Nobel and Antonio Feltrinelli - Thomas