Goncharov, "Oblomov": a summary of the novel

Goncharov, "Oblomov": a summary of the novel
Goncharov, "Oblomov": a summary of the novel

The novel “Oblomov was written for 10 years. It was conceived back in 1947 by Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov", a summary of which is considered in this article, is included in the trilogy along with the works "Cliff" and "Ordinary History".

The novel tells about the life of the nobleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who lives with his faithful servant Zakhar in St. Petersburg. But what will the summary tell about Ilya Ilyich? Goncharov, whose Oblomov is the main character of the work, presents his main character as a very peculiar person. He does nothing, almost never leaves the house. All his thoughts are occupied with only one thing - dreams of a carefree life in his native Oblomovka. In the end, it became a burden for Oblomov to shave and put on a tailcoat every day. He prefers to lie on the couch to all social events.

a summary of Oblolov potters
a summary of Oblolov potters

A longtime childhood friend of Ilya Ilyich Stolz is the exact opposite of the carefree, sluggish and dreamy Oblomov. That is how Goncharov created it. "Oblomov", a summary of which is now in front of you, draws Stolz as the same age as Ilya. At presenthe is a little over thirty. But even in his younger years, Stolz had already served, retired and made money and a house. Stolz is trying in every way to stir up Ilya. He advises Oblomov to change the situation for a while, go to the village and re-engage in social life. In addition, Andrey introduces Ilya to a beautiful girl named Olga Ilyinskaya. From that day on, Oblomov's life changes. He falls in love, spends all his free time with a girl. A little later, after some time of reflection, he even offers Olga a hand and a heart. Meanwhile, Oblomov's servant Zakhar also finds his other half. He marries a simple woman Anisya, who in the shortest possible time puts the whole house of Ilya Ilyich in full order.

But the general joy and jubilation do not last long. "Nothing lasts long" - decides Goncharov. "Oblomov", a summary of which is discussed in the article, loses its iridescent notes. Stolz, succumbing to the intrigues of Tarantiev, leaves St. Petersburg. Oblomov, meanwhile, moves to live in another apartment, kindly hired by Mikhei Andreevich. So Ilya Ilyich ends up in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna, whose brother is personally acquainted with Mikhey Andreevich and is in no way inferior to him in greed, deceit and cunning.

Potters Oblolov summary by chapter
Potters Oblolov summary by chapter

Gradually, the entire household of Ilya Ilyich passes into the hands of Pshenitsyna. Agafya Matveevna already manages his house with might and main, and Oblomov himself again plunges into his sweet serene sleep. Occasionally, he continues to meet with his beloved Olga, but she will soontime begins to be disappointed in the chosen one. One day, unable to bear his lethargy, Olga comes to him right on the Vygodskaya side. But by this time, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was already completely immersed in his serene sleep. Mukhoyarov, meanwhile, manages to seize the affairs of Ilya Oblomov on the estate. Oblomov himself falls ill with a fever.

Potters Oblolov summary
Potters Oblolov summary

Further, the novel takes place only a year later. It is in this way that Goncharov decides to build his work. "Oblomov", a summary of the chapters of which you now see in front of you, shows the future life of Ilya Ilyich simple and measured. Days and nights change, the seasons change, on holidays Agafya Matveevna bakes pies, cooks dishes, brews coffee for Oblomov. Later, Pshenitsyna realizes that she has fallen in love with the master. And Olga Ilyinskaya, meanwhile, gets used to Stolz and accepts his marriage proposal.

After a few years, Stolz comes to the Vygodskaya side to see his old friend. Ilya Ilyich is doing well: he has a loving wife and a little son Andrei. Oblomov is happy. He only asks Stolz to look after little Andrey after his death.

Five years later, Oblomov died. The Stolts begged Andryusha for education. Agafya Matveevna also focused all her love on her son …

To the question whether to read or not to read Goncharov's novel, the answer is unequivocal - of course, to read! But if you do not have time or have forgotten some details, read the summary. Goncharov,"Oblomov" is an excellent confirmation of this - the great Russian writer, and this novel is really worth reading.
