2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Surely everyone knows the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Perhaps, in childhood, parents told many fascinating stories about the beautiful Snow White, the good-natured and cheerful Cinderella, the capricious princess and others. Grown up children then themselves read the fascinating tales of these authors. And those who did not particularly like to spend time reading a book must have watched animated films based on the works of legendary creators.
Who are the Brothers Grimm?

The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are famous German linguists. Throughout their lives they worked on the creation of a German etymological dictionary. Unfortunately, they never finished it. However, this is not why they have become so popular. It was folk tales that glorified them. The Brothers Grimm became famous during their lifetime. "Children's and Household Tales" were translated into different languages with extreme speed. The Russian version was released in60s of the 19th century. Today, their tales are read in almost 100 languages. Many children from different countries have been brought up on the works of the Brothers Grimm. In our country, they gained wide popularity in the 30s of the last century thanks to the retellings and adaptations of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Evgeny Schwartz and Alexander Vvedensky.
What is the secret of the popularity of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm?
All fairy tales have a unique and interesting plot, a happy ending, the victory of good over evil. Entertaining stories that came out from under their pen are very instructive, and most of them are dedicated to kindness, courage, resourcefulness, courage, honor. In the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, the main characters are people. But there are also stories in which birds, animals or insects become characters. Usually in such stories negative traits of a person are ridiculed: greed, laziness, cowardice, envy, etc.

In the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm there are elements of cruelty. So, for example, the murder of robbers by a brave tailor, the demand of the stepmother to bring her the internal organs (liver and lung) of Snow White, the severe re-education of his wife by King Thrushbeard. But do not confuse elements of cruelty with pronounced violence, which is not here. But the frightening and terrible moments present in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm help children to realize their fears and subsequently overcome them, which serves as a kind of psychotherapy for the child.
Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm: list

Artworksthese authors are read not only by children. In many countries of the world, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are very popular. The list of them is huge. We list just a few of them:
- An extraordinary musician.
- Brave tailor.
- About a fisherman and his wife.
- Mistress Blizzard.
- Golden bird.
- Poor Man and Rich Man.
- Ungrateful son.
- White and Rose.
- Hare and Hedgehog.
- Gold Key.
- Queen bee.
- Friendship of a cat and a mouse.
- Good trading.
- Bell.
- Straw, coal and bean.
- White snake.
- About a mouse, a bird and a grilled sausage.
- Singing bone.
- Louse and flea.
- Outlandish bird.
- Six swans.
- Knapsack, hat and horn.
- Golden Goose.
- Wolf and fox.
- Goose.
- King and Bear
The best fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

These include:
- Wolf and seven little kids.
- Twelve brothers.
- Brother and sister.
- Hansel and Gretel.
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- Bremen street musicians.
- Smart Elsa.
- Thumb boy.
- King Thrushbeard.
- Sweet porridge.
- Hans is my hedgehog.
- One-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed.
- Mermaid.
To be fair, it should be noted that this list is far from the ultimate truth, since the preferences of different people can radically differ from each other.friend.
Annotations to some fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm
- "Hans is my hedgehog." The story was written in 1815. Tells about an extraordinary boy and his difficult fate. Outwardly, he resembled a hedgehog, but only with soft needles. He was not loved even by his own father.
- "Rumpelstichzen". Tells about a dwarf who has the ability to spin gold from straw.
- "Rapunzel". A story about a beautiful girl with gorgeous long hair. She was imprisoned in a high tower by an evil sorceress.
- "Table - yourself - cover yourself, a golden donkey and a baton from a bag." A tale of mind-blowing adventures of three brothers, each of whom possessed a magical item.
- "The Tale of the Frog King or Iron Henry". The story of an ungrateful queen who did not appreciate the deed of a frog who pulled out her favorite golden ball. The frog turned into a beautiful prince.
Description of the best fairy tales of Jacob and Wilhelm
- "Brother and sister". After the appearance of the stepmother in the house, the children have a hard time. So they decide to leave. On their way there are a lot of obstacles that they need to overcome. Complicating everything is the witch-stepmother, who enchants the springs. Drinking water from them, you can turn into wild animals.
- "The Brave Tailor". The hero of the tale is a brave tailor. Satisfied with a calm and boring life, he sets off to perform feats. Along the way, he encounters giants and a vile king.
- "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Tells aboutthe delightful daughter of the king, who was happily accepted by the seven dwarfs, saving and protecting her in the future from the evil stepmother, who owns a magic mirror.
- "King Thrushbeard". A fairy tale about a city and a beautiful princess who did not want to get married. She rejected all her potential suitors, mocking their real and imagined shortcomings. As a result, her father passes her off as the first person he meets.
- "Mistress Blizzard". It can be attributed to the category "Christmas tales of the Brothers Grimm". It tells about a widow who had a daughter of her own and an adopted one. The stepdaughter had a hard time with her stepmother. But a sudden accident, in which the unfortunate girl dropped a spool of thread into the well, put everything in its place.

Categories of fairy tales
It is conditionally possible to distribute the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm into the following categories.
- Tales about beautiful girls whose lives are constantly spoiled by evil sorceresses, witches and stepmothers. Many of the brothers' works are imbued with a similar storyline.
- Fairy tales in which people turn into animals and vice versa.
- Fairy tales in which various objects are animated.
- Fairy tales, the heroes of which are people and their actions.
- Fairy tales, the heroes of which are animals, birds or insects. They ridicule negative character traits and praise positive traits and inherent virtues.
The events of all fairy tales take place at different times of the year withoutfocusing attention on it. Therefore, it is impossible to single out, for example, the spring tales of the Brothers Grimm. As, for example, in A. N. Ostrovsky's "The Snow Maiden", which is accompanied by the name "spring tale in four acts."

Witch Hunters or Hansel and Gretel?
The latest film based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm is "Witch Hunters". The film premiered on January 17, 2013.
In a concise form, the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" is presented at the beginning of the film. The father, for unknown reasons, leaves his son and daughter at night in the forest thicket. In desperation, the children go where their eyes look and come across a bright and delicious house of sweets. The witch who lured them to this house wants to eat them, but the savvy Hansel and Gretel send her into the oven.
Further events unfold according to the director's own plan. Many years later, Hansel and Gretel begin to hunt witches, which becomes the meaning of their lives and a way to make good money. By the will of fate, they find themselves in a small town teeming with sorceresses who steal children to perform their rituals. Heroically, they save the entire city.
As you can see, director Tommy Wirkola has shot the tale of the Brothers Grimm in a concise form, adding his own sequel to it in a new way.
Fairy tales are necessary for all children without exception. They are able to expand their horizons, develop fantasy and creative imagination, and develop certain character traits. Be sure to read fairy tales to your children by different authors, includingBrothers Grimm.
Only when choosing works, do not forget to pay attention to their edition. After all, there are such publications in which episodes are omitted or added. This is often overlooked in the footnotes. And this is not a small nuance, but a significant flaw that can distort the meaning of the tale.
It will also be great if you find time to talk about the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm or play your favorite ones at your leisure.
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