
Modern fables: wisdom accumulated over the years, reinterpreted

Modern fables: wisdom accumulated over the years, reinterpreted

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Modern fables, as a rule, do not differ much from those that were presented to readers many centuries ago. This direction in literature arose quite a long time ago, but its essence has always been to educate a person, to direct his thoughts in the right direction

Oster Grigory: to children with love

Oster Grigory: to children with love

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Oster Grigory Bentsionovich is well known in Russia and neighboring countries. Books written by him can be found in every house where the child lives. They are on the shelves of all more or less large bookstores. Many generations that grew up on his poems and fairy tales still love them and read them to their children and grandchildren

"What is good and what is bad?" Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem

"What is good and what is bad?" Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Each of us remembers that in childhood we read the poems of Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, Mayakovsky. Especially popular in children's literature is the verse "What is good and what is bad?" In this article we will talk about it

Krylov's fable "Quartet": what is the moral and essence?

Krylov's fable "Quartet": what is the moral and essence?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

We all remember how we studied literature at school. The obligatory educational program included Krylov's fables. In this article we will try to analyze one of his works

Pushkin's "Boldino Autumn" is the most productive time in the poet's work

Pushkin's "Boldino Autumn" is the most productive time in the poet's work

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Pushkin's "Boldino Autumn" is, perhaps, one of those periods when the creativity of the great Russian genius flowed like a river. Alexander Sergeevich was just preparing for the wedding with Natalya Goncharova, but after the engagement, which took place in the spring of 1830, there were some financial difficulties to solve them, the man went to Boldino. He went to the village on August 31, 1830 and planned to stay there no longer than a week, after which he would return back to his bride, but fate decreed otherwise

Poet Apollo Maykov: biography, creativity

Poet Apollo Maykov: biography, creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Maikov Apollon Nikolaevich is a famous Russian poet. He lived in the 19th century (1821-1897). The creative heritage of this poet is of interest in our time, which speaks of his undoubted talent

A. S. Pushkin, "To Chaadaev". Analysis of the poem

A. S. Pushkin, "To Chaadaev". Analysis of the poem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A. S. Pushkin, "To Chaadaev" is the topic of today's article. The poem was written in 1818. The person to whom the message is addressed was one of the closest friends of the poet. Pushkin met P. Ya. Chaadaev during his stay in Tsarskoye Selo. In St. Petersburg, their friendship did not stop

Chuvash poet Konstantin Ivanov: biography, creativity

Chuvash poet Konstantin Ivanov: biography, creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

An incredibly talented person Konstantin Ivanov (1890-1915). He was the founder of Chuvash literature and poetry, an educator of the people, a wonderful singer, painter, craftsman and teacher. Ivanov Konstantin Vasilyevich died a very young guy - he lived only 25 years

Poems - what is it?

Poems - what is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Poems are a melody of feelings expressed on paper. Since ancient times, people have tried with their help to express everything that was going on in the soul: sadness, joy, grief, happiness, and of course, love. So many of these works have been written throughout the history of mankind that it is easier to count all the stars in the sky than to compile a complete catalog of them

Denis Davydov: biography, poems and photos

Denis Davydov: biography, poems and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich is a truly unique person. During the First World War, he was the commander of the partisan movement, his ideological inspirer. Denis Davydov is known for writing beautiful poems, mainly on military and partisan topics. In his literary works, he liked to sing the exploits of the Russian hussars

"The poet died" Lermontov's verse "The death of a poet". To whom did Lermontov dedicate "The Death of a Poet"?

"The poet died" Lermontov's verse "The death of a poet". To whom did Lermontov dedicate "The Death of a Poet"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

When in 1837, having learned about the fatal duel, mortal wound, and then the death of Pushkin, Lermontov wrote the mournful "The poet died …", he himself was already quite famous in literary circles. The creative biography of Mikhail Yurievich begins early, his romantic poems date back to 1828-1829

Richard Aldington: biography and creativity

Richard Aldington: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Our today's hero is the poet Richard Aldington. His biography will be discussed in detail later. This man is of English origin, and is also known as a critic and novelist. He was born in 1892, July 8

Rhymes for the word "cute" and the adjective "cute"

Rhymes for the word "cute" and the adjective "cute"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Finding a rhyme when writing poetry is not an easy task! One talent is not enough, you need to have an unlimited vocabulary. But what if the rhyme doesn't fit well?

Poetry evenings. Poems of Russian poets

Poetry evenings. Poems of Russian poets

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The value of poetry is hard to overestimate. She does not die even when she is not allowed to develop, is forbidden, oppressed, when the poet does not find a place in her own Fatherland. When the creators leave, she still lives and penetrates into the hearts of those who read poetic lines. The works of Russian poets are a true consolation for the soul

The poem "The Borodino Anniversary": Pushkin and his ideas about the meaning of Russia

The poem "The Borodino Anniversary": Pushkin and his ideas about the meaning of Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The article is devoted to a brief review of Pushkin's poem "The Borodino Anniversary". Pushkin, the author of this work, expressed his firm confidence in the power of the Russian Empire, its internal and external strength

Choosing a rhyme for the word "Danil"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "Danil"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Write a beautiful poem and dedicate it to your beloved man, son, colleague and good friend named Danil, it's easy even for novice authors. Choose an interesting story and put it in a poetic form. If the muse does not come and a suitable rhyme for the word "Danil" cannot be found, use the prompts with ready-made answers

We select beautiful rhymes for the word "Alina"

We select beautiful rhymes for the word "Alina"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Choose a good rhyme for the word "Alina" and dedicate a poem to a dear woman with that name. A poetic congratulation will surely be remembered forever and will be a great gift for any holiday. If you can’t choose the right consonance yourself, find the right word in the list of rhymes

Looking for a rhyme for the word Vlad

Looking for a rhyme for the word Vlad

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Write a congratulation in verse - a great way to make a gift unusual and memorable. It is not difficult to choose a beautiful rhyme for the word Vlad, and with the help of ready-made tips, it is even easier to do so. Thanks to a convenient cheat sheet, even those who have never written poetry will be able to cope with the task in a matter of minutes

Choosing a rhyme for the word "late"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "late"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It's easy to find a rhyme for the word "late" in the list of suitable consonances. Thanks to convenient tips, writing poetry becomes easier and more accessible. Even novice poets who do not yet have experience and acquired skills will be able to write a decent poem, clearly express their thoughts and feelings in it

Choosing a rhyme for the word "clean"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "clean"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Composing poems and choosing the right consonances, novice poets often face a lack of the right words. Sometimes it is difficult to express your thought simply on paper, and it is even more difficult to do it in poetic form. Ready-made options will come to the aid of the author, where exactly what is required will surely be found in a long list. Find a rhyming word for "clean" using this handy cheat sheet

Looking for rhymes for the word "Tanya"

Looking for rhymes for the word "Tanya"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The best way to congratulate a dear woman named Tanya on the holiday is to dedicate a beautiful poem to her. If the poetic talent is dormant and does not want to wake up in any way, use the hints and select the desired consonance from the proposed list. With it, you can quickly find a rhyme for the word "Tanya"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "mother"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "mother"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Beginning amateur poets sometimes have a hard time: the desired rhyme can not be found, the lines do not add up, and the poem does not work. To help authors master the art of writing poems, special lists are created with sets of suitable consonances. All the poet has to do is choose the best option and substitute it in his text. Finding a rhyme for the word "mother" is easy, just look at this handy cheat sheet

Choosing a rhyme for the word "shadows"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "shadows"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

It can be difficult to compose a beautiful poem on your own: for this you need to have the appropriate skills and have a good vocabulary. If at first it is not possible to find the necessary consonances, a novice poet can use ready-made options. To find the correct rhyme for the word "shadows", use this handy cheat sheet

Choosing rhymes for the word "cool"

Choosing rhymes for the word "cool"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Picking up collapsible rhymes is a useful skill for anyone who wants to be a poet. To master this skill, you must first determine what it is. Consonant words or parts of words arranged symmetrically in a stanza are rhymes. Finding the right word can be difficult. At first, special programs that offer ready-made options can come to the rescue. With this handy cheat sheet, it's easy to find a beautiful rhyme for the word "cool&

Choosing a rhyme for the word "kiss"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "kiss"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A beautiful poem dedicated to a loved one will be a wonderful gift for any holiday. Unfortunately, not everyone is given a poetic gift, but to develop writing skills and independently create a touching short rhyme or even a whole poem is available to anyone. It is enough to show a little patience and use simple tips. This cheat sheet will help you choose the right rhyme for the word "kiss"

Rhyme to the word "Christina" for poets

Rhyme to the word "Christina" for poets

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Rhymes with the word "Christina" can be varied and carry a different meaning. It is important for authors to create in their notes a list of consonant sentences that will help at any time to take an idea and present a poem to a girl named Christina. Therefore, poets should always have a notebook at hand in order to write down the words or lines that come to mind at the right time

Looking for a rhyme for the word "queen"

Looking for a rhyme for the word "queen"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A woman is a queen: good or evil, happy or sad. Or cold, snowy? To melt the heart of a proud girl, dedicate poems to her, and even the most impregnable queen will not resist the power of their beauty. To create a truly beautiful poem, you need a special gift, skills and a large vocabulary. If you have a creative block, use a helpful hint and choose the right rhyme for the word "queen" from the list provided

The right rhyme for "okay"

The right rhyme for "okay"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Having written consonances in his diary in advance, the author makes it easier for himself in the process of writing poems. The rhyme for the word "okay" can often come in handy in poems on various topics. It is necessary to take this fact into account when compiling a list of consonances

Rhyme to the word "toy" for the authors of poems

Rhyme to the word "toy" for the authors of poems

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

When writing poems, you will definitely need consonances for different words. The rhyme for the word "toy" can be funny, serious or sad. The main thing is to choose a consonance that is suitable for the semantic meaning of the verse or wish

Choosing a rhyme for the word "cool"

Choosing a rhyme for the word "cool"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Professional and novice poets often feel like describing a specific experience that hits the nerve at the moment. Beautiful images, capacious epithets, biting comparisons arise in my head. But at the first attempt to clothe emotions in a poetic form, it turns out that the vocabulary, alas, is not enough. A suitable rhyme for the word "cool" is easy to find in the proposed list

Rhyming words for the word "forever"

Rhyming words for the word "forever"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Each author of poems sometimes faces the question of choosing consonant words. Therefore, a rhyme for the word "forever", written down in a notebook or on an album sheet, can help out at the right time and help you write beautiful lines. It is worth fixing such words or phrases at the moment of the arrival of the muse in order to facilitate the task of creating poems

Selecting rhymes for the word "Olya"

Selecting rhymes for the word "Olya"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

If you want to congratulate your beloved girl, wife, mother, grandmother, employee or just a friend named Olya, be patient and stock up on suitable rhymes. In this case, writing a poetic congratulation will go simply and quickly, and the poem will turn out to be foldable and beautiful. Our handy cheat sheet will help you choose a rhyme for the word "Olya"

Rhymes for the word "language" for poems on various subjects

Rhymes for the word "language" for poems on various subjects

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Those who write poems know very well how much time it sometimes takes to search for consonant words. By choosing and writing down a rhyme for the word "language", the author can save himself from wasting precious minutes and quickly compose the necessary wish or work

Summary: "Odyssey". Homer and his epic

Summary: "Odyssey". Homer and his epic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The great epic of ancient Greece has come down to us in the form of two works by Homer: The Iliad and The Odyssey. Both poems are dedicated to the events of approximately the same time: the Trojan War and its consequences. The war has just ended. Odysseus proved to be an excellent warrior, an intelligent strategist. Thanks to his cunning decisions, he managed to win more than one battle

We select rhymes for the word Lena

We select rhymes for the word Lena

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Congratulating a loved one with a sweet and touching self-written poem is definitely a great idea. However, not everyone is gifted with poetic talent, and creating a truly beautiful work is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To find the right rhymes for the word "Lena", use this handy cheat sheet

Story analysis. Zhukovsky. "Sea"

Story analysis. Zhukovsky. "Sea"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Zhukovsky "The Sea" wrote with his characteristic penetration and spirituality. The poet, like no one else, felt nature and understood its mood

A curious biography: Ilya Reznik and his life path

A curious biography: Ilya Reznik and his life path

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There is no such person in Russia who would not be familiar with the work of Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik. This legendary songwriter gave the world a lot of real hits that are loved to this day

Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse

Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Summary of Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin", of course, is not able to fully convey the ideological and artistic originality of the novel in verse. However, in the absence of time for a complete reading of the work, it allows you to get an idea of its plot, about what era, in what circumstances the events take place

A.S. Pushkin "Cloud". Analysis of the poem

A.S. Pushkin "Cloud". Analysis of the poem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

One of the most brilliant poets of the 19th century is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Cloud is a hymn to rain on a summer day. The poem radiates the freshness that appears after a thunderstorm, it is imbued with sunlight that warms the earth. The poet discovered a new style of writing poetry, his works use the literary technique of identifying nature with living beings

"Twelve". Block. Summary of the poem

"Twelve". Block. Summary of the poem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Blok's poem "The Twelve" was created immediately after the revolutionary pogroms of 1918. It reflected not only real events, but also the views of the author himself on what is happening. And they were very unique