Light and darkness of loneliness: rhymes for the word "lonely"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Loneliness is not always - it's pitch darkness, pain and resentment, sometimes it's the only calm place where you can relax and feel truly free. Rhymes for the word "lonely" can tell about this
A.S. Pushkin, "The Poet and the Crowd": analysis of the poem
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote "The Poet and the Crowd" in 1828. This poem caused very conflicting opinions in society, comments did not stop even after the death of the author. In his work, Pushkin rather sharply refers to the environment, calling it mob. Most literary critics agree that Alexander Sergeevich meant by no means ordinary people, but nobles, striking with spiritual poverty and lack of any understanding of real creativity
Pushkin, "Winter Evening": analysis of the poem
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Pushkin wrote "Winter Evening" in a very difficult period of his life. Perhaps that is why a feeling of hopelessness, sadness and, at the same time, hope for a better future slips through the poem. In 1824, Alexander Sergeevich was allowed to return from his southern exile. Imagine his disappointment when the poet found out that he was allowed to live not in St. Petersburg or Moscow, but in the old family estate of Mikhailovsky, cut off from the outside world
A. S. Pushkin, "Confession": analysis of the poem
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote "Confession" at the age of 27. This poem was dedicated to one of his many muses - Alexandra Osipova. Like many other creative people, Pushkin had an overly amorous and passionate nature. Personal experiences helped him develop and take his work to a new level. The poet dedicated numerous poems to each object of his adoration
Analysis of the poem "Motherland" Lermontov M. Yu
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The poem "Motherland" by Lermontov M. Yu. is an example for the creativity of subsequent generations - revolutionary democrats of the 60s of the XIX century. The poet became to some extent the pioneer of a new style of writing poetic works
Saint or demon? Interesting facts about Lermontov
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The family doctor recalled that at the time of Mikhail's birth, the midwife said for some reason: "This child will not die a natural death." And many more ominous signs and omens hovered over the family. Lermontov's mother died at 21, when he was still a three-year-old child, she simply went to the grave from an unhappy life and her husband's betrayals. And his father took to drink and died at the age of 41. These are tragic and interesting facts about Lermontov, which largely predetermined his fate and explain a lot in his image
A brief analysis of the poem. Pushkin, "I remember a wonderful moment"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
It is believed that the author refers to A.P. in this work. Kern. He first met her when in 1819 he was visiting the Olenins. Even then, her beauty and charm fascinated the poet. Six years passed, and they met for the second time in Trigorsky
Analysis of the poem "The Death of a Poet" by Lermontov M. Yu
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The poem "The Death of a Poet" by Lermontov is a tribute to the genius of the great Russian poet - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Mikhail Yuryevich always admired the talent of his contemporary, took an example from him. For this reason, he was shocked to the core by the news of Pushkin's death. Lermontov was the first to express his protest to society, the authorities and truthfully described the events of that time
The most interesting facts from the life of Ivan Andreevich Krylov
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The life and work of Krylov is briefly studied at school in the lessons of Russian literature. But rarely does a teacher have the ability and desire to go beyond the program and give students new, additional information about a particular writer. There are no exceptions and lessons devoted to the study of the biography and work of the famous fabulist
The mystery of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Features of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up". My thoughts on the authorship of this work and the opinion of an expert
M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from the writer's life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
They say that Lermontov liked to upset nearly completed marriages. To do this, he pretended to be passionately in love, dedicated poems to someone else's bride, showered her with flowers, gifts, and showed other signs of attention. Mikhail did not disdain threats to commit suicide if the girl marries another
Marina Tsvetaeva. short biography
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
September 26, 1892 was born a girl who later became a great poetess. This girl's name was Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva
"The wolf in the kennel". Fable by I. A. Krylov
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
"Wolf in the kennel" - a fable of high patriotic content, written during the Great Patriotic War of 1812, at the time of the invasion of Napoleon's troops and their inglorious flight from the battlefield
M. Y. Lermontov. Brief biography of the writer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
At the age of 14, Mikhail became a pupil of the Noble Boarding School operating at Moscow University. In the same period, he became interested in poetry and began to compose poetry. S. E. Raich became his mentor
Summary: "Demon" Lermontov M. Yu. The image of a dark Angel
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Lermontov's "Demon" takes the reader to the Caucasus, where a sad dark angel is watching what is happening on earth from a cosmic height. He is burdened by loneliness, therefore immortality and the ability to do evil are no longer a joy, the surrounding landscapes cause nothing but contempt. When the Demon flew over Georgia, his attention was attracted by the excessive revival near the estate of a local feudal lord
Joseph Brodsky. Biography of the poet at home and in exile
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
This is a very unusual person in the history of Russian literature of the twentieth century. Despite worldwide recognition and fame, this block stands alone in it. This is not surprising for the poet, who most of all valued his independence in this world. Until now, many believe that he is more loved and revered outside of Russia than inside it, where many are completely unaware of who Brodsky is
Let's turn to history: a summary of "Boris Godunov" by Pushkin
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The tragedy-poem "Boris Godunov" was written by A. S. Pushkin in 1825. The audience met "Boris Godunov" very critically. Not only the artistic form of the tragedy, but also the author's interpretation of important historical moments in Russian history, was torn apart. This article provides a summary of "Boris Godunov" by Pushkin
To help the student - a summary. "Svetlana" Zhukovsky
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The ballad "Svetlana" was written by Vasily Zhukovsky in 1808. It is a kind of translation by the author of the cult work "Lenora" by the German writer G. A. Burger. But for Burger, the death of the main character is a foregone conclusion, while for Zhukovsky, all the visions associated with death turn out to be nothing more than Svetlana's nightmare. The appeal of the Russian author to Russian Christmas divination is his most valuable find. This is just a summary
An interesting stage in the life and work of a genius: Pushkin the lyceum student (1811-1817)
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Tsarskoe Selo became the cradle where the personality of Alexander Sergeevich was revealed and developed, where he established himself as a poet. Pushkin, a lyceum student, later changed his style, but always remembered his teenage years with special warmth
Voloshin Maximilian Alexandrovich: biography, creative heritage, personal life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The future poet was born in Kyiv in 1877, on May 16 (28). His paternal ancestors were Zaporozhye Cossacks. On the mother's side, there were Germans in the family, Russified in the 17th century. Maximilian was left without a father at the age of 3. The childhood and adolescence of the future poet passed in Moscow
A poem is an artistic word creation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The smallest work of poetry is a verse. Versification is a separate layer of literary criticism devoted to the study of the theory of verse and the genre features of poetic works. From the point of view of common speech, the words "verse" and "poem" are full-fledged synonyms. But from the point of view of literary terminology, the situation is somewhat different. The most important difference between a verse and a poem is that the verse is the most important component of the poem
Krylov's little fable and deep morality embedded inside
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a famous fabulist. Many of his works are known to children from an early age. It is easiest for children to learn his small creations. Krylov's little fables are easy to remember for children and adults
What does assonance mean? Assonance: examples in literature
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
One of the organizational "tools" of a literary text is assonance. We can meet examples of its use all the time, without even knowing what it is. Here are the famous lines of Alexander Blok: “Oh, spring without end and without edge / Without end and without edge is a dream …” How do they sound?
Famous French poets
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
France is a country that is ahead of others. It was here that the first revolutions took place, and not only social, but also literary, which influenced the development of art in the whole world. French writers and poets achieved unprecedented heights. It is also interesting that it was in France that the work of many geniuses was appreciated during their lifetime
"The Fox and the Grapes" - a fable by I. A. Krylov and its analysis
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In his fables, Ivan Andreevich Krylov surprisingly reveals the essence of vicious people, comparing them with animals. According to literary critics, this method is inhumane in relation to all people, because each of us has vices
Biography of Friedrich Schiller - one of the best playwrights in German history
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Biography of Friedrich Schiller is very rich and interesting. He was an outstanding playwright, poet, and a prominent representative of romanticism. It can be attributed to the creators of the national literature of modern Germany
Cool rhyme to cheer up. Positivity to lift your spirits
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The theme of a smile and good mood is popular not only in films and music. It is relevant in everyday life, because a lot changes from a smile. How to regulate mood and make your life more fun?
Pound Ezra: a short biography
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Ezra Pound is a key figure in the American modernist movement, one of the founders of the Imanzhenism movement in literature. Engaged in publishing and editorial activities. The world community is also known as an ardent supporter of fascism
Alexey Lebedev: life and work
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
A man sincerely in love with the profession of a sailor who managed to convey in exact poetic words the life of the fleet and the romance of the sea… Alexei Lebedev lives in our time in works that sound not only at poetry parties, but also at sea, in trips over long distances, on ships. The poet's poems fascinate with their rhythm and are full of metaphor and capacious images
Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Yevgeny Yevtushenko (see photo below) is a Russian poet. He also gained fame as a screenwriter, publicist, prose writer, director and actor. Surname of the poet at birth - Gangnus
Poet Pavel Vasiliev: biography, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Russia is not only vast expanses and rich subsoil, it is also the birthplace of world literature. It was here, on Russian soil, that the great poets lived and worked, whose works are read decades later, translated into many languages and become an invaluable heritage of posterity. One of these poets is Pavel Vasiliev
Measures in versification: iambic tetrameter
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
"They used to write in iambic and octave. The classical form died," wrote Sergei Yesenin, using iambic tetrameter. In fact, this meter of versification does not lose popularity to this day. But how to understand that it is he who is in front of our eyes?
Wolf Ehrlich: biography, photo. Wolf Erlich and Yesenin
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The article tells about the biography and creative path of the poet Wolf Erlich. His fate, works, friendship with the poet Sergei Yesenin are analyzed
Tikhonov Nikolai Semenovich: biography, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Tikhonov Nikolai Semenovich, whose biography is connected with Soviet poetry, devoted his whole life to serving not only the Museum, but also his state. Literary critics for some reason attribute him to the "second echelon" of domestic lyricists, while the poet has his own voice, a lot of creative successes and merits
Poem by Marina Tsvetaeva "Under the caress of a plush blanket"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Brilliant poetess and just a beautiful and wonderful woman Marina Tsvetaeva… Everyone knows her, first of all, from the poems from the romance, which is sung by the main character of everyone's favorite film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" - "I like that you are not sick of me"
Nikolay Yazykov. "Swimmer"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Nikolai Yazykov - Russian poet of the 19th century, contemporary of A. S. Pushkin. Despite the fact that today few people know Yazykov's poems, at one time they were read to them and put him on a par with Pushkin. His most famous poem, relevant at all times, Yazykov called "The Swimmer". The poem is lively, saturated with bright colors. "Swimmer" Yazykov, like a sailboat, rushes through time and does not lose its significance today
Poet Thomas Eliot: biography, creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Thomas Stearns Eliot is an American poet originally from Missouri (St. Louis). In 1922 he published his famous poem The Waste Land. This work was called by Ezra Pound, his mentor and friend, the longest poem written in English. And in 1948 T. Eliot received the Nobel Prize
Zinaida Mirkina. Biography
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Zinaida Mirkina is a well-known Russian poetess who became famous mostly thanks to her philosophical lyrics. The cross-cutting motive of her work, which can be traced in almost every poem, is the spiritual development of man, the relationship between man and God. Do you want to learn more about the path, work and life views of this poetess? Welcome to this article
Poem "Clumsy Bear": comes from childhood
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Children's poems… Everyone remembers them. They leave a lasting imprint in memory. Among them is "Clumsy Bear", composed by Andrei Alekseevich Usachev. Surprisingly harmonious, kind and bright poems
Samed Vurgun: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Our today's hero is Samed Vurgun. His biography will be discussed in detail later. We are talking about the Azerbaijani Soviet poet, playwright and public figure. He was the first to receive the title of People's in his republic