Pavel Antokolsky: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Soviet poet Pavel Antokolsky, whose biography and work deserve close study, lived a long and very interesting life. In his memory there were revolutions, wars, experiments in art, the formation of Soviet art. Antokolsky's poems are a lively, talented story about the poet's experiences, about the life of the country, about his thoughts
Nikolai Gumilyov: biography. Creativity, years of life, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Gumilyov Nikolai Stepanovich was born in 1886 in Kronstadt. His father was a naval doctor. Nikolay Gumilyov spent all his childhood in Tsarskoe Selo
What is a cross rhyme? Cross, pair, ring rhyme
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
This article tells what a cross rhyme, pair and ring rhyme is, and also defines the concept of "Onegin stanza"
Biography of Oleg Grigoriev - poet and artist
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Oleg Evgenievich Grigoriev - a popular poet and artist, a typical representative of the Leningrad underground of the 20th century
Prayer as a genre in Lermontov's lyrics. Creativity Lermontov. The originality of Lermontov's lyrics
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Already in the past year, 2014, the literary world celebrated the 200th anniversary of the great Russian poet and writer - Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Lermontov is certainly an iconic figure in Russian literature. His rich work, created in a short life, had a considerable influence on other famous Russian poets and writers of both the 19th and 20th centuries. Here we will consider the main motives in the work of Lermontov, and also talk about the originality of the poet's lyrics
Pierre Corneille: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Pierre Corneille was a famous French playwright and poet of the 17th century. He is the founder of classical tragedy in France. In addition, Corneille was accepted into the ranks of the French Academy, which is a very high distinction. So, this article will be devoted to the biography and work of the father of French drama
Kuban poets. Writers and poets of Kuban
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
There are many masters of the word in the Krasnodar Territory who write beautiful poems, glorifying the small Motherland. Kuban poets Viktor Podkopaev, Valentina Saakova, Kronid Oboishchikov, Sergey Khokhlov, Vitaly Bakaldin, Ivan Varavva are the pride of the regional literature
Japanese haiku. Japanese haiku about nature. haiku poems
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The beauty of poetry enchants almost all people. No wonder they say that music can tame even the most ferocious beast. This is where the beauty of creativity sinks deep into the soul. How are the poems different? Why are the Japanese three-line haiku so attractive? And how to learn to perceive their deep meaning?
Andrey Usachev - children's writer, poet and prose writer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Andrey Usachev is a children's writer, poet and prose writer. He appeared in literary circles during difficult times, when all the good poems were created and the songs were all written. Another writer in his place would have gone to the bottom of literature long ago: to create criticism of children's literature or advertising. And Andrey Usachev set to hard work
Zhigulin Anatoly Vladimirovich: short biography, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Among the famous and significant Soviet poets, Zhigulin Anatoly Vladimirovich occupies a special place. A brief biography of this literary figure includes quite a few sad and tragic events, but his literary heritage is worthy of study and recognition
Dmitry Vodennikov is the star of contemporary Russian poetry
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Vodennikov Dmitry Borisovich is a modern poet, writer and musician. Born in the USSR, survived the dashing 90s, he became famous in the new Russia. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a school teacher. In 2007, at the Territory festival, he was elected the "King of Poets". Vodennikov is considered the face of modern Russian poetry. He collaborates with musical groups and composers, creating discs on which the author's reading to the music is recorded
Mikhalkov's works: a brief description
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The article is devoted to a brief review of the biography and work of the famous Soviet and Russian poet S.V. Mikhalkov
The right rhyme for "beautiful"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In order to figure out what rhyme is suitable for the word "beautiful", you must first consider the very concept of rhyme. Only then can you start picking
The right rhyme for "cheerful"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
When poems are composed, it is sometimes difficult to find consonant words, everything just flies out of your head and does not want to come. The rhyme for the word "cheerful" is often needed by poets who compose poems about positive and good mood. Therefore, a few suitable options will help to make each creation unique and completely conveying the idea
"The Borodin Field" by Lermontov. Analysis of the poem
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Lermontov's "Field of Borodin" is rightfully considered one of the best creations of the great poet of the Golden Age of Russian classical literature. The work, which tells about an important historical stage of the Russian Empire, has been studied in schools for many years. Let's analyze the poem "The Field of Borodin" by Lermontov M. Yu
The theme of the Motherland in the work of Tsvetaeva. Poems about the Motherland of Marina Tsvetaeva
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
What is the main leitmotif in Tsvetaeva's patriotic works? Let's look at the subtopics into which it is divided: Motherland, Moscow, childhood, emigration, return. Let's present a list of famous poems about Russia by Marina Tsvetaeva. In conclusion, we analyze the work "Longing for the Motherland"
Gamzat Tsadasa: biography of the Avar writer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The small Dagestan village of Tsada gave the world two masters of the word at once - Gamzat Tsadasu and Rasul Gamzatov. Today we will talk about Gamzat Tsadas, whose pseudonym can be translated into Russian as "Fiery". You will get acquainted with the biography of Gamzat Tsadasa and his work
Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi: biography, creativity, memory
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Nizami Ganjavi is a famous Persian poet who worked during the Eastern Middle Ages. It is he who must be given credit for all the changes that have come to the Persian culture of speech
Sola Monova: biography, personal life, poetry
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Sola Monova is one of the most popular contemporary poets. A bright personality with an out-of-the-box thinking. With her outrageous poems, she just blew up the Internet
Poet Vladimir Vishnevsky: biography, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The article tells about the biography and work of the popular Russian poet Vladimir Vishnevsky, known as the inventor of the original genre - one-liners
Poet Gennady Krasnikov: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In the article we will talk about the poet Gennady Krasnikov. This is a talented person who has done a lot of important and useful things for literature in his life. We will consider the biography of this person, and also pay attention to the main milestones of his work
Poet Cross Anatoly Grigorievich: biography, family, creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In the Nikolaev region in November 1934, the popular poet Anatoly Poperechny was born, a Soviet and Russian songwriter, the author of texts that the people sang immediately and sing to this day
Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchina": analyzing Russian classics
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Poem by A.S. Pushkin I.I. Pushchin is considered a work of Russian classics. All schoolchildren analyze it in the sixth grade, but not all do it successfully. Well, let's try to help them with this
Who wrote "Aibolit"? Children's fairy tale in verses by Korney Chukovsky
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Do children know who wrote "Aibolit" - the most popular fairy tale among lovers of literature of primary preschool age? How the image of the doctor was created, who was the prototype, and is it even worth reading this fairy tale to children
Velimir Khlebnikov: biography, interesting facts from life, photo
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The biography of Velimir Khlebnikov strikes and surprises, because how one person could literally change history in his short life. Now they talk about this poet and writer, write books, make films. And only a small fraction of people are familiar with the true biography of Velimir Khlebnikov. Let's find out how the Russian figure deserved such close attention and recognition from his admirers
Pushkin's verse "To Chaadaev". Genre and theme
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Such a genre as a message was widely used in ancient times. It was used in their work by Ovid and Horace. In the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, this genre was also very popular among writers. Pushkin takes this genre and skillfully writes in a letter to a friend innermost thoughts that otherwise might not have poured out of the poet’s soul
Jacques Prevert, French poet and screenwriter: biography, creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Jacques Prevert is a famous French poet and screenwriter. Jacques became famous for his talent in the cinematic field. The fame of the songwriter has not passed even today - Prever's work remains as popular and relevant as in the twentieth century. The younger generation is still interested in the activities of such a talented person
Songwriter Dobronravov Nikolai Nikolaevich: biography, family, creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Nikolay Dobronravov. The most brilliant person who gave the world many poems and songs that still warm the soul, despite the fact that they are more than a quarter of a century old
B. A. Zhukovsky, "Cup": summary, main idea
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
B. A. Zhukovsky wrote not only lyrical poems, but also ballads. One of them is the Cup. It says that there is no need to tempt fate and try to be guided by common sense
Russian poet Ivan Kozlov: biography, literary activity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Ivan Kozlov is a Russian poet who worked in the era of romanticism. Ivan did not receive such widespread fame as his friend Vasily Zhukovsky, but Kozlov's works also belong to Russian classical literature. Ivan Kozlov was not appreciated during his lifetime, but he left an unforgettable mark on literature. Today he is honored and remembered as the most talented poet of the golden age of Russian classical literature
Bryusov Valery Yakovlevich, short biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Valery Bryusov is an outstanding Russian poet of the Silver Age. But the nature of his activity was not limited to versification. He established himself as a talented prose writer, journalist and literary critic. Along with this, Bryusov was very successful in literary translations. And his organizational skills found their application in editorial work
Kenji Miyazawa: biography of Japanese children's writer and poet
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Kenji Miyazawa is a famous Japanese children's writer and poet. Readers from all over the world fell in love with his works, and today many people are familiar with the writer's work
Khanapi Ebekkuev - author of poetry in the style of ultra-minimalism
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Khanapi Ebekkuev is a recent name in the literary field. Little is known about his biography. Some people even believe that under the name there is not one person, but a group of enthusiasts
Konstantin Frolov-Krymsky. Poet and Citizen
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Konstantin Frolov-Krymsky loves to communicate with his readers and friends. You can easily buy collections with his poems and CDs with songs. You can easily write to a poet on the Internet, of which he is an active user
Sergey Polikarpov - biography and career
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Sergei Polikarpov was not famous throughout the vast USSR, and now his creations are far from known to everyone, but his work is permeated with sincerity, which cannot but bribe the reader
Rhymes for the word "coffee": writing a morning verse
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
What could be better than poetry? What if not poetry conveys our mood, thoughts and feelings? The rhyme for the word coffee is what every poet needs in the morning. This article will consider possible rhymes for this word, selected by intellectual search for a program - an assistant to any poet
Robert Minnullin: “Every Tatar knows me”
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
A literate, cultured person who grew up on the traditions of his native land, a singer of his small homeland, a poet, a citizen, a loving son - this is not a complete list of the qualities of Robert Mugallimovich Minnulin
Savitsky Alexander. Taste of life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Alexander Savitskikh, the poet, as if tasting life, is in a state of "here and now", goes through it in different dimensions, examines it from different angles. Noticing the little things, draws bright pictures
Kovaleva Elena. Sincerity of the soul
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
What real poet doesn't write about love? Elena Kovaleva sensually and penetratingly shares her emotional experiences with the reader. Each work from this category is a picture of memory, experienced feelings
Poet Alexei Gushan: creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Aleksey Gushan is a poet from Russia whose poems are a success today. The poet received recognition from readers, surprising them with rhymes, lines and the sincerity that his works are filled with