Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchina": analyzing Russian classics

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchina": analyzing Russian classics
Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchina": analyzing Russian classics

Poem by A. S. Pushkin I. I. Pushchin is considered a work of Russian classics. All schoolchildren analyze it in the sixth grade, but not all do it successfully. Well, let's try to help them with this.

Analysis plan

In order to successfully analyze Pushkin's poem "Pushchin", you need to make a plan. This will greatly simplify the task that we set for ourselves.

and with Pushkin and Pushchin
and with Pushkin and Pushchin

To begin with, let's divide the whole analysis into three parts. In the first component for the analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchin" we describe the content of the work. In other words, you need to say what the poem is about. We highlight the theme of the verse. Here it is necessary to say about the ideological intention of the author and the genre to which the work belongs.

The second component that needs to be revealed in the analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchin" is the special technique of writing the work that the author used. Here it is necessary to note the rhythm, rhyme and stylistic direction.

The third component of the analysis of Pushkin's poem "Pushchin" will be the use of certain images and the attitude ofAlexander Sergeevich to the problem that he highlights in the poem. Here you also need to express your opinion about the problem, highlight any points that could make you think. It is also necessary to draw a small conclusion that summarizes all the elements of the poem.

First component: creating a poem

The main character is I. I. Pushchin. A. S. Pushkin was his close friend. The protagonist of the work died, and the poet was very upset by this loss.

The work was written in 1826. At the time when Pushkin wrote the poem, he was in exile in the Pskov region, the then province.

analysis of Pushkin's poem
analysis of Pushkin's poem

The work consists of only two stanzas, but at the same time it belongs to the best lyrical works of all Russian classics. The theme of the work was that joyful meeting, which Alexander Sergeevich was looking forward to. This work is able to tell about those impressions, events that made Pushchin and Pushkin become friends. This friendship was very long, because the men had been friends since their high school years.

Second part: features of the work

As mentioned above, the work consists of only two stanzas. Despite this, the deep meaning inherent in the poem is very great. Pushkin shows how valuable this friendship is to him, using various means of expression. In the work you can see how the author skillfully uses epithets and metaphors.

Pushkin Pushkin theme
Pushkin Pushkin theme

It should be noted that Pushkin wrote this workiambic tetrameter. Each stanza has only five lines. The poem is very solemn. You can observe elements of the vocabulary of the Old Slavonic language.

Third part: author's attitude

The lines of the work show how much Alexander appreciates friendship with this man. He loves Pushkin very much. You can say even more: the writer admires him. Pushchin was a Decembrist who advocated a free Russia, Pushkin supported all the views that his friend held.

Despite the size of Pushkin's poem "Pushchin", the poet managed to convey his emotions to the public. Love for his friend proves that the poet was very attached to Pushchin, he was worried about his friend. He highly appreciated the day when he met Pushchin, this can be seen from the first stanza of the work.

size of Pushkin's verse Pushchin
size of Pushkin's verse Pushchin

I would like to note that Pushkin experienced very hard separation from his friend. The fate of the Pushkin lyceum comrade was very tragic - for his political views he ended up in hard labor for life. It was there that he died. This was a big blow for the poet. When Alexander Sergeevich was in exile, Pushchin was the first friend and acquaintance of the poet who visited him. This meeting was short and was the last in the life of friends.

I would like to say that such respect and admiration for our close friends makes us think about how little we appreciate them in modern life. It is important to understand that some of the people who surround us on a daily basis really deserve this kind of treatment. Many of them have changed ourlife, some for the better, some for the worse. But both of them brought something new into our existence and everyday life, which taught us something, became a lesson for us. Therefore, Alexander Pushkin's poem is an excellent example to follow.
