M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from the writer's life

M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from the writer's life
M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from the writer's life

For more than one generation of people who love Russian literature, the life of Lermontov M. Yu. is of interest. Some of its moments are still shrouded in mystery. And many events, if they are covered, are so ambiguous, in several versions, that they completely confuse the reader.

Lermontov interesting facts from life
Lermontov interesting facts from life

Of course, within the framework of the school curriculum, the biography of Lermontov M. Yu. is studied, but rather superficially and briefly. Information about the writer is presented dryly, in strict chronological order, without the slightest digression. And so you always want to dig more to find out the details of some events, their background, to see behind the mask of a genius an ordinary person with his inclinations and vices.

M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from life: the influence of appearance on the character of the writer

People say that small stature, as a rule, indicates a person's great anger. This can be fully applied to Lermontov. The writer had a short stature (below 170 cm), crooked legs, a disproportionately large head and a hump. And he limped too. Of course, the poetic soul could notfeel comfortable in such an ugly shell. Lermontov was distinguished by impudent behavior, vindictiveness, causticity, arrogance. He was merciless to the weaknesses of others. Contemporaries characterized him as a person to the last degree unpleasant, repulsive, bilious, capricious and spoiled. It is probably no coincidence that in 26 years of his life he managed to take part in 3 duels, and barely escaped 4 more.

Lermontov's life
Lermontov's life

M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from life: food and a sense of proportion

A fellow writer at Moscow University recalled that Mikhail was excessively gluttonous. A sense of proportion in this matter denied him. When his favorite dish was brought to the table, he pounced on it and often left his friends without dinner. He not only ate a lot, but also did not distinguish at all what he had just tasted, for example, what kind of meat was served: lamb, veal or game. There was a case when friends asked to bake buns stuffed with sawdust to convict Mikhail of a lack of gastronomic taste. So, after a walk, he attacked them, ate two and reached for the third, but then his friends had to stop him and confess to the draw. Lermontov, of course, was furious at such a joke and ran away. Since then, he has only dined at home.

M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from life: strange fun

They say that Lermontov liked to upset nearly completed marriages. To do this, he pretended to be passionately in love, dedicated poems to someone else's bride, showered her with flowers, gifts, and showed other signs of attention. Michael did not disdainthreats to commit suicide if the girl marries another. But as soon as the engagement was canceled due to the fact that the bride was in love with the poet, his ardor was instantly replaced by cold indifference. Sometimes he even openly informed his victim about the prank, laughed in her face.

biography of Lermontov
biography of Lermontov

M. Y. Lermontov. Interesting facts from life: details of the duel

For a century and a half, there has been a legend that the duel was wrong. At the evening at the wife of General Verzilin, Lermontov once again joked with Martynov. Tom was no stranger to it, and he would have remained silent if it had not happened in the presence of the ladies. Martynov said this to the poet in the street in an even, calm voice. He asked not to repeat this in the future, otherwise he would find a way to silence Mikhail. Lermontov just laughed and forgot about this conflict. But soon Martynov's seconds arrived. They shot, as expected, from 30 paces. However, according to generally accepted rules, the duel was absolutely illegal. Violated the rules of Lermontov. The first shot was behind him, and he fired it into the sky, that is, once again insulted his opponent. If he didn't want to kill, he should have aimed above Martynov's head. Well, he shot right at the poet. Death was caused by a serious wound and a large loss of blood in a few minutes.
