A poem is an artistic word creation

A poem is an artistic word creation
A poem is an artistic word creation

Poetry is artistic word creation, an emotional way of speech, in which words in a work are necessarily interconnected by rhyme and rhythm.

Verse and versification

The smallest work of poetry is a verse. Versification is a separate layer of literary criticism devoted to the study of the theory of verse and the genre features of poetic works. Verse - one line of poetic text, obtained by rhythmic ordering of speech, in which the total number of regularly alternating unstressed and stressed vowels in words determines one or another poetic meter. Alternating unstressed and stressed syllables contribute to the division of the rhymed line into stops. Fixing the stress on one of the syllables and a certain number of them determine the size of the verse.

Differences between a verse and a poem

From the point of view of common speech, the words "verse" and "poem" are full-fledged synonyms.

poemthis is
poemthis is

But from the point of view of literary terminology, the situation is somewhat different. The most important difference between a verse and a poem is that the verse is the most important component of the poem. A poem is a small work of poetic creativity. It consists of several verses formed from words structurally connected by rhythm, the stress in which is fixed on a certain syllable. That is, a poem is a verbal and artistic work clothed in a poetic form. All poems traditionally consist of stanzas. Each stanza usually contains 2 to 14 verses (lines). But there are cases when the division of a poem into stanzas does not occur. Usually a poem is a work of no more than 20 rhyming stanzas. The simplest type of poem is a distich (couple).

Variety of types and subtypes of poems

Due to their capacity and flexibility, works in verse are divided into many categories and subspecies in terms of form and organization.

poetry creativity
poetry creativity

For example, depending on the psychological mood and content, all poems are divided into odes, hymns, iambs, thoughts, elegies, anthological poems and so on. Based on the characteristics of the compositional structure, the following varieties are distinguished among poetic texts: sextines, ritornellos, stanzas, canzones, octaves, rondels, decims, triolets, rondos, sonnets in many of their variations. A number of applied forms of poetry are also known: palindrome, acrostic, charade, and so on. Attempts have become quite popular todaywriting works of poetic form in prose. Poetry is a rather complex art, but very interesting at the same time.
