The mystery of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up"

The mystery of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up"
The mystery of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up"

"Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" - one of the most famous poems about autumn, which lives in the childhood memories of many Russian people. This is not surprising, because its structure is very simple. Such a creation is easy to perceive even for small children: it conjures up primitive images of autumn in their imagination. The verse "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" is published in children's books on literature and always under the authorship of Pleshcheev. It is worth noting that poems of the same structure are often found in various children's magazines and poetry books: it is easy for children to learn them by heart, thus training their memory and developing artistic taste. In the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" there are only laconic forms: the size of a three-foot trochaic with alternating feminine and masculine endings (stress in the first line on the penultimate syllable; and in the second - on the last one).

Literary scholars have reasonable doubts about the poem

autumn has come dried flowers
autumn has come dried flowers

to which I dedicated this article. The fact is that this creation was not included in any of the collections of works by Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev. Hence the reasonable question: "Is he the authorpoems?" I won't be dishonest if I say: "There is a high probability that the children bestowed glory on the wrong creator." does not contradict the theme of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up." Drawing a conclusion from this observation, it can be argued that there is one reason to think of him as the author of this work.

autumn has come, the flowers have dried up
autumn has come, the flowers have dried up

On the other hand, the unknown poet could deliberately imitate both Pleshcheev's attitude to autumn and the simple form of his poems. But who needs to do this and why? Maybe someone really wanted his creation to be read too, as many works of the famous poet were read; or it was an accidental misprint when compiling a collection of children's literature, in which the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" was first published. The author is a mystery to me, as, I think, to many others. It is worth paying attention to the content of the poem, which, unlike other works by Pleshcheev, has a meager semantic focus. Such poems are most often written by inexperienced poets who tend to imitate the work of more famous authors. A superficial perception of a poem by an inexperienced reader can be a reason for approval. The verse at first glance seems figurative, simple and beautiful. If the reader pays attention to its emotional content, then this will give him only a meager and depressing idea of \u200b\u200bnature.

Mikhail Zolotonosov
Mikhail Zolotonosov

In his work on this topic, Mikhail Zolotonosov claims that the author of the poem is none other than the writer of an Orthodox textbook on literature. The book was compiled by the inspector of the educational district of Moscow Alexei Baranov and published in 1885. It was in this collection of Russian literature that the verse "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" was first published. Based on the opinion of a professional and my own guesses, I admit the possibility of false authorship of this poem. However, there is no reason to believe that there is reliable evidence about who the author actually is.
