How to draw a motorcycle: step by step instructions

How to draw a motorcycle: step by step instructions
How to draw a motorcycle: step by step instructions

A motorcycle is a beautiful and romantic mode of transport that all boys dream of since childhood. To learn how to depict it on paper, you first need to understand the types of this compact technique. Various models of motorcycles differ in type (classic, cross, sports), as well as in the manufacturer (Izh, Yamaha, Ural). We offer you a lesson in which you will master the basic ways of drawing them on paper. Let's see how to draw a motorcycle step by step.

How to draw a model "Izh"?

Learning to portray a specific type of motorcycle, in principle, is not difficult. To get the desired model, it is important to observe all proportions, draw distinctive details, paint the picture in the desired color. It is better to simplify the drawing by removing minor and small design elements. The motorcycle will not suffer from this, and it will be much easier for the child to depict the technique. Take a regular sheet of paper, a simple pencil, and also prepare an eraser. Explain everything to the baby in sequence, detail by detail. Do not hurry. If something did not work out, you can always return to the previous stage and repeat everything again.

how to draw a motorcycle
how to draw a motorcycle

Draw the basic outline

To understand how to draw a motorcycle with a pencil, you should understand what is its "skeleton", that is, a line passing through the center of the picture. Let's say it will be an arc and two straight lines going down from it. They will help us to create a symmetrical and proportional image of our "Izh". This technique will help you draw any other model of high-speed vehicles in the future, changing proportions and adding various details. For example, by increasing the size of the front or rear wheel, the position of the steering wheel, you will understand how to draw a sports bike or scooter. The main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions.

how to draw a motorcycle with a pencil
how to draw a motorcycle with a pencil

Draw a gas tank and steering wheel

Now let's start decorating the various parts of the structure. Understanding how to draw a motorcycle will be easy if you follow the step-by-step instructions. Let's start with the image of the gas tank. Draw an oval along the main axis with a pencil, shifting the figure slightly forward. Now, at the intersection of the base arc and the front vertical line, draw an uneven circle, and under it a triangle. Round off all the corners - this will be the basis for the future steering wheel. Now draw two arcs - this is the visible part of the steering wheel. And then the rearview mirror. The gas tank and steering wheel are ready.

how to draw a sport bike
how to draw a sport bike

Draw the front wheel

We continue to understand how to draw a motorcycle. Let's start with the image of the front wheel. To do this, step back one centimeter from the base.steering wheel and draw an even circle with a diameter of three to four centimeters. Inside it, draw two more circles, each one smaller than the other by one centimeter in diameter. The two outer circles are the tires of the future wheel. Now let's draw the stand. To do this, draw four vertical lines from the central circle to the base of the steering wheel.

how to draw a motorcycle easy
how to draw a motorcycle easy

Draw the rear wheel

You already understood that it is easy to figure out how to draw a motorcycle. Just follow the detailed instructions. Our next step is the image of the rear wheel and saddle. Let's start by drawing the last one. Draw a rough rectangle on the rest of the base arc. Now draw an even circle in the center of the rear vertical line opposite the front wheel. It should be slightly less than the first circle, since the Izh model has a rear wheel smaller than the front one. As in the first case, draw two more additional circles inside, different in size. And draw up two vertical lines - a rack for the rear wheel.

Drawing a motor

Now the question of how to draw a motorcycle, you will not cause difficulties, since the main part of the work is already behind. It remains to draw a few details. Let's draw a motor. Draw a circle under the gas tank. In the middle of it, draw an oblique line, then a few dashes that give the impression of a ribbed surface. Then a small circle. Draw a few details protruding from behind the motor. This results in an imposing and realistic design.

You can draw spokes on the wheels if you wish, andalso supplement the model with distinctive details or inscriptions. Then erase all unnecessary fragments of the picture with an eraser. Next, round off all the details to make the picture look more realistic. At the end, circle the drawing again with a simple pencil with stronger pressure.

how to draw a motorcycle step by step
how to draw a motorcycle step by step

Coloring the picture

So, our sketch is ready. Now, together with the baby, you can add brightness to our high-speed technique. Take paints or colored pencils to make a beautiful and unusual model. You have already figured out how to draw a motorcycle with a pencil. Paints will be a little more difficult to work with. It is important not to paint over small details so that the individual parts of the structure do not merge with each other.

Choose the color your child likes best and get to work. The body of the motorcycle can be blue, red or green. Tires and seat are best depicted in black or gray. Don't worry if you don't see details as a result. Wait for the paint to dry, and then take a black watercolor or marker and trace the outlines of your drawing.

If you did everything right, then you carefully read our article on how to draw a motorcycle. Expand your collection of pictures with other models. Now your son can hang his drawings in a prominent place and show off his creativity to his friends.
