Cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 2" (2011): actors, plot, reviews

Cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 2" (2011): actors, plot, reviews
Cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 2" (2011): actors, plot, reviews

Full-length cartoons attract young viewers with bright animation and funny characters, and adults with an interesting plot and the participation of world famous actors. Cartoon "Kung Fu Panda-2" (2011) fully meets all these requirements of the public, which means that it has many fans of different ages.

kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 actors
kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 actors

At a Glance

This animated film was released by DreamWorks as a continuation or sequel to the popular "Kung Fu Panda", which was presented to the public in 2008. Little viewers were looking forward to the release of the second part. Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) was directed by Jennifer Yu and was nominated for the prestigious Oscar.

Although the cartoon did not manage to get the coveted statuette, it was fully compensated by the recognition of viewers and critics: the income from showing the tape exceeded the costs by more than three times. The budget for the creation of the second part was $150 million, and the box officegrosses cross the half-billion mark.

Experts note excellent animation, a reliable picture of what is happening, but many viewers are also attracted by the actors who took part in the voice acting: the 2011 Kung Fu Panda 2 cartoon boasts an impressive list of world celebrities.

kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 reviews
kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 reviews

Events in the cartoon

Often the continuation of the sensational picture is less interesting and does not meet the high expectations of the audience. But in this case, the situation is the opposite: the plot of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda-2" (2011) is not only a logical continuation of the story presented in the first part, but also an explanation of what remained hidden and incomprehensible from the first cartoon.

The protagonist of the second animated film is the same panda Po, the son of a simple worker-noodle-maker, who by chance or fate became a Dragon warrior. He achieved success in martial arts thanks to the support of his friends - masters of different styles of kung fu: Tigress, Crane, Viper, Monkey and Praying Mantis. Master Shifu trains all the great warriors, he is also their spiritual mentor and inspirer.

kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 plot
kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 plot

The continuation of the animated film returns to the events that precede the story told in the first part by twenty years. The veil of mystery about the origin of Po and the reasons why he considers the goose his father is gradually revealed to the audience.

In addition to sparkling humor, spectacular battle scenes and incredible plot twists,To the audience of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda-2" (2011), the actors who voiced his characters convey a lot of deep psychological aspects. The theme of the importance of self-confidence and the resolution of internal conflicts that originate in deep childhood is revealed.

kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 director
kung fu panda 2 cartoon 2011 director

Roles voiced

In the original voice acting, the main character speaks in the voice of the famous actor Jack Black. He took his work very seriously. In order to convey the full range of feeling and experiences of the panda Po, Black worked for many hours in complete silence and isolation.

Master Tigress - a very bright female character with a strong character and charismatic appearance - voiced by actress Angelina Jolie, which only added charm to her character. Dustin Hoffman voiced Master Shifu and Jackie Chan voiced Master Monkey. In the credits you can see Jean Claude Van Dam, Gary Oldman, Danny McBright, Seth Rogen and many others. Some of the best Hollywood stars were involved in the work on the animated film. The actors from the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 2" (2011) were able to understand and convey the complex images of their characters, which, despite the comedy of the tape, are deep and versatile.

kung fu panda 2
kung fu panda 2

In the Russian-language version, the cast is as follows:

  • panda Po - Mikhail Galustyan;
  • Shifu - Alexander Hotchenkov;
  • father Po (goose Ping) - Oleg Forostenko;
  • master Tigress - Olga Zubkova;
  • alligator Croc - Dmitry Polyanovsky;
  • crane - Alexander Gavrilin;
  • monkey -Diomede Vinogradov, etc.
kung fu panda 2 actors
kung fu panda 2 actors

Reviews about the painting

The viewers immediately liked the continuation of the story about the good-natured, a little stupid, but talented panda Po. The cartoon was a significant success in cinemas and won nationwide love.

Professional critics are not so easy to charm, but the filmmakers succeeded. Experts note the highest quality of animation, as well as the sound solution of the cartoon.

Favorable reviews of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda-2" (2011) are also due to the fact that critics are struck by the authenticity of events. The creators of the cartoon meticulously studied the history of Ancient China in order to convey landscapes, life and philosophy as much as possible. Kung fu fights are based on real styles of this martial art and reflect the most real technique, taking into account each of them. To do this, the animators had to take a short course in martial arts.

Such a responsible and detailed approach to work, combined with colorful animation, as well as popularly beloved actors, ensured the success of the cartoon. And Po fans are looking forward to the next continuation of the story.
