The novel "The Hand of Oberon". The fourth part of the pentalogy about Amber

The novel "The Hand of Oberon". The fourth part of the pentalogy about Amber
The novel "The Hand of Oberon". The fourth part of the pentalogy about Amber

The novel "The Hand of Oberon" by American science fiction guru Roger Zelazny belongs to the epic "Chronicles of Amber". It was published for the first time in 1976. All fans of science fiction must have heard a lot of good reviews about this work.

4th part of the pentalogy
4th part of the pentalogy

After all, it is almost impossible to break away from the history of the magical kingdom, from those intrigues that the heirs to the throne are weaving. The reader is drawn into the maelstrom of the hero's adventures, into the mysteries hidden in the labyrinth.

The plot of the novel

The novel "The Hand of Oberon" is the fourth part of the series, which tells in detail about everything that happened to the main character Corwin before he ended up on Earth and lost his memory.

In this book, Prince Corwin seeks to get the Stone of Judgment. Only this will help the Prince of Amber save the labyrinth. He will have to solve many mysteries along with Random and Ganelon.

Oberon's hand. Prince Corwin
Oberon's hand. Prince Corwin

The fourth part of the pentalogy reveals the secrets of the past, in this part the hero learns how the Universe of Shadows built by Dvorkin works, and whyThe Amber Kingdom is under threat. The reader, along with Corwin, will also learn the secrets of his powerful father, King Oberon. And is someone else, more powerful, hiding under the guise of Ganelon?

All those storylines that twisted in the first three books come to their logical conclusion in this part, And some "knots" of the plot only twist so that the reader takes the final fifth part with enthusiasm. And besides the five parts about Corwin, there is also a story written on behalf of his magician son, also a pentalogy novel.

Classic fiction "The Hand of Oberon"

R. Zelazny is not without reason one of the best science fiction writers of his time. The book "The Hand of Oberon" although it contains little action, fights and the like, it has a very well-assembled plot, and the development of the main character is systematic and consistent. Not every writer can achieve this. The fantastic world of Roger Zelazny is so believable, detailed and colorful that sometimes you don’t want to return to reality. The style of presentation is very simple, the syllable is accessible even for children. There is no age limit.

Even 40 years after its publication, the book still attracts the attention of young fans of the fantasy genre. How did the writer manage to enchant and draw attention to his story throughout the entire series of ten novels? This probably means that R. Zelazny is still a genius in his genre.

"The Pentateuch of Corvinus". Should I read the entire series?

All five books about Corwin and his struggle for powerin the kingdom are extremely interesting. Can't decide which book is better. This, in fact, is the skill of the writer.

Pentateuch of R. Zelazny
Pentateuch of R. Zelazny

If you start reading the first part of the pentalogy, then, of course, you will want to read the second, then the third … It is not interesting to start getting acquainted with the cycle from the third or fourth book. Then you still have to return to the first one - "The Nine Princes of Amber".


In general, the book "The Hand of Oberon" is the most philosophical of the entire cycle, it is in it that the essence of the labyrinth, the structure of the entire universe of Amber, is revealed. For those who love exclusively action, it will be a little boring to read. However, fans of intricate magical stories, where the main character is ambiguous, deep and desperately trying to understand his place in his world, will like this part the most.
