What is Robin Thicke's song Blurred Lines about?

What is Robin Thicke's song Blurred Lines about?
What is Robin Thicke's song Blurred Lines about?

In the not so distant 2013, the Blurred Lines song was an almost daily guest of all music channels and sounded in every shopping center. Everyone saw the photo of Robin Thicke, the main performer, surrounded by three beautiful models. The clip turned out to be even too frank, and its original version was removed from YouTube, but recently it nevertheless defended its right to be stored on the hosting.

Robin Thicke
Robin Thicke

What made Blurred Lines so popular?

The title of the song can be translated as "Unclear Boundaries". The artists themselves say that the story is dedicated to a difficult sexual relationship, where a man simply does not know where is the very sensual line that cannot be crossed. A rather simple concept was overgrown with a bunch of rumors, speculation and even accusations towards the artists. It got to the point that many saw in the song's lyrics an encouragement of rape, interpreting "blurred boundaries" as a situation where refusal means consent. Is there something in the lyrics that allows such accusations to be made? Let's analyze Robin Thicke's translation of Blurred Lines.

What are they singing aboutartists

The song begins with Tic singing: if a girl doesn't understand the signals he sends, then maybe something is wrong with him (maybe I'm outta my mind). In the next verse, Robin Thicke talks about how another man almost got her, hinting at marriage, but he will release her today because she does not need all these formalities (just let me liberate you, you don't need no papers).

One of the clips
One of the clips

He claims that I know, you want it, that is, "I know that you want it." Robin Thicke calls the girl who caught his attention "a good girl that he just can't let go", while singing about how he hates these "blurred boundaries" without losing confidence that his chosen one wants to sleep with him. Even if she does not admit it out loud, the singer knows this for sure. Robin Thicke invites her to have fun (talk about gettin' blasted) and says that, judging by her behavior, she does not mind leaving with him today. He goes on to comment on her choice of clothes, confessing that the sight of her turns everyone in the bar on. Robin Thicke feels lucky because he is the one she wants to hug today. But it's not just about hugs. The singer asks: What rhymes with hug me?. Literally, this translates as “what else is consonant with the word hug?”, hinting at the obvious.

frame from clip
frame from clip

In the rap party, T. I. is not shy about expressing himself in the spirit of his culture. He promises to do it dirty and rude, in a way that her current boyfriend definitely doesn't know how to do. The rapper himself also has a girlfriend, butthat doesn't stop him from watching the other woman at the bar, waiting for the moment to approach. He has no doubts that the chosen one will agree to sleep with him, because not many women can refuse this pimpin’, that is, few women do not succumb to his attractiveness.

Robin Thicke's lines also become bolder: the singer offers to surrender to the feeling and ride it, going down and up, because she likes it when it hurts a little, which means she has to work. He invites the chosen one to smoke, it always works flawlessly, because now that she has won, this is only the beginning of their joint history.

Is there a double meaning in the song?

In general, the work received positive reviews and even became the song of the year. But many saw in the video and the rap part objectification of the female sex and misogyny. And in the phrase “I know you want it” and the following lines, there is an excuse for sex without verbal consent from the girl. Supporters of this point of view say that most rapists claim that the victim gave non-verbal signs of consent, provoked her appearance and generally expressed a subconscious desire to have sex with them. All this is indirectly indicated in the song, however, the performers deny such accusations, saying only that the song is about the feelings of a guy who was sure that the girl would not mind sleeping with him, but when she decided to ask, she refused.
