Star Wars Movie: The Dark Side of the Force

Star Wars Movie: The Dark Side of the Force
Star Wars Movie: The Dark Side of the Force

Great Power is an energy field that all living beings form. The Force is simultaneously contained both within and without, uniting the entire Galaxy. The main component of the Universe is described in the IV part of the Obi-Wan Kenobi film. Anyone who has the ability to direct his Force can form in himself the ability to levitate, telekinesis, deep hypnosis, clairvoyance, etc. There are two opposite directions - the Light and Dark Side of the Force. This interaction is predetermined by the fact that in the cells of the body there are symbiotic creatures - midi-chlorians. Accordingly, the greater their number, the better the fusion of the Force with its carrier.

The opposite of the Dark and Light Side of the Force

The Jedi Order preaches the Light Side. It relies on self-denial and altruism. However, this takes many years to learn. With parental permission, the Council of the Jedi Order took children for advanced training.midichlorian content. Thanks to training from early childhood, a person goes through three ranks of training. He first attains the rank of youngling when he becomes a Jedi Padawan apprentice, and subsequently attains the rank of Jedi Knight. A supporter of the Light Side should be able to control his anger, completely freed from any unrest and passions.

villains and the dark side of the force
villains and the dark side of the force

A follower of the Dark Side of the Force must master the fire within himself to perfection, cultivating and cherishing the main negative emotions in himself: deceit, hatred, rage and anger. The rest of the feelings, such as envy, fear and doom, should serve as fuel to kindle the inner dark flame. Using such a Force, each Dark Jedi purifies himself, creating personal power through ruthlessness even to himself. It helps to break all shackles and get real freedom.

The Exile of the Dark Jedi

Who are they, the most famous villains and the Dark Side of the Force? It all started from the moment when the apostates moved to the desert planet Korriban, inhabited by a race of red-skinned humanoids and the Sith. After 2000 years, the Dark Jedi enslaved the race and began to call themselves the Order of the Sith, while being considered direct descendants of Bogan. There was an ancient prophecy among the Jedi and Sith that a messiah would be born to restore the balance of the Force. However, the followers of the Dark Side, unlike their rivals, did not sit idly by, but were looking for their messiah.

The Dark Lord's first apprentice

Born Palpatine (Darth Sidious)was aware of the plans of the teacher Darth Plageis (nicknamed "The Sage"). Knowing about the "rule of two", he challenged and emerged victorious from the duel. A little later, Sidious learns about the birth of a messiah child on the planet Tatooine and begins preparing his insidious plan. Soon he kidnaps Darth Maul, still a boy, living on the planet Iridonia, with one goal - to make him a formidable instrument of retaliation. Palpatine begins to organize a political career on the planet Naboo, and Maul does all the dirty work instead of his mentor.

darth maul
darth maul

Soon the sophisticated trickster Darth Sidious puts the planet under attack from the Trade Federation. In response, Chancellor of the Republic Valorum sends Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to the camp of the enemy Jedi. As a result, they escape from the enemy ship, while helping to free Princess Padmé Amidala and her retinue.

Finding the Messiah

By the will of the Force, the princess' starship lands on Tatooine, where the ubiquitous Palpatine sends Darth Maul as well. However, the pursuit did not bring the desired results. The Jedi with Amidaloo not only survived, but also found a messiah. It was nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker, who at that time lived with his mother in slavery. After freeing the boy, Jin takes him to the planet Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. In the future, Qui-Gon tries to persuade the Jedi Council to take Skywalker for training, but no arguments work.

Unable to receive the desired support from the Galactic Senate, the brave men fly away with Padmé Amidalou to liberate her planet Naboo from separatist occupation. However, Sidiousresends his faithful servant. This time, Obi-Wan kills him, but Darth Maul manages to deal with the Genie. Before dying, Qui-Gon asks Kenobi to take Skywalker as his apprentice. This time, the Jedi manages to negotiate with the Senate.

Meeting the chosen one with his beloved

After 10 years, Skywalker crosses paths with Queen Amidala again. A feeling flares up between them, which they carefully hide from the environment. Anakin is assigned to protect his beloved. It only brought them closer. At this time, Kenobi decides to take up an independent investigation of the assassination attempts made on the queen. Obi-Wan discovers that a massive clone army is being created on the planet Kamino for the Republic. Kenobi realizes that the perpetrator of the assassination attempts and the donor for the troops are one and the same person. Pursuing Jango Fett, he falls into the hands of the enemy on the planet Geonosis.

adept of the dark side of the force
adept of the dark side of the force

At the same time, Anakin is having nightmares. He dreams of his mother's death. He decides to fly to Tatooine with Padmé to find her. Skywalker tries to free the parent, but it's too late. Having received a signal for help from Kenobi, they go to the planet, where they are captured by the natives. All three are sentenced to death in the fighting arena, but in the midst of the battle, the Jedi Knights come to the rescue. In response, the Separatists released their dark side of the Force in the form of a huge army of droids, many of the Jedi died, and the rest were surrounded. A clone army suddenly arrives and destroys all the droids. Mentor and apprentice failed to stop the enemy leader GrafDooku. In this fight, Skywalker loses his right arm.

Birth of Darth Vader

The clone war has been going on for three years. During this time, the cunning Palpatine becomes Chancellor, and Anakin falls under his influence. However, until now, no one even suspects that the Dark Lord of the Sith may be hiding under the guise of a manager. Soon the Dark Side of the Force completely absorbs Skywalker, and he receives a new name Darth Vader.

On behalf of Palpatine, he deals a crushing blow to the Jedi Order. This gave Darth Sidious absolute power over the Republic. The Dark Lord proclaims himself Emperor. A little later, Obi-Wan fights his former apprentice and wins, leaving Anakin's scorched body. But Palpatine brings the former Jedi back to life and, dressed in black armor, makes it his right hand. However, hope has returned to the asteroid colony. The former princess gave birth to two extraordinary children - Leia and Luke. Children are hidden on different planets.

dark side of the force
dark side of the force

Defeat of Darth Vader

After 19 years, Kenobi meets Luke and talks about his real father. The young man immediately understands that he can also become a Jedi, and undergoes training. First, Obi-Wan deals with him, and then Master Yoda. Luke later joins the Alliance against the Empire.

Sensing danger, the Emperor and Darth Vader try to break the young Jedi Knight in the hope that he will be possessed by the dark side of the Force. In the battle that Sidious provoked, the son and father each lose an arm. When Palpatine Realized He Couldn'tcall Luke to kill, he tortures him using his Force. Therefore, only one obsessive phrase sounds in the head of the tormented Adept of the Light Side: “Choose the Dark Side of the Force”! Unable to bear the bullying of his own son, Darth Vader throws Darth Sidious into the abyss of the Death Star. At the end of the film, three smiling ghosts appear in front of Luke. They were: young Anakin Skywalker, Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

30 years later

The dominant idea in the new VII film is the same as before. Some go to the dark side, while others go to the light side. What are the new villains and the Dark Side of the Force now? However, not everything is so categorical! Even such a world-famous character as Darth Vader, at one time switched to the Side of Evil, not because he was an absolute villain. However, unlike the main villain Kylo Ren (Ben Solo), he at least had no doubts.

choose the dark side of the force
choose the dark side of the force

His parents knew that the child was dominated by the Dark Side, so they sent their son to study with his uncle Luke Skywalker. Later, Ben began to consider himself the incarnation of Darth Vader. Sometimes the young man even seemed to hear his calls: "Come to the Dark Side of the Force"! As a result, Kylo Ren promises to finish what his predecessor started, so Ben makes his own lightsaber. Such weapons were used by the Jedi only in ancient times.

Next comes General Hooks, who runs the Imperial base. The Star Assassin is something similar to the previous Death Star. He is also a member of the First Order, led bySupreme Leader Snoke. As for the latter, this is the Dark Adept and Kylo Ren's teacher and an analogue of Darth Sidious.

Even in previous episodes, there were strong women like Princess Leia and Padmé Amidala. However, now the Force is transferred not only to the boys, and Phasma, the captain of the stormtroopers, enters the stage of Evil, who will repulse any villain. How else to explain her merciless massacre of the previous boss?

go to the dark side of the force
go to the dark side of the force

The events that develop in the film take place 30 years after the massacre of the Emperor and Darth Vader. Now there is a New Order in the state, and the Galaxy is in trouble again! Fate brings young Rey together with the former stormtrooper of the new association, Finn. They are joined by Chewbacca, General Leia, and Han Solo. By joining forces, they must fight the New Order. Unfortunately, they realize that only the Jedi can stand up to Kylo Ren and Snoke. In the end, only one will survive…
