Hacker Movies: Hacking Masters

Hacker Movies: Hacking Masters
Hacker Movies: Hacking Masters

One of Sandra Bullock's most notable first roles was Angela Bennet in the 1995 film The Network. Films about hackers are not very frequent guests on our screens.

movies about hackers
movies about hackers

Maybe that's why the audience liked the thriller about a programmer girl. It was in it that the authors showed, perhaps for the first time, what a person’s life can turn into due to the intervention of some shadow forces that have access to your data. Angela was comfortable in her computer world until she accidentally got information about the activities of the so-called Praetorians. These are hackers with incredible power, who with one click of a computer mouse can arrange a crisis in the banking sector, order the assassination of a prominent politician, crack the codes of the state security system. Bennet was an unnecessary witness. Invisible rivals tried to erase the identity of the programmer. However, they met a worthy opponent: Angela did not give up so easily.

The Matrix franchise also starts as a hacker movie. At first, this is a story about a professional hacker Neo, who once faced a terrible reality. This is one of Keanu Reeves' best roles and Lawrence's stellar workFishburne and charming Carrie-Anne Moss.

What they breathe, what they live

hackers movie
hackers movie

"Hackers" - a film shot by Ian Softley in 1995, introduced and brought together two actors: a very young and unknown Angelina Jolie and British handsome Jonny Lee Miller. Their hasty marriage ended in divorce literally a year later: the spouses were too young to build a serious relationship. On the screen, in their common film work, Johnny played the hacker prodigy Dade Murphy, a guy who, together with his fellow craftsmen, challenged the head of the security service of a large firm. He planned an insidious atrocity, the blame for which he wanted to blame on crackers of computer codes.

The New Hackers is a documentary released in 2011. Its creators managed to become their own among modern hackers. Thus, they learned what they breathe, what these people are guided by. For some it's just entertainment, for someone - a way to earn a lot of money. Filming with a hidden camera and revelations of heroes is what makes this journalistic work very curious and instructive.

hackers documentary
hackers documentary

In the name of loved ones

In 2001, Dominic Sena's US-Australia co-produced tape "Password" Swordfish "was released. Another work from the category "films about hackers". In addition to the well-known John Travolta and Halle Berry, the action movie starred the just-gaining popularity of Australian Hugh Jackman. This was right after the first X-Men, but before Van Helsing and The Prestige. Jackman character Stanley Jobsonagrees to a risky plan developed by a gang of former spy Shear (Travolta). His goal is to regain his good name and custody of his daughter. The character of Harrison Ford in the thriller Wall of Fire also faced a similar choice. In order to save the family, Jack is forced to help bandits led by Billy Cox (Paul Bettany). And the purpose of the villains is serious. They want to use a hacker to rob a bank and pocket $100 million.

I wish there were more films about hackers. The topic is very exciting!
