Where was "Soldiers" filmed? Actors of the main roles, interesting facts

Where was "Soldiers" filmed? Actors of the main roles, interesting facts
Where was "Soldiers" filmed? Actors of the main roles, interesting facts

In 2004, the first episode of the serial project "Soldiers" was released on television screens. Over the years, the film has formed around itself a multi-million army of fans. Even today, the army saga continues to be a real hit. However, until now, not all fans of the series know in which city the "Soldiers" were filmed. The audience is also interested in the personalities of the main actors, interesting facts about the filming and much more. We will try to shed light on everything related to the popular project.

Story summary

Where were the soldiers filmed?
Where were the soldiers filmed?

In the center of the plot of the series are two conscripts - an ordinary village boy Kuzya Sokolov and Moscow major Misha Medvedev. At first, the newly arrived soldiers suffer from "grandfathers". However, they quickly join the team.

Soon, Medvedev becomes romantically involved with a local nurse named Irina. ATmajor Kolobkov gets involved in the fight to win the girl's heart. An inexperienced conscript starts a secret war with a strict officer. In the end, fate puts everything in its place. Medvedev is commissioned from the army. However, during this time, the viewer has time to get acquainted with a whole host of interesting characters who fall into a string of funny stories and comic situations.

Where was the series "Soldiers" filmed? What city?

filmed soldiers in which city
filmed soldiers in which city

As you can see from the frames from the film, the work on its creation was not carried out in the pavilion. Where was the series "Soldiers 1" filmed? The scene of action was a site in the Krasnogorsk region, near the village of Nakhabino. Here the creators of the series found a real military unit. Moreover, at the time of filming, the object where they filmed "Soldiers" remained active. This allowed the authors of the series to bring the conditions as close as possible to real army ones, and also to avoid the use of fake scenery.

Features of the filming process

Where was the Soldiers filmed?
Where was the Soldiers filmed?

Work on the creation of the film was carried out under the direction of director Sergei Arlanov. The director ordered to carefully prepare the site where they filmed "Soldiers". Real military attributes were used as props. The routine, according to which real soldiers serve, has never been observed here. At the same time, conscripts who participated in the extras often got the opportunity to leave their direct duties, relax and have fun.

It is noteworthy that the main partThe props that were required for the film were provided by the military unit where Soldiers was filmed. All this made it possible to achieve the ultimate level of realism of what is happening on the screen.

The director of the tape tried to display the spirit of the "jolly" army. As for the demonstration of violence on the screen, everything was done with only manifestations of minor hazing. The result was a rather funny series that didn't purposefully try to make fun of the military and find its flaws. The main task of the authors of the project was to create a film that will appeal to viewers of different genders and ages.


where the series was filmed soldiers in which city
where the series was filmed soldiers in which city

The authors of the series approached the choice of the main actors with all seriousness. The project approved only those artists who had experience in serving in the armed forces. It was these skills that came in handy for the actor Roman Madyanov, who played Viktor Kolobkov.

In turn, Alexei Maklakov, who appeared on the screen as Ensign Shmatko, served in the army for only a short period. The total period of his stay in the army barracks was a little over six months. The actor himself tries once again not to talk about what forced him to leave the service.

It is worth noting that professional artists Alexander Porokhovshchikov and Nikolai Chindyaikin initially claimed the role of Pavel Borodin in the series. However, soon a real soldier Boris Shcherbakov got on the set. He came here at the invitation of his own commander, who was interested in working on the series. The directors of the film noticed the bright type of Boris and invited him to participate in one of the scenes. Shcherbakov from the first minutes managed to perfectly get used to the image of the gallant commander Pavel Borodin. Thus, the man soon had a chance to retrain from the military to the actors.

Vyacheslav Grishechkin, who got the image of lieutenant colonel Starokon, in his youth got into the army immediately after graduating from the theater institute. The artist notes that he liked the service. He especially enjoyed making geodesic signs.

Actor Alexei Oshurkov (Lieutenant Colonel Zubov), since 1984, served in the Navy. Here he reached the rank of sergeant, after which he was demobilized. According to the artist, every guy who wants to become a real man should have such an experience.

Interesting facts

  • The series "Soldiers" retained the highest television ratings for the whole 16 seasons. During this time, 537 episodes were filmed, which became an absolute record for domestic cinema.
  • During the project, about 750 different actors passed through the set.
  • On the territory of the military unit where "Soldiers" was filmed, a total of about 500 separate infrastructure facilities were captured on camera.
  • In the headquarters of the project, which at one time was a real barracks, over 28,000 meals were eaten by the actors during the entire period of work on the film.
