Anikina Natalia. Morning "Rise" - now it's all her work

Anikina Natalia. Morning "Rise" - now it's all her work
Anikina Natalia. Morning "Rise" - now it's all her work

"I love the traffic jams in Kyiv, fast cars, the atmosphere of the morning in the Podjem with a cup of black tea and a piece of dark chocolate." These words were once uttered by the now famous presenter Natalia Anikina.


Anikina Natalya was born in Kyiv on September 25, 1980. She graduated from a secondary and parallel music school, entered the pedagogical course of the Taras Shevchenko University. But, having learned to be a teacher of an elementary school and having received a diploma of higher education, she did not work a single day in her profession. Further, already working at the Luksovskaya radio station, she entered the Faculty of History, from which she graduated in 2005.

Anikina Natalia
Anikina Natalia

In 1997, Natalya Anikina received an invitation to the Gala Radio, where she worked as a host of various musical programs. Five years later, the girl leaves for another radio station - "Lux FM" - and becomes the host of the morning show "Banzai". From 2006 to the present day she has been working as a TV presenter on Novy Kanal in the Rise program. Recently Natasha tried to play again. She was asked to check whether the instrument was tuned correctly, but, picking up the violin, the girl realized with chagrin that ten years had not been in vain and her playing skills had been completely forgotten. But since the time of studying at a music school, Natasha has had a beautifulher habit is to listen to classical music, which she loves a lot.

Television work

Now Natalya Anikina is working on recording culinary programs. They take up all the free time of the girl, however, so far these are only three-minute videos. Having come to television, Natasha auditioned for a variety of projects - from news to journalistic ones, but in the end it all came down to the kitchen. The energy of the girl came up, and the appearance, and the desired timbre of the voice. Although she herself believes that she is ripe for more serious programs.

photo of Anikina Natalia
photo of Anikina Natalia

Private life

Anikina Natalya does not live alone, she has a husband, though still a civilian, and a daughter, Glafira. The girl, thanks to her mother, became seriously interested in figure skating and attends a school where she studies according to the Montessori method. Natalia's husband, Rinat Rakhimov, is a positive and creative person by nature, but he earns money in a completely different area. He has his own construction business.

Decision to act in Playboy

“I think every girl would agree to such an offer,” says Natalia. I wanted to show that women are different and even if they do not meet generally accepted standards, men can like them. And she succeeded. Here a lot depends on the photographer - the right light and the chosen angle will make any woman a real beauty, tender and sophisticated. Shooting in such a liberated photo shoot Natalya considers a kind of therapy that perfectly raises self-esteem and makes you look at yourself from a completely different perspective.

Natalia Anikina
Natalia Anikina

The photo of Natalya Anikina in the April issue of the magazine caused a mixed reaction. It was interesting, something out of the ordinary, unusual. But there was no negativity, more often they asked: “How did you decide to do this, but weren’t you ashamed?” My husband liked the photo session, and this is the most important thing. Natalya Anikina does not plan to do something similar in the near future, work takes all her free time and opens up many new prospects. “Now I will develop only in this direction,” the young TV presenter firmly decides.
